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The New Dawn

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, Mar 16, 2008.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >Ahhh, I forgot! Yuna's a pixie in Kingdom Hearts.<
    "Hey Sora,"Raguna said."I thought you said that Atlantica was bright blue. Why's it kinda... dark?"
    "Looks like it's some type of octopus ink,"said the gummi ship."From what my water testing says anyway. But it seems like it's from magic."
    "Uncle Jiminy said that there was an evil octopus lady named Ursula who lived here,"said Flit. He became an ant with with gills and tiny fins."Didn't you defeat her Sora?"
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora thought for a moment, "Ya... twice."
    *Are we going by Little Mirmaid 2?*
  3. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >There was a 2nd movie!?<
    "So she must be still alive,"said Flit.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Ya, in the second one, ursala's sister, Morgana threatins to kill Areal's daughter, Melody :D ... Its not as good as the first movie but we could use those new characters if you want. Melody is about Raguna, Blake, and Siah's age anyway.*

    Sora shook his head in dissbelief. "If she is... something seriously wrong is going on here because That last time we fought her I am sure she died for real. Who could live through being stabbed?"
  5. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Uhhh, Captain Jack Sparrow,"Raguna said."He was a skeleton dude. You told us. And you didn't exactly stab Ursula either. Jiminy secretly gave me a video version. You just sent a light beam through her."
    >Aerial had a daughter!!?? Okay, I guess we can fit her in. But I'm not gonna watch that movie!<
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Not good enough to be watched. Just think of Ursula but scinnier. Thats Morgana. She has the pimple thing to :p <
    Zack and Angelo transformed into mermen. Then they swam down to the guys. "The ink thing has me stumped. I though our files said the sea witch croaked." "Hold on sir." Angelo opened up a file on his watch. "Record says the sea witch is deseased but intel might be wrong. It does say that the sea witch had a sister. But she was locked in ice by aerials daughter. She must have escaped." Angelo looked at Sora and the others. "What do you think we should do?" Zack looked at the file on his glasses. "Says she was tough stuff, but a bit big headed. This might get us a pay raise."
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "I heard there was land somewhere,"Flit said."We could go there to see if anything that got affected there could've affected here too."
    "Good idea,"Raguna said."But where's land?"
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Siah laughed a little, "Uhh my guess would be upward." She said simply. She started to swim to the sirface, not waiting for the others. She knew that they would catch up anyway.
    Sora nodded and followed Siah. He rolled his eyes though, "A sister? Now thats something that I have to see." he said.
    Blake shrugged as if to say, 'Im just going to pretend I know what everyone is talking about' and started to follow the others.
    The two organization members watched the friends swim up to the sirface. The girl looked at her partner, "Kai said there were two kids... I see three." She said silently so that the anti nobodies wouldn't hear her.
    Her partner nodded, "I'm not sure which one to take We'll just take all three of them if thats what it comes down to." he said with a shrug. He gestured to the two anti nobodies. "Kai said that the Anti-nobodies whanted them too." he siad with a smirk. We'll kill those two if we get the chance. If you go for the antis when the time is right, I'll send the keyberrer's kids through a path and come help you finish them off when I'm done whith that." He suggested. The girl nodded in agreement and then the two of them waited for the right moment to strike.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2008
  9. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Before Raguna went up, he looked at Jet and Kenta to make sure they aren't doing something bad. Then we went up.
    "Why am I here,"Kenta asked.
    "Simple, to know the truth of how you lived,"Jet said."Raguna is your true self. Same thing with me."
  10. Axel

    Axel New Member

    While all the others go in and out of the many worlds, Mandy goes back to the castle in the floting darkness. Where a glowing yellow moon takes over the sky...

