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The Key To Destiny's Door [OOC & SU]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by girl poison, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOC: I need a girl RP'er to play a specific role for me PM me for details.

    Theme Final Fantasy XIII-2 OST - Caius's Theme - YouTube

    Listen to it while you read my template please.

    Name: Caius "King" Takara
    His Real name only Destiny knows. Caius was the name given to him once the Demon Pact was completed.
    Age: 17 ( Much older ) his age excedes time.

    Race: Demon God/Human ( Shade)

    Alignment: Noir/Destiny

    Elemental Alignment: Chaotic Energy

    Explation : Chaos Energy is the powerful energy that generates its energy by turning thoughts into power or by drawing it from the Chaos Force This energy can be used for seemingly anything and to perform Chaos Control, and other various abilities, or as a power source for machines. This power can be controlled by the Master Controller if requested or commanded by its guardian. Caius through many years of Living with this energy has sustained a Link to the "Chaos Force" The ever flowing source of energy itself.

    The type of Chaos Energy that can be produced is based on thoughts/emotions. Positive thoughts, such as friendship and caring, generate positive energies, and negative thoughts, such as anger and hatred, generate negative energies. Each collectively balancing out the other. Caius Wears a Necklace around his neck and two bracelets each holding a Chaos Emerald linking him to the Chaos force.

    Chaotic Overload Release : When Caius has to take things to the very end of the void he becomes 100% one with the Flow of Chatoic energy


    Biography: Caius is the God General under Destiny's direct order out of the entire General order he is the sole individual of which the generals fear and look up to. He is known as " KING" to his enemies the name was given to him By destiny because of the way he overwhelms every opponent he has ever faced. in a sense of being Overwhelmingly victorious

    Caius was a 16 year old boy living on a farm with his mother father and Childhood love Arietta. Arietta's family abandoned her to travel as traveling merchants leaving her to fend for herself. That was when Caius and his family extended there home to her. As time would have i they grew to fall in love with one another. Caius was in charge of his fathers crops so every morning he would be woken up by Arietta demanding him to get up. A year came to pass and things were good the farm was pulling in for many markets and Caius's family began to lie a rich lifestyle. until the Paladin Knights came through. They ransacked the city raping the women killing the children and murdering the fathers. They hid in the basement cellar.However as luck would have it The Knights found them pulling them all out of the basement.

    " Mom!!" he cried as his mother was publicly executed and hung to die.

    " This is what we do to those that resist us! If anyone else dares to-

    The man was cut off as Caius's father jumped from the crowd stabbing him in the neck. " You WIll pay for what you have done!" The man cried as he stood over his wifes body. " Grabbing Caius and Arietta they ran but were cut off by more knights. They grabbed Caius and held both his father and Arietta physically beating him near death having them watch on. His father broke free took one of the swords and killed 2 of the guards swiftly standing over Caius's body" He is my son....and you will give him back"

    The third guard lunged forward with a spear piercing through the man's heart. " Dad no!" Caius jumped up grabbing the blade his father dropped forcing it through the lower abdomen of the guard." You son of a bitch i'll see you rot in hell!" He said in such a demonic tone. He and Arietta sat next to his father to hear his last words. " Become a bane of darkness....fight for what you believe is true and don't let anyone....take that from you" He then collapsed.

    They preceded to run to a pasture far from the city it seemed they had escaped.

    " Where you goin boy!" A large man clad in silver armor stood above them both. " Thats a fine woman you got there give her to me"

    Arietta stared to cry and fell to her knees" Fine...just let him go" Caius sneered up " You bastard i'll kill you.....i'l KILL ALL OF YOU!!" he hopped up to stand in front of her but was quickly slapped down. already beaten and bruised he was knocked unconscious when he came to everyone was gone including .....Arietta. He knew she had been taken. Taking refuge in a abandoned hut weeks passed. He decided to re enter the city which was now under the paladin rule there was rumor talk of a young girl " its a shame they did that to her' people said "that poor child " others exclaimed. He soon found out that Arietta was Raped killed and burned at the steak. " I...I..failed her....i just.." His eyes were blank as if he no longer had a soul. Days passed he just sat in the corner of the hut repeating to himself' They will pay...they will pay." Then a voice ressonated through the room. " I can give you the power to make them ssssuffer....Weeee can make them atone for there ssssins"

    Wh...who's there! show yourself" A shroud of darkness with 2 glowing green eyes. " My Name is Kurama....Lord of the Demon Realm " The shade appeared before him.Extending her hand out to his.

