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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Still winning, Siah laughed, "Then start running sooner Rag!"
    Sora drew his keyblade. "Your on!"... Kairi raised her eyebrow. "I think he ment a race genious!" she laughed.
  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "I don't think that really matters!"he yelled to Siah. He blasted away from Blake and started catching up to Siah.
    Riku and Selphie both laughed too."Always getting ahead of yourself. Kairi's right though. It's gonna be a race. This time, the whole island,"Riku said.
  3. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy looked around wondering who was laughing. Then she saw two kids running down the beach. Mandy sighed."The good old days..." she said and layed down on the sand. Ipod still blasting in her hand.
  4. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Ha!"yelled a triumphed Raguna. He already caught up and is getting ahead."Now look who should've starte-e-d!" Raguna' words started slurring as he tripped over a shell. A big crab shell that popped out of the sand. Raguna fell forward head-first and his head got stuck in the sand. He struggled to get out but something was pulling his head. Then he felt a very painful pinch on his nose.
    "Hopefully, that won't happen to us,"Riku said as he saw his son trip over one of his pet crabs he had before he met Kairi. He noticed that Raguna started moving madly after a moment."Looks like he met Pincher."
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah gasped, worried as she watched Rag fall.
    Seeing the crab before Rag tripped on it, Blade had manovered around it and used the short cut, (You know, the one with the trees that you can use in the game). When he saw his two friends stop, he jumped off the tree he was currently on, landing right next to Siah. "What did you do now, Clutz?" He asked with his hands on his hips. He reached down and pulled the crab off of Rag. He examined it for a moment before putting it down and watching it crawl to a shady spot under a tree. "He'd be lots of fun at parties." He said with a laugh, holding out a hand to help Rag up.
    Siah was laughing, but asked "Rag, are you ok?"
    After eccepting Riku's challenge, Sora scoffed, "Your full of it. I doubt that those crabs could have lived THAT long." He put his keyblade away.
    Kai was watching the two groups from the entrance to the cave(secret place). He summoned a group of heartless but halted them. "Wait just a moment longer..." he said to them silently.
  6. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy watched the family of friends. I wish i had family she thought standing up and looking at the sky. It was truning a grey. "Thats odd.." Mandy mumbled. "It's never like this." The water was becoming uneasy as the sky started to become a grey.
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Thanks Blake,"said Raguna."That crab is lucky it hasn't been and hour yet." Raguna looked around and saw a red-haired girl >is Mandy's hair red?< looking at the ocean and the sky. Raguna noticed at what she's looking at. The gray sky and the water seemed to be wilder than usual."Hey guys. Do you think today is kinda weird?"
    "Maybe you're right Sora,"Riku said."My crabs could've bred." Then he had a weird, tingling sensation. My heartless senses are tingling, he thought. But he decided that he was just excited to race with Sora again."Kairi and Selphie will be the judges, okay?"
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Blake nodded in response and followed his gaze to the girl. "Never seen her around before..." he said raising an eyebrow.
    Siah was the one to respond to Rag's question, "Ya, it is kinda odd, we haven't had a storm here for a LONG time...
    Blake dont just stare! Lets go introduce ourselves, she looks lost." She said, starting toward Mandy before the others could respond.
    Kairi sighed, "Fine... Well judge"
    Sora didn't respond emediately, He felt darkness was somewhere close. He looked around, but seeing no heartless, he decided it was just him being excited for the race. But to be on the safe side, he stayed ready to draw his keyblade. "Ok lets go!" he said enthusiasticly.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2008
  9. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Aw man.... Now our dads are racing,"complained Raguna, who's not noticing Siah leaving."Oh well, it's probably just warm-u..... Hey! Why do you keep on doing this to me!" He saw Siah walking to the iPod girl and Blake following close behind. Raguna started to follow when he saw something black go past by."What the-" He looked around but saw nothing. Except for a paopu fruit. He picks it up, looks around, and puts it in his shirt pocket and followed the others.
    "On the count of three,"Riku said."One........ two..........THREE!" And he and Sora ran.
