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The "Ask Autopsy Anything!" - Thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Autopsy, Aug 8, 2009.

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  1. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Rawr -
    Final Fantasy
    Raging Bull
    Martin Scorsese
    Pulp Fiction
    Samuel L. Jackson

    Pulse -
    Lol, we'll see what else happens next, yea? ;]

    Princess Seira -
    Of course I do. That's only natural <3
    And I think that you're a good kid, but I think your grip of upholding justice is a bit un necessary.

    Axel -
    Nope. Never have, haha.

    Riku_of_Twilight -
    Just turned 18, love

    kiarigirl -
    The egg, for sure.
  2. kiarigrl888

    kiarigrl888 New Member

    and how do you know?
  3. umm maybe, but atleast i try
  4. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Does your nick have any kind of story? =D
  5. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    kiari -

    They say that chickens evolved from reptiles from way back, IE; Dinosaurs or some crazy bullshit. It's evident in migration and how their bodies genetically adapt to new environments. Over time, some creature had a steady evolution that eventually hit a period where all of its genes were crammed into a single being; that being an egg. Once the egg hatched, it was the process of both steady evolution and a bit of mutation given that it looked nothing like its ancestors.

    The egg essentially came first.

    Kyuu -
    Nah. Except that I raided this retarded teen chatroom with this name because it felt controversial.
    hilarious shit right there.
  6. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Hey now I know.. what do you think about Finland? ;3
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    How do you feel about Rape ;] ?

    Thats not my question really but feel free to answer xD

    Ever been in love?
  8. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Kyuu -
    I think that Finland has the potential to encase a multitude of attractive, and strapping young men and beautiful, fair skinned radiant teenage girls I'd like to get into bed with.

    Krish -
    It can be sexy with collars, spikes, and masochism sexing sadism, babycakes ;]

    and yes. I have.
    felt great before my heart was ripped out by a coward temporarily.
  9. Mike

    Mike Member

    How do you feel about cowards? (lol)
  10. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Cowards need to grow some cojones before they talk to me.
    You can't run and hide forever, mijo's y mija's.
  11. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Do you like[the band] Say Anything? (very important question) :D
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    So rainbos are the first thing that comes to your mind with my name. Why?
  13. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Shikamaru -
    Heard of them, but I can't remember what they sound like.

    Desert Warrior -
    My mind is quite sporadic.
    So, I'm not sure? Haha.
  14. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    what do you think when you here my name? and do you think i would be a good staff dude?
  15. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    I think of the movie "Yes Man."
    And no.
  16. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    hmmm ok thanks
  17. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    What do you think of my username?
  18. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    can u make me an awsome sig with cloud in it
  19. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    So when you think of me you think of another Mod?
  20. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Mike -
    Very amusing.
    You should meet Mike Hock

    axel, sure.

    say whaaa?
    and every day of the week, snugglebunny.
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