    From that day on there was a Rumour which became a legend. " The massacre of Demascus" A night when a chlild clad in white and black armor brutally murdered the entire army of Demascus the Paladin army. From then on Caius Came to live in Noir and as time went on he slowly became the Strongest Warrior of all the realm. He later met Destiny who in the essence reminded him of Arietta in so many ways that they soon became married. Though his body is that of a 17 year old his demeanor is that of a Demon King.

    Not to long afterward he became known as King , recognized across the land as the strongest.

    Weapons: Andria


    Once Soul Transformation is complete he Wields the Scythe known as Absolution. Its name coined for whenever it has been seen by human eyes it has left nothing but Absolute destruction.


    OTHER: Caius & Arietta

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2012
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Character Template done.
  3. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    C H A R A C T E R P I C T U R E

    C H A R A C T E R B A S I C S
    Name: Cordelia Runa
    Age: 116 (25 Human Years)
    Race: Selkie / Water Fairy
    Alignment: Neutral
    Elemental Alignment: Water & Air

    C H A R A C T E R B I O G R A P H Y

    The ocean was rough that night due to a squall that had hit earlier in the evening. A faint cry of a new born echoed through the caves and as mother soothed it. it soon began to thunder again, and oddly enough the baby had calmed and coo'd to the sound in the distance. Her mother soothed and rocked her while singing a Celtic Lullaby. This newborn Selkie was named Cordelia; she was born into the Runa Clan.

    Cordelia's first few years of life where hard, her father had been sent to War and her mother was forced to look after the Clan. Lulu; the families nanny did most of the care taking on Cordelia's part. When Delia turned 8 she was enrolled in attack and defense classes. This was the order of her father, but her mother just wanted her to be a spell weaver like herself. So, after her attack and defense classes, Lulu would sneak her off into the Skull Cove where she trained her as her mother wished.

    Delia caught on quickly to the Spell weaving and was soon casting and calling on the elements without help. The elements Air & Water clung to the young Selkie. Delia's mother soon realized her daughter was born with s special gift. This gift being that Cordelia could both see Life & Death. With her right eye she could see death, this is why she wears the eye patch. And with her left she sees life or the real world. When both her eyes are open or her right eye is un-patched she can chose to enter the realm of the undead.

    As for her attack and defense went, it was not so good. She was third ranked in her class. Years past and her father had finally came home.

    One day he asked Cordelia to show him what she had learned while he was gone, so she did. He was not pleased with her fighting skills and pushed her even harder. Barren hated the fact that his daughter was not like the other Selkies, but thought of her as a freak. He also hated that she took after her mother with the spell weaving. Delia grew angry at her father and shied away from him. When she turned 19 Delia said goodbye to her mother, gathered her belongings and set sail across the ocean that hide the Clan's cover for Sailors sites.

    Where is she now? Cordelia is on a grand adventure! Find her by the waters edge, or sailing the 13 seas.

    C H A R A C T E R W E A P O N S


    Cordelia is not one for fighting, but when it comes down to it; she uses her Staff to help her weld the elements that have chosen to listen to her.

    Her staff is named Drifter. It's made from drift wood, sea glass and clam pearls.

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2012
  4. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    We need one more general if anyone's interested or wants to play a second character, and then we can start.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The last general... It isn't needed to start the rp. If, after the first 3 pages or so, nobody creates it, I will.
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I'm willing to make a final general if you like? I have a few ideas for it. It could be something anyone can use if they desire a boss fight or anything and then once Eurydice dies I can use him as my secondary character?