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah smiled, listening to Rag behind her. She thought she saw something run past her, but but passed it as a dog.
    Blake walked forward saying nothing.
    Sora started running with a start. He started off behind, but then leveled off his pace with Riku.
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------Kairi saw something move from the corner of her eye. She turned quickly but saw nothing but the kids... "Did you see something?..." She asked Selphie.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah smiled, listening to Rag behind her. She thought she saw something run past her, but but passed it as a dog.
    Blake walked forward saying nothing.
    Sora started running with a start. He started off behind, but then leveled off his pace with Riku.
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------Kairi saw something move from the corner of her eye. She turned quickly but saw nothing but the kids... "Did you see something?..." She asked Selphe.
  12. Axel

    Axel New Member

    >>Ya she has red hair<<
    Mandy couldn't stop looking at the sky and water. She could tell people were behind her now. "Have you ever seen this happen before?" she asked as the sky began to trun black. The water became very wavy and black spots began to appear under her feet. "What the-" Mandy jumped out of the way.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Before Siah and Blake noticed the black spots, they were gone. Blake was the first to reach her. "Hi there!" He said with a smile.
    Siah answered her question, "Its just a little stormy, I'm sure everythings fine...."
    Kai killed the heartless that was attacking Mandy before anyone but her noticed it. "I told you not to attack yet!" he whispered. Heartless were still harder to controll than nobodies for him.
    Kairi forgot all about the race, she was sure she saw a shadow run by Rag. She continued watching, cautiously.
  14. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "As a matter of fact, I did see a dark shadow go past Raguna,"said Selphie."Come on Riku!"she cheered.
    Riku's senses were still acting so he didn't go all out but he was still shouldered to Sora."Hey Sora, do you feel something weird?"he asked.
    "But not this stormy,"Raguna said."Something's kinda weird right now."
    >Axel, if you want to allow, your character, Kai, forgot one heartless. That's the one that went past by Raguna, so it could probably attack now. If you want it to<
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah looked at Rag doubtfully. "I'm sure everythings fine Rag... I mean its not the first time Destiny Island's been hit by a storm." She looked around curiously and thought she saw some movement in the cave entrance. She raised an eyebrow. Suddenly she agreed with Raguna, she could sence that something wasn't right. "Suddenly, I'm starting to see your point Rag..." She said.
    Blake really didn't feel anything. He looked at Mandy and shrugged, "You guys are all being kinda paranoied... I mean, Look your parents are fine and Aren't they supposed to be able to sence when heartless and stuf is around?" Really, he was almost as ansey as the rest of them, but he wasn't about to go admitting it... Fortunately for him, he was a good actor.
    Sora didn't stop running, but he looked over at Riku. "You sense it too?"
    Seeing that nothing was really bugging Selphie, Kairi decided that there was nothing to worry about. She turned back to watch the race. She also began Cheering... for sora of course.
    With the hint of a smile on his face he turned to the heartless. Ok, surround the children but dont attack."
  16. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy looked over at Blake and sighed. "I have no parents..never ever. Now where did that thing go." Her eyes saw something move in the small cave. She ran over to it and something jumped out at her. With out thinking Mandy jumped back as a shadow like thing poped out of the cave. It's yellow eyes looking at her.
    Two large things appeared in each of her hands. "Whats going on?" she mumbled. When the thing jumped at her mandy threw one of the wheels at it and cut it in half. After words she looked at the wheels. They were red and white and she could go on about how hot they were! It was like she was holding fire.
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Seems interesting. I might as well join in.<
    Name: Zackarias
    Age: 29
    Role: Traveler of dimensions and a master of magic
    Gender: Male
    Looks: He wears a white uniform with black symbols under a hooded black coat. Has blond hair and blue eyes
    Personality: Always likes a joke and is fun to be around
    Other: Current master of Angelo
    Name: Angelo
    Age: 19
    Role: Apprentice and traveler of dimensions
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Wears a coat not unlike Zacks. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Under it is a uniform that is red with blue symbols.
