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The Bunnys Quests

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Feb 2, 2008.

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  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco tied the pouch around his waist and threw his stone in it. he slowly turned into his bunny form with the pouch around him. draco then says "ok guys lets go."
  2. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Oh this is something i'd be up for! Can i join?
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Very well." He takes his off and becomes a wolf again. "Somethings weird. I feel like i'm in a form." He shakes his head a little bit. "Might be useful."
    >One, join if u what to Heartless king. And two, we now have ANIMAL FORM. We lose our weapons but we have individual strengths that are increased. Mine is gonna be my speed. Now he moves so fast that nothing can see him. The draw back to him is his lack of defense.<
  4. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Name: Cuddles (lol)

    Animal: Black Panther

    Weapon: He says his teeth and claws are his best friends

    Abilities: Can jump very high he can tare alot of things to shreds and if he bites any living thing in the neck....it will most likely die.

    Personality: He hates it when people call him Cuddles he changed is name to X. He can be pretty moody sometimes but at heart he is pretty nice.

    History: His parents called Cuddles cuz they thought he was cute.....At first. Then he grew up to be the roughest toughest guy around.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  5. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Now can someone tell me whats happened so far?
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >ok i told you that already in a pm<

    draco wanderd into town and decided to go and buy some weapons for himself. as he hoped into the weapons shop draco saw this giant-compared-to-his-size kantana, and decided to buy it with his animal money...
  7. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    By the way Cuddle's mom was a human turned into a Black Panther. she met his dad who was just a Black Panther they mated and had Cuddles. Cuddles is half human and half Black Panther. In short he's a talking Black Panther.
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake walked into a different weapon shop and, having learned the three sword style, decided to buy himself 2 more swords. After he found what he liked he walked into the streets, happy in himslef and his 3 blades. He began practicing out side of town.
    >For more info look at the manga One Piece.<
  9. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Hey that sounds intersting!!! But I don't know who or what to create. :(
  10. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >i'm sure you'll think of something aqua. zerieth i think your talking about zoro right? at least think thats his name..<

    Husky wanders around the town looking for a basic weapon of his style something he would love to get his hands on. but he finds nothing, until he happens upon a mysterious merchant. he sees an odd set of sickles( scythe tops attached to chains). and the chand were linked to oddly enough metal spiked shackles. husky looks up at the merchant " uhm sir or miss eh...how much are these?" the merchant begins to laugh "heh..heh...heh... why my darling they are free just be careful how you use them. hey young un, why not pay a visit to our fortune teller hm?". husky leaves the shop and heads into a tent. there he looks up to see a human girl he is baffled. she looks down at him and begins reading his fortune without his consent. "you are....not an animal, yet not human...your fate is intertwined with those who are closest to you. stick by them and your fate is sealed." she then gasps as if seeing something horrible and begins explaining to husky. "you...are a twilighter...your race...will be the end of us, but you...you want to save..us?, if you pursue this path you will not live through it, are still going to follow it? Husky looks down and thinks about how everyone else has probably been turned into an animal. "yes". the fortune teller points in the western direction, then head for the great abyss with your comrades at your side and bring back the stone of life i will inform everyone of your existance, you can walk freely as a human now, if thats what you reallly are on the inside." husky grunts and then thanks the fortune teller switching back to his human form. he sits down and waits for zerieth in the center of town, as a "human".
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