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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yuffie sighed, "Kinda slow arn't ya?" She said shaking her head. She pointed to a pannel of puttons and levers, "If you push one of these buttons, things will go boom!" She said with a laugh.
  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Raguna presses one of them, then suddenly *BOOM!* Raguna turned black from the blast. He breathes and a puff of black air comes out. I wonder why I'm not dead yet, he thought.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Yuffie smiled "Told ya!" She said as she ran her right hand through her hair. Noticing nobody else ready to help she walked over to him and held out her hand to help him up "You ok?"
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "We are ANTI nobodies. We never pretended to be true ones. Still, I see that you are as ignorant as the rest." He sighs. "Very well. But remember in the end I tried to show compassion and you scoffed at it. Fine. I hope I am the one to do you in." He motions to his apprentice. "Come Angelo. We have done what we can here." He opens a portal of light and Angelo walks through. Zack steps into it and turns to face Kai. "When next we meet our blades will be crossed. I will not be so merciful to you again. If she..." He motions to Naxomi. "Wishes to find her heart again she may join us. But for you there is no going back once I leave. Do you change your mind?"
    >I assumed this answer but I will change it if I was wrong<
    "No." "Fine. Farewell. May we not meet again." Zack backs into the portal and it vanishes.
    The appeared in a Large white room. Surrounding them is thirteen people of wich will not be mentioned. Know that they are the High Council of the Light Knights. "Well?" One asks. "We have failed to turn Kai and Naxomi to the light. They will have to be exterminated." "Does Sora know our true purpose? To unseal Kingdom Hearts?" "No, my liege." "Good, see that he and his friends do not learn the truth of your mission. We need the keybearer on our side." "Must we treat them like pawns?" "Yes, they wouldn't follow what we wanted. It is better this way. Protect them at all costs. You have our leave to go." "Very well. Lets go Angelo. Thank you, our excellencies." They turn and appear back in Destiny Islands. They found Sora and the others. "We tried but failed to sway Kai. The next we meet we will battle him." Angelo looks down but soon puts his bad thoughts out of his mind.
  5. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Yeah,"Raguna said."I don't think this will wash up easily will it?"
    *boom!*"What the-"Riku said.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora nodded, "We'll do more than battle him if he tries ANYTHING, like that again." He said crossly.
    Yuffie chuckled a little, "Probably not." She turned to Leon, Cloud, and Micky, "When do you plan to take off?"
    Siah also noticed the BOOM, "What was that!?" she asked.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "In about 7 seconds,"Cloud said."The King wants us to train with Raguna since we got beat by an oversized talking duck and dog."
    Raguna said,"Wait! I forgot to pack my underwear! And it's all the way back at- First stop, Destiny Island!"
    "I have a feeling we'll be leaving the island again, right Sora?"said Riku. He saw a big dark orb over the island.
  8. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy looked up at the figure in question as they looked away.


    The redhead looked away from all of them, still looking at the heartless. Alot had changed over the years. Now god knows what happened to his child. "If anyone of you steps out of line-" Axel paused as he whipped one of his chrkrams at a heartless. With a spash of black blood one heartless fell to the floor. "-you get the idea...." He growled. All of the heartless howled and screamed.
  9. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Raguna hopped in the ship and started the engines. Cloud and Leon jumped in too."Do you even know how to drive this,"Leon asked. Raguna said,"No..." "Wait!"a voice called out."You need someone to keep your adventures in a book!" A bug jumped up to Raguna. It was a blue ant(from "A Bug's Life")."Who are you?"the three asked. The ant said,"My name's Flit."
    "Axel seems meaner than before,"Riku said to Sora.
    >For the blue bug, did I get his name right?<
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Yep, its right. Disturbing, but right. Besides I don't think that is Disney.<
    Both Angelo and Zack looked up to. "Not good." Zack says. Then several large darksides jumped down out of the portal. "The heartless world is returned. This is bad, very bad." Zack looked worried. "Angelo, our bows. We need to elliminate the darksides before anything else." "Yes sir." They both leaped onto tall tree and brought to life two large and white energy bows with wich they shot light arrows from. >Think Quincy if you watch Bleach< Pretty soon darksides were falling over left and right.
  11. Axel