    Personality: No nonsense type of guy. Willing to help any and all in need.
    Other: Not much is revealed about him yet. Wields a hand and a half sword.
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Cool, welcome :D *
    Siah screamed when she saw Mandy attacked.
    Blake didn't have any wepons but he started running to help anyway. He turned back to Raguna. "Common, we have to help her!"
    Once he realized he was deffinately descovered, he abondoned his first objective and sent the heartless to attack. "But dont kill anyone with blood relations to Sora, or Riku!" Were his last words before opening a path that opened right behind Siah.
    Siah started to run and help too but suddenly someone grabed her from behind. She felt an arm wrap around her sholders, pulling her close enough to whoever it was, that she couldn't move. Then she felt a cold hard surface press against her head. Someone whispered in her ear, "Make one sound, and..." She heard a clicking sound not far from her ear and realized that the surface against her head was a gun. "... I will kill you."
    Siah couldn't believe what was heppening. She fought for breath as she saw darkness start forming around her ancles. She whispered to the man behind her, "Who are you, why are you doing this?!" The gun was pressed harder againt her temple, but she didn't get a responce. She could feel herself and the man behind her begin to be pulled into the darkness. Realization frose her heart and the blood in her veins, she was being kidnapped!
    Kairi heard her daughter scream and whirled around to see what was going on. "Sora, Riku!" She called their names in a panic pointing to the scene.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2008
  19. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Riku whipped his head around and saw heartless and a guy with a gun. He summoned his keyblade but he knew that if he attacked, Siah would be killed."I can't let Sora's daughter die,"Riku said to himself. Suddenly, he was jumped from behind by a heartless and fell unconcious and his keyblade flew towards the man with the gun.
    Selphie just screamed and fainted.
    "Siah! Dad! And probably Mom too!"yelled Raguna as he saw both his parents fall and Siah being kidnapped. Then he felt something weird. He saw heartless coming and tried to attack but it just went right through them. Not only that, he was standing on a black portal and he is being sucked in!
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Sorry, I wrote too much...*
    "Rag!" Siah called, panicked. She noticed him being pulled into a dark path. But she seemed to be the only one. She started fighting harder against Kai's arm, which only made him grip her harder.
    Kai laughed a little, "Dont worry, Siah. Your friend will probably be more competant as a heartless anyway."
    Sora didn't know who to help first, he stared dumbfounded at the scene before him.
    Kairi was the first to act. "I'll help these two. You go help the kids!" Immediately she picked up Riku's keyblade and ran toward the Heartless that attacked Riku.
    Sora nodded at ran at Kai full speed. Drawing his keyblade mid-charge. He killed every heartless blocking his way. "Hang on Siah!" he called, deturmined.
    Watching Riku fall, Kai laughed, "Ohhh poor Riku. He's gotten a little sloppy since I last saw him." He said shaking his head. "oh and here comes the calvary, tell me Siah, how long has it been since your father has fought?"
    "You know Riku?" Siah asked him, surpriesed.
    "...I did once..."
    Finally reaching them, Sora's eyes narrowd, "Hey, I thought Riku and I got rid of you guys years ago!" He yelled.
    "You've got the wrong guy Sora." He said cockily, stepping firther into the darkness, draging Siah with him.
    "Stop!" Sora called desperately. "Whoever you are, leave her out of whatever problem you have with us!"
    "Dad, theres no time!" Siah called desperately. She fought against Kai's arm, "Look... Raguna!"
    Kairi knelt down next to Riku. "Common Riku, wake up we need you!" She put her hand on his sholder and started shaking it.
    Blake swung at the heartless with the only wepon he had, his old wooden sword. "Its no use!" he yelled, agravated. The sword was doing absolutely no damage to the heartless at all. When he heard Siah call Raguna's name, he whirled around got his first glimpse of how bad things really were. He noticed that Sora was allready helping Siah, so he rushed over to Rag. "Rag, take my hand!" he called to his friend. He held out his hand, hoping he would be strong enough to help him.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2008
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