    I'll include his template for now;






    Requiem once a cunning and devious merchant, made fortunes trading powerful dark arts on the black market.
    He travelled the world spreading darkness and evil for his own gain.
    The more he traded the more he fell into darkness.
    His humanity held him back, so he renounced it.
    Binding his soul to his mask he lived for centuries, haggling with darkness.
    He then found an army of darkness, like him.
    Living tendrils of evil and malice, Shades.
    He joined them, biding his time until he is powerful enough to rule them.


    Darkness: Weaker during the day, he comes into his element at night.
    He can manipulate darkness into physical forms.
    (Be creative, he can create almost any shape and wield it to an extent)
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  7. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    I just hope we start soon. I'm bored. x_x
  8. fate slayer

    fate slayer New Member

    Let's get this show on the road! Sorry I've been MIA for a while, I was shipping myself across the Atlantic to live in Germany for a year :D
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Editing my Template to play the "KING" role to match Destiny
  10. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    Everything looks good to go, I will be able to write an intro later on tonight, unless someone else really wants to jump the gun and go first. If not, expect a thread up before I go to bed.

    EDIT: In case someone does want to write up their intro, the starting area will be Aurora, a huge kingdom that is always fantastically lit with highly-strung paper lanterns and oil lamps serving as street lights. There is a strict curfew enforced by Aurora's royal guards for safety reasons, to protect citizens from Shade attacks. Those who break curfew are simply jailed for the night until the safety of sunrise. Any nighttime traveling in the city limits will be done in secrecy or with a permit, otherwise characters/parties will be fighting the guards head-on.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  11. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

  12. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Well, hun, you've already used several words and phrases that I don't see very often, so you're doin' just fine and dandy by my book. ;)
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    First off, if that's a quote from Florence in her one song, my respect levels for you shot up more than one can imagine.
    Second, it's a pretty good post, I like it
    Third, I'll post later today after I sleep because I totally haven't gone to bed because I was playing KH3D and I thought it was more like 1 not 5 in the morning.
  14. fate slayer

    fate slayer New Member

  15. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    Woooo! I'm so excited I could throw up! @_@ Posted!
  16. girl poison

    girl poison New Member

    I took a sleeping pill while my team was practicing so I could sleep and be up for work tomorrow, and I literally can't keep my eyes open any longer. Unfortunately my post will have to wait until my shift is over. :(
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Dang site didnt save my changes, but now bio for Destiny is edited. Granted her intro post is more in detail, but it gives a general outline there.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Princess Fengbao Zhu
    Age: 28
    Race: Sunren
    Race Overview:
    Otherwise known as "Falcon People." They're believed to have been descended from the crossbreeding between a more avian race and humanoid beings. The generations of in-breeding and crossbreeding ultimately resulted in the dilution of their avian characteristics, save of course for the winged appendages sprouting from their backs, hints of talons on their legs, arms, hands and feet, and a feather-like consistency to their hair. When they first appeared within the world of humanity and other like races, they were hailed as "angels." However, complications in their interactions with such other races ultimately resulted in their being chastised and driven into seclusion. The general human population remains ignorant of their existence; those that are aware of them are generally disdainful and weary of them. They live mostly in mountainous regions, their numbers being only in the hundreds.
    Alignment: Defenders
    Elemental Alignment: Water, Air & Lightning

    Fengbao Huhuan

    A cherished weapon passed down Zhu's family line for several generations, this was typically wielded by males. But being the last surviving daughter of the family's royal lineage with no males to lead, Zhu was gifted with the staff. It serves as a mark of her royalty amongst the Sunren, as well as a powerful conduit for casting her magic. The orb at the top is said to project powerful storm-like effects in and of themselves.
    Not actually an angelic bow. It was handcrafted by the Sunren handymen and given to Zhu in the midst of the conflict. While the bow has it's share of mysticism around it, it's the arrows that truly embody a magical presence, being capable of taking the endowment of Zhu's elemental affinities.