    Axel New Member

    >nooooooooo, A Bug's Life is Disney<

    Mandy looked from Riku to Sora. "What do you mean?"
  12. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >Let's just make him Jiminy's nephew, okay?<
    "Well what are ya watin' for?"Raguna asked."Hop in. Now how do you start this thing? Ooooh, what does this button do?" "Don't press that!"Cloud and Leon said behind him. Too late.*BOOOM*The ship shot out what seemed like a mini atomic bomb from the accelerators. It flew so fast and bright, Pinochio and Geppeto saw it from their window."Haven't seen a star like that for years,"Geppeto said.
    Kenta tried to attack the nobodies but the attacks were useless. Then suddenly, his weapon turned into a keyblade. But the nobody died from another person."You must be Kenta,"he said."I'm Jet. Real name's Raguna. Come with me." "And why should I?"Kenta said calmly.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Roxas was sure it was Axel now, "Axel!" he said again. He wasn't sure what else to say. He was standing right next to Mandy and answered her question before Riku and Sora. "Mandy... this is your father." he said.
    Sora looked stupidly at Axel for a moment and then answered Riku's question. "Uhhhhhh, looks like it."
    watched Zack and Angelo, "Shouldn't we be helping them!?" she asked anxiously. Things seemed to be falling apart quickly.
    Kairi walked over to her daughter, "Everythings going to be fine, Siah."
    Siah rolled her eyes, "Care to explain what this means." She said pulling out the keyblade.
    Naxomi walked over to Kai, "What now?" She asked him.
    "We need to find a way to get Siah back.... all of the keyberrers are drawn to her in one way or annother."
    Naxomi smirked, "And your not in the slightest interested in her abilities as half princess half keyberrer?" She said sarcasticly.
    Kai didn't smile, "I never said that." Then he added, "Go tell the others our plan... but tell them to take caution... Sora and his little gang knows what were up to now." He didn't mension Zack and Angelo but he noted to himself that he would be a formitable opponent later on.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    All of the Darksides were now dead. With a few more shots the dark hole that was trying to swallow up the world was dealt with. Angelo turns to Zack. "I've been thinking. Why are we trying to unlock kingdom hearts? We don't need our hearts becuase we have them." "Because the only way to deal with the nobodies is to return all the hearts. Kingdom Hearts is the vault that holds them." "It was locked up for a good reason." "Yes, but now we need it UNlocked for a good reason." "Still don't see why we can't let them know." Zack looks at the others. "They are full and complete. They would never help us in this plan because they would never understand. The fait of a whole is to be in an ignorant bliss. The king should have known that." "But..." "Enough. We can't disobey our commanders. Otherwise we would be hunted. Lets continue. If it makes you feel better they won't be harmed." "What ever. I am going home for a bit." "Out of the question. How would I explain it." "Your smart. You'll think of something." "Wait!" "See ya." Angelo vanishes. "Oh thanks." Zack says and goes back to the rest of them. Maybe the y won't notice. "Weres Angelo?" Then again. "We got a call from H.Q. I remained here in case enemies come back."
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora was more suspicious than ever. He turned to Kairi, not yet noticing his dauthgers Keyblade. "Maybe you should take Siah and go home for a while. We may be leaving soon." he said.
    Siah emmediately opened her mouth to protest. "I cant leave now dad!" she said angrily. "Has nobody been paying attention over the past fiew seconds!!!" She was starting to panic, "Rag and Blake are off in the darkness probably becoming heartless as we speak! There are REALLY big heartless attacking left and right! Axel just came back and Mandy's confused! We just heard something blow up! And This darn keyblade wont leave me alone!" she said finaly reaching her breaking point.
    Naxomi smiled and opened a path. "Guess I'll talk to you later then. For now, you look like you want to be left alone to your thoughts." With that she was gone.
    Kai walked along the streets of the World That Never Was absently thinking. For one thing, he knew that now that Zack and Angelo's organization knew where he was, he would have to change hideouts. He noted that he would have to tell Naxomi later.
    Naxomi appeared in a dark room where others in black coats were standing in wait. "Kais plan worked. The other organization thinks its just the two of us. They dont know about you guys." She said. "and neither do the Keyberers."
  16. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Mandy got up slowly. "Dad?" She askes in a sort of whispering voice. Axel sort of did a double take on her. He took a few feets toward her before putting a hand on her cheek. "Mandy...I thought..." Axel paused. Mandy couldn't hold anything back any longer. She threw her self into him and hugged Axel.
    "Where were you?" She said mostly to herself but the redhead answered anyway. "I've been trying to find myself...I mean, I've been changing my mind alot." Mandy felt Axel's arms wrap around her.
  17. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Ahem,"Riku interrupted."Axel kinda died many years ago. This is just his other life."
    "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"Raguna and even Cloud and Leon screamed as the ship was flying past planets. Cloud yelled,"This is the first time I'm actually scared enough to wet myself!!" Leon replied,"Too much information!" Raguna saw a planet and yelled,"I think that's Destiny Island!"
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora and Roxas exchanged looks and then Roxas spoke up. "Uhhh, remember how I said 'Axel always seemed to come back'?" He said with the hint of a smile. They could see the confusion on everyones faces so Sora added, "Riku, I never said I watched him die exactly. I just said he faided away..." Roxas interrupted, "Just like he did when I beat him in Twilight Town." Sora nodded his head and then turned to Axel. "This just confirms a thought that Roxas and I have been having for a long time."
    They both looked at Axel, "So are we right or are you really his next life as Riku says?"
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack was pretty unhappy about Angelo leaving. Never even built up vacation time. Damn kid. "So thats Axle. Thats his daughter? I think thats right. Ok. I vote we go look for the others. You know, the ones that Siah mentioned. We best get them back." He looks ready to leave.
  20. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Or could you be a clone, Riku thought to himself. Now where did that come from?
    "Get ready for a wet landing!!"Raguna yelled as he reached the clouds. Then Cloud yelled,"You didn't have to say that!" Then the ship landed in the water.
    "What was that?"Riku said as a bigger rumble came. He towards the other side of the island see a ship.
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