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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yuffie laughed and called, "Thats why you have to use moderation in your magic usage... always think beond the present battle."
    Kairi couldn't help but ask, She looked at Riku, "Anyone I know?"
  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Spiky, red haired guy who kidnapped you a long time ago,"Riku said."Ring any bell?"
    "I might as well not use magic at all,"Raguna said to Yuffie. He went to Donald and Goofy. The battle began when Donald and Goofy flew with yellow dusts trailing behind them."Fairy dust? That's no fair!"Raguna said. But he believed he could fly like Sora told him. So he jumped and flew for the first time in 5000 tries."Woo-hoo! I can f-" he slammed into a tree.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yuffie couldn't help but laugh out loud though she was starting to see why Riku sent Raguna here.
    Kairi was shocked, "He's alive?!" she said just barely over a whisper.
  4. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "When I mean 'incident',"Riku began,"I mean dead. Well, he faded away so he'll get another life in like.... hundreds of years later.
    A hive fell on Raguna covering him with honey. Luckily, no bees. Goofy attacked Raguna but Raguna was slippery and slipped off."Ha! That was my plan,"he lied.'Ow, that hive was heavy', he thought.
    >The next life of Axel is connected to one of the rp threads.<
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kairi was confused, "Wait... your expecting him to visit you when hes not supposeto even be alive for annother hundred years?"
    Yuffie shook her head, "Sure it was..." she said smiling.
  6. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy just stood there. At first she had no idea what to do. "N-no...thats a lie.."she muttered. Looking up hopefully to a sunny sky but Mandy only saw darkness.


    "You need anything for your trip mate?" asked Jack as he looked over at the figure who was now looking over the sandy shores of the islands. "No, I'll be fine...I've got myself. That's all I need." he said. He took in a breath as he began to walk across the beach.
  7. sora945

    sora945 New Member

    Name: Koru
    Role: Roxas's son
    Gender: Male
    Looks: Really cool
    Personality: brave
    Other:always had a crush on Siah
  8. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >Roxas had a..... ohhh. Right. Well anyway, welcome sora945!<
    "No. I'll be long gone to finally see Kingdom Hearts,"said Riku."I tend to stay up there too. Ahh, there's Capt'n Jack Sparrow." He looked at a pirate guy."Hey Sora! Someone you'd like to meet!"Riku called.
    Now that he was slippery, Raguna knew that the honey would start to get sticky. 3 minutes later, he got stuck on Donald and Goofy."I can't believe you're the son of Riku,"said Donald. Goofy said,"Yreah! You could've been Sora's son. Ahyuck!" "I got trained by both of 'em,"said Raguna. Then he called to Yuffie,"Could you help us out?"
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Welcome sora945, :D *

    Yuffie nodded and ran out to the field to help them unstick themselves. She cast water on them and then helped Raguna, Donald, and Goofie unstick themselves. "There ya go." She said smiling.
    Sora was quick to answer Mandy, "I'm sorry, Mandy but its not a lie. He used his entire being to help me save Kairi and find Riku years ago...." His voice trailed off as Roxas interrupted him.
    Roxas cut in saying, "Mandy, if I were you, I wouldn't worry so much... Axel always had this habbit of dying but then comming back. He did it 3 times since I knew him..." He looked off into the distance. He hoped what he was saying was true. He really missed Axel sometimes.
    Sora nodded, "Roxas and Axel were best friends for years." He confirmed. Then he turned his attention to Riku. "What?" he asked.
    Naxomi opened a dark path that opened right behind Blake and walked through it. "So who might you be?" She asked him, hand on the hilt of her wepon.
    Blake was stunned, he turned around to face Naxomi.
  10. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy sighed and looked over at the pirate on a ship waving at them. But only got a few momments of looking at him as a large group of Heartless began to appear out of the ground again. "Not again!" Mandy mummbled as she got ready to attack.