    Holed up in the caves of a mountainous plain, the Sunren flocked into their hidden encampments by the droves. At a surprising speed and efficiency, they arranged themselves in some manner of comfort and peace. Fires shot up from their pits like geysers, bringing warmth and light to the otherwise cold and dark caves. Save for the beating of wings, the skidding of landings against the stone floors, and the bustle of setting up camp once more, the Sunren remained in a somber silence.

    From the entrance of a cave, by the grace of her allies larger than than the other, Princess Fengbao Zhu looked out at her armies, her mobile kingdom of avian beings. Her eyes showed the weariness of her body and spirit, and her face displayed the frustration and depression that webbed her mind. "My people... my kingdom. What can I do to save you now?" the princess asked to no one in particular. It was clear that her warriors were hurting as much as, if not more than she was; the scares up their bodies were evidence of that.

    But even more evident by their silence, were the scars upon their spirit, and their pride. Like Zhu, they were loosing hope. After ages of their race's isolation, it was injury added to the insult when the forces of Noir had fallen upon their civilization. They had been fighting as valiantly as they could, and as much so as anyone else, but the power of Noir, and its ability to manifest on a whim where ever it pleased had put a dent in the Sunren's otherwise enduring spirit; how could an entire civilization exist constantly being forced back from the fields of battle, and having to sleep by day and fight by night just to survive?

    It was this question, and those of how to retain the people she had worked so hard to lead and protect that puzzled Zhu to no end. She knew that something had to be done; her father and siblings would have assured that much. But with them long since passed, and she being the last of the tribes' leadership, the weight of deciding on a course of action fell upon her shoulders. It would be a long and rough road, she knew. And she might have to make sacrifices and make arrangements that went against her peoples' sense of pride, but if meant survival...

    "Your Majesty," one of her captains whispered to her as the early morning began to creep onto the horizon. "You'd best come inside now. You need your rest."

    "Yes," she said. "We've much to discuss though." The Princess of the Sunren was determined to make the ends meet.
    ((Tried to do something a little different for the bio. Sorry if it's a bit uneven. I assume it's OK to invent our own races)).
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Mind if I join this rp?

    Name: Zac Gearheart

    Age: 15

    Race: Human

    Possistion: Keyblade weilder, apprentice,

    Weapon(s): Gearshift (A key blade with a grey cog as the teeth, a gunmetal blade connecting to the teeth and handle, with it having several smaller gears on it, which turn when the blade is swung, the handle is a metallic red, similar to the handle of the ends of the earth. The keychain is a silver cog), gun blade (a katana-like weapon with a tommy gun fuse with it, and the handle working as the trigger as well, being slightly bent to be similar to the grip of a rifle).


    Gear Grinder: Zac starts to spin his blade in a clockwards motion, and then throws towards an enemy as it spins at the enemy causing damage, similar to strike raid. (though he is wide open when the blade is tossed)

    Limit; Sentry: Zac pulls out his bullet blade and protects his partner at all costs, shoting enemies all around.

    Physical Apperance:

    Zac is very tall and lanky, being skinny and making people believe he is weak. He has brown, shaggy thick hair, hazel eyes, white skin, and big "puppy dog" hands. He typically wears a grey vest over his red shirt with funeral shoulder pads on the sleeves of his shirt, denim jeans with red lower leg armor, black fingerless gloves with red fist armor and black shoes.

    Personality: Zac is very kind and caring, and can crack a joke whenever he can. Though he can be oblivious, and not so much up for social activity, but in battle, he switches to strategist mode and focuses on his opponents. He is wry passive agressive and doens't say what is making him feel down, mad, or he holds an unnecessary grudge. Zac is also a bit of a spaz, and no one can really predict what he says or what he will do or how he is feeling.


    Homeoworld: Radiant Garden

    Strength: Close range and longe range combat.

    Weaknesses: Zac isn't the fastest when it comes to his feet, those his arms move faster and swifter. Basically he isn't nimble or agile, making him an open target sometimes.

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