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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Nice landing." Angelo said opening the ship. He had popped back into Destiny Islands because he had no vacation time set up and had landed on the gummi ship.
    Zack suddenly looked at the ship. "I think Angelos back. So is your son Riku. Raguna right?"
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah's eyes widened, "How did you know that?" She didn't wait for a responce she knew that he was referring to the crash on the other side of the island. She started in that direction. "He must have crashed a gummi or something..." She quickened her pace.
    Sora nodded in agreement with Siah. He looked at Kairi, "There's no stoppping her... I can tell shes worried. Why dont you go with her... just in case." He said shifting a quick glance at Zack.
    Kairi nodded and started after her daughter. She caught up easily enough.
    One of the hooded figures steped up to Naxomi. "What about our other opponents? They are the ones I'm more worried about."
    Naxomi shrugged, "They have no idea that you guys exist. I'm sure Kai knows what he's doing."
    The man nodded, "Lets keep it that way."
    Naxomi scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Well no duh..." She was cut off as Kai entered. She instead said, "So whats the next step?" She said it almost defyantly.
    Kai didn't smile, "We need to relocate. The Anti-Nobodies know where we are and that will be dangerous for us once we begin our plan in motion."
    There were many nods of agreement and a few humorless laughs in the group.
    Naxomi stood and said, "I think I know just the place..." *Scene cuts out*
    Kairi and Siah just barely made it to the shore to see Angelo get off the ship. She watched Rag and two men she didn't recognise jump out also. She couldn't contain her relief as she saw that her friend was unharmed. "Rag!" she called waving her arm.
    Kairi was also relieved to see Raguna was ok. But she was surprised to see the other two men with him. particularly the blonde. "Leon... Cloud?"
  3. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Rag!" Raguna heard. He looked around to see Siah."Siah!"he yelled back. He was about to jump in the water when Flit said,"I can't swim." "Fine, I'll fly,"Raguna said. He jumped up but did not go down. He glided towards the island. Cloud and Leon jumped and swam.
    "That's for me to know and for you to find out,"Jet said. He grabbed Kenta and they instantly got transported randomly to the top of a palm tree. They both felt a sharp pain in their chests and fell down."He's near,"Jet said. Kenta asked painfully,"Who?"
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah was amazed when she saw her friend gliding but she had seen her father do it plenty of times before. When he landed on solid ground, she couldn't help herself. She ran forward and huged him. "Where the heck did you go? You had us worried half to death!?" She said, pulling back again.
  5. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Eh... King Mickey's Castle,"Raguna said."I brought a few people with me. Cloud and Leon." "Hey,"Leon and Cloud said to Kairi, Sora, Riku, and Siah. Raguna continued,"And I brought Flit here." "Nice to meet ya. I'm Jiminy's nephew. His sister married and ant. That's why I'm bigger than others." Raguna said,"Oh, and can you hug me again? I didn't quite feel that."
    "Our Other,"Jet said. Jet and Kenta's heart stopped hurting. Jet grabbed Kenta again and he jumped them over to Raguna."Hello Raguna,"Jet said.
    Riku recognized the suit Jet was wearing."Xehanort!"he yelled and he pulled out his keyblade.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah rolled her eyes a little and was about to do as Raguna asked when the two other boys showed up. She was shocked at the fact that there was suddenly annother person in an organization coat there. She wasn't sure what to make of it but she drew her keyblade just the same. "Who are you?" She asked him. There was something about him... mostly about his eyes... that reminded her of Raguna. She also noticed it from the other boy.
    Kairi took a step back.
    Sora also drew his keyblade and asked the same question as Siah... at the same time she did.
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Close,"Jet said."My name's Raguna. But call me Jet."
    "Why bother calling you Jack when we have the same name? You'll be Rag 2,"Raguna said. He took out his keyblade."And the other guy?"
    "My name's Kenta,"he said."This psycho just brought me here."
    "So why are you here,"Leon said. He readied his gunblade.
    "To reunite with my others of course,"Jet said."And it's Jet! Besides, I'm not like other "Xehanorts". I'm the good guy. But seeing as we can't fuse back, I guess I'll be following you guys."
    "Eh eh,"Riku said."I don't trust you."
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah shook her head, "Riku... This is going to sound crazy, But i think that we can trust... Jet." She took a second to remember the name. Then she looked at her and Riku, "Its Kenta that seems more untrustworthy." She kept her grip on the handle of the keyblade tight.
    Sora shook his head "Siah..."
    "...Dad, just look at them! Which one of them seems more like Raguna to you?"