    Mandy stood on a cliff where infront of her was the snow white castle. She just had to come back. It was the way the place looked and felt. There were no stars but only the heart in the sky but the feeling was the most new to her. Mandy couldn't tell if she was sad, happy,angery.... It was like all feelings in one.
    Her father had told her never to go in here. Her lips truned into a smirk. "It's not like it looks scary or anything." Mandy said to her self.
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Raguna stopped all of a sudden."Hey guys, where's Mandy?"
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora answered, "Roxas said that Mandy and Axel were going to the World that Never was last time I talked to him." he said simply.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >You never noticed that Ursula has a giant pimple?<
    Zack and Angelo shot to the surface. They saw an Island, but it was sinking. A cackle filled the air. They looked to see Ursulas sister sinking the island. "Lets put a stop to that." "Whats the price on her head?" "Does it matter Angelo?" "Yeah." "$500,000 dollars." "Cor. Lets go." They both pulled out there swords and attacked her.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *uhhh now that you mension it... i think I remember something like that. But then Ursala was just plain ugly anyway. I didn't pay much attention to the details.*
    Sora was right behind Zack and Angelo. Siah right next to him. Being unarmed, Kairi stayed behind. She was in the right mind to stop Siah but then decided against it.
    Last edited: May 1, 2008
  15. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    *stomache growls*"Ugh, not again,"Raguna said."All this fishes remind me of the fishes we eat back home."
    "Stop your whining and fight that ugly bi*beep*,"Kenta and Jet said at the same time. Jet said,"See how me and you are the same Ken?" "Shut up."
    "She is uugly,"Riku said. He was talking about Urusla's sister.
    >What's her name again?<
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Don't look at me.<
    Zack freezed a part of the water and changed back to his human form, while Angelo shot out of the water in human form on a blaze of fire. They both spirraled around the witch attack with there swords but they were having little effect. They retreated to think of a plan.
    >And the Island STILL sinks.<
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    >LOL, I think it was Morgana but I could be wrong... I havent seen it in years<

    Sora shot a lightning bolt at her with the keyblade and then answered Riku. "You should have seen her sister." He said with a laugh.
    At the same time that Sora shot at the whitch, Siah also shot firaga at her. She was laughing a little at how Rag and his nobody and other were getting along. It kinda reminded her of Roxas and Sora. She dodged an attack.
  18. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Slowly Mandy opened one of the large doors of the white towering castle. Mandy walked into the long white hallway. "Hello!?" She half yelled into the hall as the door closed behind her. Leaving the darkness of the moon behind.
    After a few momments she had given up on an answer. Mandy now started walking down the hall like a ghost wondering down it's halls.
    "Is there even anyone here?" She mumbled to her self.
  19. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Well sooorry if I have a big stomache,"yelled Raguna. Jet said,"Howabout you try eating less so you don't eat the whole island next time!" Kenta joined in and finally started having some emotions,"Well at least he doesn't kidnap random people who doesn't care!" Jet countered,"You were getting bored to death, I could feel it!" That left Kenta speechless for a while. Raguna go back in and said,"Hey! I created you guys because I got sucked in some freakin' whole!" Jet said,"That's why I'm trying to bring us back together." Kenta said,"I ain't going inside anybody's body, especially you, Jet!" "Oh, did I just touch a nerve, Mr. I-got-no-care-in-universe?"Jet said sarcastically. Raguna had enough and said,"SHUT UP!!!" Kenta and Jet both said,"STAY OUT OF THIS!!!!!" And they both punched Raguna so hard that he got sent flying into the air and got swallowed by the laughing giant sea witch.
    "That's not good,"Riku said.
    >Does Ursula's sister laugh?<
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Sora nodded in agreement with Riku. "You taught him how to get out of situations like that, right?" he asked him ainxously.
    Siah didn't notice the fight between Rag, Kenta, and Jet as she was buisy taking on a group of heartless.
    The two assasins from Kai's organization sent a group of heartless after Siah to keep her buisy after they noticed she had one of the keyblades. The girl laughed as she saw Raguna's predicament. "I'm guessing that's the other one." She said with a smile.
    The guy nodded, "We'll deal with him in a minaute... I'm still trying to figure out a way to take on the Anti-Nobodies."
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