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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >I think I put their profiles in this thread. They are both good though.<
    "I'll go easy on you this time,"Leon said."Cloud come here!"
    Cloud was on a rooftop then he jumped down when Leon called him."Let's do it,"was all he said.
    "Let's do what?"asked Raguna who was backing away slowly. But the two already charged at him. Raguna jumped over them but he was shot on the back by a fireball Leon shot. Cloud jumped towards Raguna with his sword going to strike him but Raguna blocked it and was about to use Stopa on Cloud flew up into the air with one wing. Raguna looked at Leon to see that his gunblade turned into a humongous rainbow colored sword."Eh oh,"was what Raguna could say before he landed.
    Kenta went back home after school. Then he passed a mansion that was not there before."Hmm.."he wondered. He pushed the gate and went in when a whole bunch of nobodies came towards him.
    Jet felt something bad. He made a portal and went to Twilight Town to see if his Others are there.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Very well. And no problems with you all not trusting us. Nobody trusts a nobody." There jaws dropped. "It's not what you think. We have our hearts but we don't have our original bodies. As a heartless we undergo a process that gives us full control of ourselves and then we become an Anti-Nobody." He stowed away his sword. Angelo did the same. "Now, Angelo and I are going to go find this Kai. We will return and tell you what we found out." With that they opened a portal and left.
    They reappeared in the Word That Never Was. "Wow, so this is our origional place." "Yes, but stay on your guard. Nobodies don't like us." They found Kai. He turned, about to draw his sword. "Parlei." "We just want to ask you a few questions."
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kairi looked at Sora, "Weelllll, that was wierd. Since when did the world get nobody exterminatiors to fix our problems?" She asked a little confused.
    Siah nodded, agreeing with her mother. "Isn't that the keyberrer's job?"
    Sora nodded, "thats why I don't think they are going to get very far without Riku and I... at least that is if this Kai is as strong as they play him up to be. But can we trust one nobody against annother?"
    While nobody was looking, Blake stepped through the portal with Zack and Angelo. When they got to the world that never was, he followed them in secret.
    Kai smiled a little and put his wepons away, people of light weren't known to go back on their word so he was certain that he wouldn't need them. "Then welcome." he said a little sarcasticly.
    Naxomi looked at the two newcommers and asked Kai, "Who are these clowns? Friends of yours?"
    Kai put his hand up to quiet her, "Now, Naxomi, lets be nice to our gests."
    Naxomi folded her arms and replied, "I will, just as long as they deserve it."
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------Kai laughed a little and then asked the newcommers "You must be Angelo..."
    Naxomi interrupted, "... Angelo? You mean the man from that organization of Nobody Wannabes?" she said with a coy smile.
    Kai ignored Naxomi's comment but instead gave her a look that screamed 'be quiet' he then said "To what do we owe this honor?"
  5. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy thought for a momment. "Maybe...i can't remeber really.....you look alot like-" she stopped and walked up to him. "Do you know someone named Axel? 'cuz......."
    Mandy's voice traveled away.
  6. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    When the two charged at Raguna, he remembered something."A special keyblade move,"Sora said before,"is called Trinity. It will use up all your magic so use it as a last resort." That's it, he thought. He stabbed the keyblade into the ground and spun on it like he saw Sora. Then a bright light appeared.
    "We don't have a choice right now,"said Riku."Unless Raguna comes back, we'll just have to trust those two. Hey, where's Blake?" He noticed that the boy gone.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yuffie shielded her eyes as she recognised the attack. Sora had used that one on her multiple times before when they were in tourniments against eachother.
    Sora nodded reluctantly, "ya, I guess so." once Riku notified Blake's absence he looked around. When he couldn't find him, he turned to Siah.
    Siah shrugged, "Beats me." She said, trying to sound careless... unsucessfuly. She started looking around and then a thought struck her. "You dont think he would..." She started to ask, looking in the direction that Zack and Angelo's path just was.
    Roxas wasn't really paying any attention to the conversation that Sora and the others were in. His attention was strictly on Mandy. He stared at her in disbalief. "Yes... I knew Axel..." he was tripping over his words. "...how do you know him?"
    Namine' also couldn't believe it. She knew what was going on well enough becasue Roxas had told her the story years ago. She kept thinking, 'It cant be her.... Roxas said Xemnas had Kai kill her years ago!'
  8. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    The bright light faded and Raguna was in the middle. He looked around but did not see Cloud or Leon anywhere."Not left or right so..." He looked up and there they were, going down towards Raguna with swords pointing at him.
    "We've been through that moves many times already,"Leon said. His blade was back to normal and Cloud didn't have any wings anymore. The two were about and inch away from getting Raguna when a blue shield blocked the attack.
    "I have a feeling he did,"Riku said."Looks like you got Sora's first adventure too. Lookin' for your friends."
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "We would like to ask questions about you attacks on the Keyblade bearers kids. As a dark one I am sure you are the one pulling the strings and I know that my apprentice saw you. As for you, little one, do as your master says and stay silent. In fact..." He looks to Kai. "Would you mind giving Kai and I some privacy. You to Angelo." Angelo looked angry but he went a ways away to give Kai and his master some privacy. He can handle the newer one himself. He thought to himself.
  10. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "I can't really be sure..." Mandy started looking at Roxas's deep blue eyes. "I'm not to sure but...I think he's my father." She took a deep breath. It was hard saying that out loud now. Mandy had no idea what happened to Axel in the first place.
  11. heartless riku