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    4 figures appeared in the world that never was. They set out a systematic search of the place but soon came up empty. "Zack has never been wrong, so that means they jumped ship." "Damn!" One punches a building. "I thought we had em!" "Don't worry." Another one says in a soothing voice. "We will have them soon enough. Besides, there are not enough of us. We may be stronger than a nobodie but we can't fight a whole organization." "I thought there were only two?" "I know. But there are more than that. I know. I felt the reverberations of the others here a moment ago. They must have left then. Lets go." They vanish.
    Zack snarls at Jet. Every last instinct in him was telling him to attack. "Just stay outa my way." Angelo steps up to Zack. "I just got word. The place was empty." He says in a language only zack can understand. "Nuts, ah well."
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora took a moment before he answered, "Your right, Siah..." Thats all she wanted to hear. She interrupted him to talk again to the two other boys.
    "And how exactly were you guys planning to 'reunite' with my friend?" she asked, her voice was still full of distrust.
    Sora looked over to Riku and whispered so that none of the others would hear. "Riku, if this much trouble is happening at once... It means that the door to darkness has been reopened... I think we have to go close it again."
    Blake finally opened his eyes but it didn't make any difference. He started walking forward aimlessly. "What?..." The darkness started to break and then he was in water. He looked around and noticed that he was completey surrounded by water. "Atlantica..." he said thoughtfully, remembering one of Sora's stories.
    Many dark paths opened in a dark place. Naxomi was the first to step through to the new headquarters. "I have never said anything about this place before because I was afraid that trators within the organization would use the information to their advantage... But I have done a few adjustments..." Just as she said it, Kai walked in after her.
    "What do you mean by adjustments?" He asked.
    Naxomi shrugged, "You'll see." She said cheerfully. Just then multiple organization members walked through and emmediately were killed. They dissapeared into darkness.
    Kai looked at Naxomi with a look that was hard to read.
    Naxomi smiled, "Anyone against the organization cannot set foot here unless either me or you is touching them." She said simply. "This place was designed years ago by me and my other and heartless. The three of us created it mainly because we were one when we were here... Its hard to explain but if a nobody comes here with their other they will reunite as long as they are here." She said.
    Kai looked pleased, "This place will do." He said simply. He looked at what organization members he had left. Though quite a number was now dead or thrown out, there was still an uncountable number of members. "Loyal members of this organization... the minaute you stepped through your paths alive, you surrendered a blood oath to this organization... And the minute you tell any outsiders of this place you will die as well. Our plans of war against light and the anti-nobodies will continue as planned... but we still need the keyberers daughter, the new generation keyberrer, and the children of the former organization." He thought for a minaute before explaining why. "It is my belief that their hearts will do way more than the seven princesses ever had."
    There were some nods in the crowd and Kai continued...
    "The first thing we need to do is capture one of the children unharmed... the others will follow...."
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "That's the problem,"Jet said."I don't know how to yet. Just because I'm Xehanort Jr. doesn't mean I know everything. Geez!"
    "That's gonna be a problem,"Riku whispered back to Sora."I forgot where it is. Or even how to get there."
    "I don't really care at all,"Kenta said and pulled his arm away from Jet."Just put me back to wherever you got me."
    *growl*"Oh, there goes my stomache finally,"Raguna said. He looks around for Blake."Hey, where's Blake?"
    "Gone with the wind,"Riku said.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah got a far off look in her eyes. "You see, thats the problem, Rag... I was hoping that he somehow would have found you... Being the ideot that he is he followed these two and ended up getting himself lost in the darkness." She said bitterly but with a hint of worry in her voice.
    Sora nodded, "It seems like we all have some work to do... again." He also sounded bitter.
    Kairi smiled a little, "Common boys! Where's your sence of adventure?" She said mockingly. She grabed her wepon and then said, "We need a plan. Just sitting here isn't getting anything done.... And theres no way your leaving me behind again!"
    Siah nodded in agreement with her mother. "OK... look, Jet or whatever your name is, you kinda jumped in at the wrong time. Were kinda in the middle of a world wide crisis here." She said a little forcefully.
  13. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "I'll stay here with Wakka and Tidus,"Selphie said.
    "Okay,"Riku said and he kissed her.
    "Don't do that Dad,"Raguna said with his hand shielding the view. He put it back down.
    "More like universal wide crisis,"Jet said."Besides, I know some secrets the other Xehanorts doesn't." He faced to the gummi ship and said,"Go-Go-Gadget!" The ship became alive and said,"Finally! I can't believe Mickey doesn't even know about this. I can talk and move now!"
