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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >this looks interesting. mind if i join in?<
    Role: used to be a heartless until he met roxas in twilight town, he shapeshifted into roxas's form and joined with him. when roxas joined with sora husky was mixed with soras heartless and seperated from sora. king mickey found him and experimented on him giving him a heart encased in a barrier of light. Husky was turned into a human attaining a form of his own. he is currently searching for king mickey in order to answer his questions.
    Looks:(my avatar)
    personality: friendly, easily angered, warriors spirit, sense of honor amongst swordsman
    other: Husky has full control of a black kingdom key practically it's shadow. he can also transform his keyblade into it's true form a crystal clear aqua blue souleater keyblade without the batwing and the eye. the batwing is more or less just the dull side. and the eye is a ball of blue energy. this keyblade is called eternal twilight.

    Husky found himself wandering around in atlantica after his crappily formed together gummi ship was blown to bits by heartless. landing in atlantica he suddenly found himself with a dolphins tail he looked behind him and quietly thought to himself (what the f***?). looking around he heard alot of commotion and began trying to swim towards it hoping king mickey was there.
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Sure you can join :D *

    Sora looked skeptical but as more heartless started attacking, he didn't see that they had any other option. "It appears that we dont have a choice" he said to the others.
    Siah looked at the girl, confused, but obeyed her dad.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    While other operatives appeared to watch their backs, Nihla led everyone through to a huge white hall way. "Welcome to The Castle Of Life. This is the Anti-Nobody HQ. Please, follow me." She leads them to a room with 12 men sitting on minor thrones with a 13th one in the middle on a large throne. "The masters of this castle. The council of 13." "Greetings." The middle man.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora spoke for the group, "Uhhh, Hi."
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I trust you will find your stay here to be to your liking. I have just one thing to ask of you. How many of you can use the Keyblade?" He leans forward.
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    swimming around in atlantica husky found himself before a huge white castle. he had no idea were he was and finally gave up. "*sigh* ok, i'm lost..". before husky could backtrack he was surrounded by heartless. " dam, out numbered..."
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Several warriors appeared and slaughtered the heartless >This is their front door< While a girl says, "Would like to come in? Its a bit wet out here."
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora didn't look very willing to answer that question but again, saw no other choice but to trust them, "Me, my daughter Siah, Riku, and his son Raguna." he said reluctantly, pointing to each person as he said their names.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Excellent!" The man applauds. "This is better than any of us could of dreamed, isn't that so, Angelo, Zack." They both stand up and take off their hoods. "Indeed. Should we spill the beans?" "Go ahead." Zack steps forward. "Let me just be blunt. You were all part of a plot. A game, and you were the pieces. Pawns really. And now this game comes to a possible conclusion. We need your power to unlock kingdom hearts. If you do that we will happily let you go free. The goal of this venture is to release the hearts within. They will travel until they remerge with their nobodies and return them to their normal form." Angelo smiles. "We would appreciate your cooperation for the end of this. We need those hearts released or you will never be rid of nobodies. We'll let you have a day to decide. Nihla." "yes my lord?" "Show these good people to their rooms." "Yes sir, follow me please." She leads them to some rooms. "Here we are. I will go see to your meal." She leaves.
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora glared, "I knew we couldn't trust them!"
    Kairi looked stunned, "Calm down, Sora."
    Siah looked scared, "Who are they?"
    Sora shook his head, "Just more trouble attracted to the keyblade, Siah."
    Kairi put a hand on his sholder, "We have been in worse trouble than this, Sora."
    Sora shook his head, "I know but..."
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Just then there was a knock. "I have you meal." Nelah says. "May I come in?"
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Is it too late to join?

    Name: Voltair
    Age: 20
    Role: He appears as an ally when Siah is attacked by heartless
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Wears a jacket like Squall. 5'11". He has brown hair that always seems to be combed back.
    Personality: When things get bad, he tends to be emotionless. He tries to cheer people up when they are sad.
    Other: He was looking for his best friend Amelia after heartless attacked his homeworld. He was about to lose his heart when he was engulfed by light and woke up in Traverse Town with Ultima Weapon in his hand.

    Voltair, after months of traveling the universe finally reaches a white castle. "Wow, this is new." He then jumps up and starts to climb the wall towards the first window he sees.
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Hi there Desert Warrior :D Welcome thanks for joining*

    Sora called out to Nalia, "Nope!"
    Kairi hit him on the back of the head, "Don't be rude!"
    Sora scoffed, "And its not rude to lock people up and force them to kill for them!?"
    Kairi glared, "Can you just be nice until we can find a way out of this."
    Siah interrupted her parents in a whisper, "Someones climbing up the wall. He's heading this way."
    Sora ran to the window and looked out, "Thats weird... keep this to yourself it might be useful later."
    Kairi rolled her eyes, "Yes you can come in. Sorry, Soras being rude."
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "No need to apologize." She walks in with her cats, some how or another they are balancing plates of steak. "I don't think we were propalry introduced. There was a lot of commotion at the time and I am to younge to learn peoples names from the leaders. I am Nihla, and this is Remo," She gestures at the white cat. "And Memo." She gestures to the black cat. "Sorry for the reason you are here. I am sure you would like this place if you weren't forced to live here against your will. We just want to destroy the nobodies, not hurt people. Giving them there hearts seems to be the best way. But you guys threw a monkey wrench into that when you locked kingdom hearts. Not the fake one, but the real one." She smiles. "But I'm happy. You seem to be nice people."
    >Did I mention she didn't look a year over seventeen? Well her actual age is 5. :p, thats just anti nobodie years.<
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    As Voltair climbs up, he sees shadows racing up ahead of him. "Crap, someone is in trouble. Better hurry before the heartless get their next meal." He reaches the window and the shadows seemed to have dissapeared. "What the? These people couldn't possibly have eliminated them. There is no way." He thought to himself.
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Then a man appears. "Sup." Says Angelo. "I think I got you for breaking and entering. Bye bye." The guys eyes widen as Angelo grabs both his hands and throws him off. THe dude falls, screaming maniacally. "I shoulda asked his name... Ah well." He leaves.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Man, back where I started. This time, I will just try the front door." Voltair said to himself when he recovered from falling down.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora ignored her completely.
    Kairi looked grim look on her face, "Yes... I'm sure. But you see, we can't help your friends kill all nobodies." she said sounding apologetic.
    Siah cut in, "We can't because we have friends who are nobodies."
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Voltair walks up to the front door, knocks, and then waits.
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