    heartless riku New Member

    Name: Nexan
    Role: Dark realm leader
    Gender: male
    Looks: wears all black, has complete black hair, blood red eyes, black gloves with glowing red gems on them, black pants with red unknown symbols
    Personality: angry all the time, hates most people, always talks about destroying the realm of light
    Other: hates sora, riku, mickey, organization xiii, heartless, good guys
    Name: Remnas
    Age: 14
    Role: Dark realm queen/ Nexan's girlfriend
    Gender: female
    Looks: same as Nexan
    Personality: same as Nexan
    Other: same as Nexan
    Name: Destiny
    Age: 13
    Role: enemy of Nexan and Remnas
    Gender: female
    Looks: white shirt, black pants, purple eyes, blue gloves, red shoes, blonde hair
    Personality: happy, joyful, friendly, loving
    Other: friends to everyone Nexan and Remnas hate
    Name: Shade
    Age: ???????
    Role: connector of realm of light to realm of darkness
    Gender: male
    Looks: half white clothes and hair and half black, black hair is spiky, white hair is long (like riku's), has dark and light magic keyblades (not oathkeeper and oblivion), glowing pale green eyes
    Personality: half happy half mad.... really he is two people in one
    Other: light side loves all dark side hates all can destroy anything with dark magic keyblade (darkspell), can heal anything with light magic keyblade (lightcaster)
  12. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >uh... welcome to the rp thread.<
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Wow. You could have asked you know.<
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Thats ok, I dont mind. Welcome Dark Riku :D *

    Naxomi scoffed and put her wepons away. "I have no master." She said irritably. Then she turned her attention to Zack. "Is he allways that uptight?" She asked with a humorless smile on her face.
    Roxas was stunned, "I think your right!" He said, tripping over his words. He knew it was true as he stared into her green eyes... Axel's eyes! He couldnt believe what he was seeing.
    Siah rolled her eyes.
  15. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "Siah.." Mandy looked at her in question. "W-what happened to him...my father..." she said looking not at only Siah but all the others. Mandy could tell they all knew.
    " I would also like to know more about Axel....why is his photo off of the wall at that castle place? Whatever it's called.."

    Far away in Port Royle.....
    .....a hooded figure is talking with the Capt. of a large black ship. "Where 'ya headin' mate? I can't take you unless i know where-" he was cut off as the figure talks. "I told you two times already. Denisty Islands..." He then sighed and rased an eyebrow. Jack just stared back and nodded. "Well?" mumbled the figure. "Ya...sure..." The Captn. gave him a funny look before letting him on.
  16. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "And you do not know what I have been taught,"Raguna said."Graviga!" Instantly, Cloud and Leon fell to the ground. Hard. Raguna yelled,"Stopga!" And the two couldn't move. Raguna went over to them and whacked their heads as hard as he could.
    Riku didn't have the heart to tell Mandy about Axel. Sora told him about it so he thought Sora should tell her."Sora knows,"Riku said,"about the... incident. Roxas knows why Axel's picture is off."
  17. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy looked over at Riku. "Inicdent?" she said looking over at Sora and Roxas then Riku again.


    The hooded figure sat down on one of the boxes as the ship sailed it's way across the sea. The sound of foot steps made him look up for a second before looking back across the sea. "So...who you looking for..." It was someone else this time. A female voice. He smiled under his hood and asked. "How would you know if i was looking for someone in the first place? Better yet.." He paused as he got up. " ...why would you care."
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >You mean Angelo. He is the apprentice. I assume she left since Angelo left.<
    "Now that we have some peace will you tell me why you are attacking Sora and comp? I really wanna know." Zack says to Kai.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kai smiled misteriusly and answered, "Is it not obvious? What does any nobody want from the Keyberer?" The second question was sarcastic.
    Naxomi watched after the two for a moment longer and then shook her head furiously. Just then, she noticed movement from the corner of her eye. She knew what the boy's intentions were emmediately and decided to have some fun with him. She pretended she hadn't noticed him for the moment.
    Blake moved past Naxomi quickly, confident that she hadn't seen him. He was deturmined to figure out wether or not to trust Zack and Angelo... plus maybe pick out some other information on top of that. To be honest, he was looking for adventure.
    Siah looked flustered, "Someone has to go after him!"
    Sora gave Riku and evil look and then turned to Mandy reluctantly. Not sure how to put it. "Mandy, this is going to be a long story.... You may want to ask Roxas and I about it later." He was feeling a little uneasy about telling her the story as it was, he didn't want to be telling it infront of his daughter and the others on top of that.
    Roxas shook his head, "She deserves to know, Sora." he said just as uneasily. He looked around, and then started for the secret place, "Common." He said to her and Sora.
  20. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Pretty soon, the two were starting to move and regain their size when Raguna just kept on using graviga on them over and over again. He started playing Whack-a-FF character. Finally, Cloud and Leon got KO'ed from getting hitting on the head to much."There!"Raguna said happily."That should do it." Then he started heading back to the castle."Waaaiiiit!!!!"a voice came. Raguna turned around and saw Donald and Goofy."Now you have to fight us,"Donald said."Aw come on!"Raguna complained. He wasted too much magic on the other two.
    "I'll leave you three alone,"said Riku."I'm expecting visitors."
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