    The figure looked up again as the heartless started to appear all over the sandy island. The second thing that came into sight was a group of people standing around with the heartless ready to get them at any momment.
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "I wonder when this place will be heartless free again,"wondered Riku."And there's Captain Jack Sparrow, Sora!"
    "Thanks,"Raguna said. Now he could finally get back inside. Then Mickey came."Sorry Raguna but you can't go inside for a while,"he said."You completed your training and now you will go search for you friends and lock different worlds."
    "What?!"Raguna said."So will I be accompanied by somebody?"
    "Yep. Cloud and Squall. And you will be driving a customized gummi ship."
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora's eyes lit up with excitement. He looked over to jack and waved, "Hey Jack!" He hadn't yet noticed the man in the coat or the heartless.
    Siah looked in the direction that Mandy was looking and emmediately drew the keyblade and prepared to fight. She also didn't notice the hooded figure. "What do these guys want anyway!" she said exasparated
    Blake quickly pulled himself together and answered her with a cocky smile, "Nobody of importance." He turned his attention away from her and watched after Kai and Zack as if he wasn't being confronted by a potentially dangerous adversary.
    Naxomi was not surprised by his lack of interest, she was usually underestemated. She opened a path directly underneith him. He fell with a gasp of surprise. "Dont worry, i sent you nowhere of importance."
    Blake landed in a place shouded in darkness and then he heard heartless everywere. *sorry if it sounds cheesey or something but I had to get have him get lost somehow...*

    *sora945, you can jump in anytime now... not to rush you or anything. Here I'll have Roxas say something about you or something to give you a quew.*

    Roxas looked around and then, suddenly his mind was diverted from Mandy for a moment as he realized that they were one head short. He turned to Namine` "Wered Koru go?"
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  13. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Here's the gummi ship,"Mickey said. He opened the curtains to show a cockpit and accelerators. Only.
    "When you mean customized, you mean we have to look for things right?"Raguna said looking disappointed.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yuffie came up behind and looked in at the ship. "Ship looks good." She said with a smile, she looked at Leon and Cloud. "Wait till you guys get in!" She said enthusiasticly. "Cid and I did it some good with our modifications... Its got at least five times the horsepower."
  15. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy began to kill anything that came to her with her two flaming charkrams. It went on and on....until something from behind her pushed her forword to the ground. There was a large heartless towering over her. Mandy's heart was beating to a ponit when she thought it was going to-
    Her thoughts stopped as a black hooded figure got infront of her. The heartless brust into flames and faded into nothing as a heart appeared and flew into the sky. All of the other heartless back away from all of them.


    "I never should have left this place....now look at it.." He mummdled looking around and met Roxas's eyes. Looking at the ground he said. "All of you should keep a close eye out next time. Watch your guard." The figure looks at all of the heartless.
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >oh wow. One weekend away and all that happens.<
    "You kidnapped a few children. I know that one has the ability to use such weapons but the other doesn't. As far as I know at least." He turns and looks at the broken kingdom hearts, still there. "Besides, that experiment failed. You are gonna be naive enough to think you can succeed were other have failed? You are such a silly fallen." He turns back to Kai. "You have done enough Kai. Leave them be. My organization has decided to become involved. I don't want it but they will try to kill you. Your friend to."
    What is taking so long? Thought Angelo. He looked at the girl trying to start a fight. He smiles to himself. "It won't happen you know." "Huh?" "A fight I mean. I am to mature for that. I follow my orders. So I won't end up fighting you." Angelo jumps up onto one of the buildings to wait in peace.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Naxomi rolled her eyes at the boy and said, "Sorry, I forgot you apprentices are supposed to be as dependable as a dog... but will never be much more."
    She looked after Kai and Zack just incase anything interesting would happen.
    Roxas looked at the hooded figure, he felt the illusion of his non-existant heart beating hard enough to give him a heart attack. "Axel?"
    Kai shrugged defiantly, "And what makes you think it is the same experement?" he asked then he added. "And we will not stand down. Naxomi is right about one thing... your organization may say that they are powerfull, but you are only want-to-bes of a nobody. Your organization will fail because of this. Its one thing to be nothing... its quite different to pretnd to be nothing. We do not fear you... go tell your superiors that."
  18. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Huh, so I was wrong,"Riku said."Maybe he'll have a couple hundred more before the other one."
    "That's good,"Raguna said,"but I mean the firepower. Where's the guns and lasers?"
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yuffie's smile only got bigger. "Ya, we updated the whole thing guns and all."
  20. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "What does that mean?"Raguna asked, utterly confused if Yuffie was even understanding what he's asking or if she simply likes to hear herself talk.
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