    Raguna looked inside the ship just to get pulled in. The seatbelt straps covered him and the ship went for Siah, Kenta, Jet, Sora, Kairi, and Riku. Flit was already with Raguna. The ship blasted off quickly."Quick service designed from Disney,"it said. "What?"Raguna asked. The ship replied,"Nothin'. First up, Atlantica!" They flew towards a watery world.
    Back on Destiny Island..."Darn it!"Cloud said."They left us behind!" "Mmmmm, yum!"Leon said."Now I know why Raguna loves eating. You make fantastic food Selphie!"
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah couldn't believe what she was hearing, "Atlantica? You mean that city underwater... gee sounds great." She said a little sarcasticly. "Except for one problem.... We dont have Donald to use his magic to make it so that we can brethe underwater." She sounded dissapointed but also annoyed that nobody had thought of it sooner.
    Sora rolled his eyes. "Siah, just because you havent seen us in action in your whole life doesn't mean that we aren't fully capable. Just sit back and relax will ya?"
    Blake was getting frustrated with the controlls as he was trying to go up and ended up going down.
  15. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "We're gonna crash... again!"Raguna yelled.
    "Stop whining,"Kenta and Jet said at the same time.
    "Mermainia!"Riku yelled. Right before the ship hit the world, everybody had mermaid/man tails now. The only problem is, Riku didn't know how to make seashell bras."Sorry..."Riku said to the girls.
    Raguna's faced turned red, all of it, since Siah was right next to him.
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Luckily, all of the girls were covered from the sholders down by the ship. Siah blushed none the less.
    Kairi was frustrated, "Oh, honetsly Riku!" She raised her hand and all of the girls were then wearing swiming suit tops. She attempted to erase the memory from everyone but she had the suspicion that it only worked on those that were younger and had hearts... so pretty much just Siah and possably Raguna.
    Blake heard a familiar voice. "Kairi? Riku?"
    Siah felt dizzy for a minaute, "Have we landed yet?" she aksed. Then she heard blakes voice. "Blake!"
  17. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Zack and Raguna were back with at HQ. "They are more foolish than they appear." Zack says. "Indeed. But that is not why we are here. Step forward, Angelo." The head guy says. Angelo does so. "We of the organization of light hereby confer unto you full status of a risen knight. Do you except?" "Hell yeah! I mean... umm... yes sir." "Good. Now, you two go and bring the young keybearers to us. Use an means possible. They must be here to reopen the TRUE Kingdom Hearts." "Yes sir." Angelo and Zack say and head to Atlantica. They appear overhead and see the girls without bras. Both instantly become invisible.
    >They don't need merman tails and such because they are not human.<
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Naxomi scenced something. "Uhhhh, not to rush things or anything Kai... but if were going to get the kids... you gotta send someone now. I think the anti-nobodies want them too."
    Blake heard Siah and swam toward her.
    Siah swam from behind the gummi ship and toward him but instead of hugging him like she did Raguna she hit him square in the head, "What do you think you were doing! You had us all worried sick!" She said irratbly. Then she paused "Are you ok?"
    Blake rubbed his head where she hit him. The water lessened the blow a little. "Well... I guess I deserved that." he said with a smile, "Ya, I think I'm fine..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  19. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Blake!!"yelled Raguna."Where've you been bud? I thought I crashed into you in Destiny Island!"Raguna has a dolphin fin like Riku and Sora.
    "He's too emotional,"Kenta said. He's the only one who had a shark fin.
    "And you're too un-emotional,"Jet said. He had shamu fin.
    "Hey Blake,"Riku said."Don't ever go into an everlasting darkness portal again. Tidus and Yuna could've been worried."
    >Tidus and Yuna could be Blake's parents so let's stick with that, okay?<
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Hmmm... Blake's half pixie... thats hot LOL JK. Ok well say that those are his parents*
    Siah sighed in defeat and finally gave him a hug too. She pulled back quickly though. "I'm just glad your allright." She said. Her tail was light blue and the top that Kairi gave her was white and silver.
    Blake huged Siah back, he didn't really respond to what he said but he gave Rick a look over Siah's sholder as he hugged her. He then turned his attention to Riku. "Oh, ya... Sorry about that. I just had to find out if we could really trust those guys." He had a shark fin.
    That seemed to interest Sora. He swam forward in interest "And what did you find out?" He asked.
    Blake shook his head, "They are deffinately against Kai and his buddies..." That was all he would say.
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