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The New Organization (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Desert Warrior, Mar 14, 2011.

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  1. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    Enxith hastily turned around to see a young man speeding towards him. The individual had a look which pretty much explained itself: Punk-ass. However, he couldn't have attacked him just inadvertently; could he be searching for something, too? Reasoning with him wouldn't seem to work. Not for this man. He only had one other option, and it was his last resort.

    "You know, it's punks like you that make natural selection a beautiful and natural thing." He quickly conjured up an indescribable, acid-like substance, which transfigured into a very distinct looking flail weapon. "While I could use an adversary," he exclaimed while keeping a firm grip onto his weapon, "I expected somebody of mild importance. Well, whatever. Take what you get, huh?!" With that, he lunged at the man with his weapon, seeing how this would all play out in the end.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2011
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Moving up the stairs to what she understood to be the third floor, Rolexna lead the way for part of the journeys. About halfway up, she lessened he pace and stride, allowing Xolla to assume the spearheading position. As for herself, she fell back by a few steps on the stairs, giving the formation a flank. As Rey neared the top, she took the liberty of swinging her aim back down the flight to be sure they weren't being trailed by anything from the floor below. When the reached the top of the stairs, she turned to face forward once again and watched as the memory of Xolla's past formed before her eyes.*

    She had been hoping for something different, for someplace they didn't all have in common with one another, like her memory had been. Thus, she found herself a bit discouraged to find the streets of Twilight Town basking before her as it had so many times before in reality. She nodded in agreement with Jinx's statement. "But," she tacked on, half begrudgingly, "at least we'll have a pretty good sense of how to work our strategy around here. We know the streets from training, and there's very little we can't handle in them. We..."

    She cut her sentence immediately upon catching a glimpse of their next challenge. Braxin, a fallen traitor against the organization had reared himself as their next foe. Though he was a mere memory-based being created by the castle, Rolexna, as with Xolla, was put off by his arrival. As the "Fire Assassin" readied himself for battle, Rolexna looked to Xolla for orders. "You've killed him before. Do you want to take him on alone? Or should we give you a hand with it?"
  3. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    "Shit" was all Cinx could say as the stranger lunged at him. he Used his gravity to jump back and dodge the attack. then he noticed the weapon he held. "Flails?... D-Daxma?" he asked "No you're not Daxma, Daxma controls wind! Who are you?" Cinx prepared the Gravity field around him once again if the stranger decided to attack once more he would dodge then subdue him by increasing the Gravity around the stranger, Cinx had lost his will to fight this man, now he wanted answers. worst case scenario the stranger would place a well executed flail attack before he could pin him down but thats why he carried his double edged sword. "I've got to stop being so rash... funny Daxma told me the same thing, all that time ago."
  4. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    Enxith put the impending strike to a halt when the flails were mentioned. "Oh, this old thing?" He said with an obviously sarcastic vibe. "Pal, you haven't seen anything yet." Enxith went off on a quick explanation. "Let me discuss something. You have a lot of courage to stare at Karma in its unappealing face. You just don't have the mind to use it when you should!" With that, he stood in place and drew a sludge with his right hand. He structured his arms so they made an "X" shape. The flail was dropped within the sludge. At that moment, two more flails of the same consistency were formed from it and ended up in his hands.

    "You're too late. Don't start what you can't finish..." The chains of the flails grasped in each hand formed into a flexible sludge."The ends justify the means, kid."
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma awoke by feeling a sudden burst of power emanating in Twilight Town near the location of his friend Cinx. He had to get there as soon as possible. Cinx was in trouble.

    "Xyliar, NitonXao, forgive me but I have to be somewhere right now. I'll return as soon as possible," Daxma said. He left through a Dark Corridor in the forest of Twilight Town. To his suprise, a man with Flails almost like his own was gaining power for an attack. He noticed that the target was Cinx! He then made his Flails appear and used the wind to jump in front of Cinx. He then blew a powerful gust of wind from his Flails by spinning them rapidly. The wind blew the other man to a tree. He then stopped spinning his Flails and gave a thumbs up to Cinx as he turned to him and smiled. "Long time no see buddy. I thought I always told you to never let your guard down? You didn't forget did you?" Daxma asked, chuckling.
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: a quick backstep in time before Daxma's arrival.

    IC: Cinx knew he had stepped in it this time, he had been too rash, and now, he would pay the price. "Damn, Gravity control wont do me any good right now, my energy is too low, even if i try to just pin him down, I'm finished." but before the stranger could attack a blast of wind came and sent the stranger sprawling. Cinx looked over and saw an Organization cloak. the hood covered the face but Cinx knew who it was right away, he would never forget those flails as long as he existed. "Long time no see buddy. I thought I always told you to never let your guard down. You didn't forget did you?" chuckled his friend Daxma. Cinx couldn't believe it. "It's good to see you Daxma, I was just talking about you. but we have bigger fish to fry, Sludge-guy needs too cool of, do you have a potion or something? I'm nearly out of energy, and I can't pin him with my Gravity."
  7. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    "How can somebody be so impatient with what was needed to happen?" Enxith was in a stupor. His vision was a little clouded. The impact was sharp, but only for a little while. He took notice of what seemed to be an entity wearing a black cloak with the hood up. "Could that be the person I was channeling? Perhaps.." he said to himself. "So much for that, then. Although, I still need some sort of motive here." He had a smirk on his face. Being the vessel of nothingness, there was no sincerity in that smile, only unpredictably. He only did it to give him a mental note of the impending. "Sooner or later, your idiocy will become justified, one way or another..." he said to himself.

    Enxith walked towards the young men and exclaimed, "Well, you look like you're pretty versatile with your skills!" He tried to avert any hostilities if possible. "Can't say I'm shocked, you seemed pretty angry for no reason. Then again, I'm nothing now, why should I be worried?" He turned his attention to the entity on his right. "Any answers?"
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2011
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Daxma didn't like this guy. Especially since they both used Flails. But he didn't want a fight to start.

    "If you must know, my name is Daxma. I'm part of an Organization of Nobodies. I rank Vll," Daxma explained. He then decided to be a little polite. "I must admit, your skill with the Flails is impressive. But you still have a lot to learn. I suggest you don't try anything funny. Your Flails are Single-Sided while both of mine are Double-Sided. Now, enough of me. It's time YOU talk. Who are you and what are you doing here?" Daxma asked the man. He span his right Flail rapidly for intimidation.
  9. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx glanced at Daxma in disgust. why was he trying to be polite. something about this guy just didn't sit right with him. Why was he so eager to fight Cinx instead of trying to reason with him instead. Not only that but he talked about staring Karma in the face. This stranger had a few screws loose or something. Not only that but based on the power he felt being put into his last attack, Cinx knew he intended to finish him off, a complete stranger that had challenged him due to a misunderstanding. This man was dangerous...VERY dangerous. Cinx kept his sword by his side more for comfort than self defense.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Motx stood a distance away from the group alongside Phygronx. Motx had his hood up. "Alright. Whenever we go out looking for people, for whatever reason, we keep our hoods up. Even though it doesn't matter if our identities are protected, it gives us an aura of mystery. Now, it looks like there are two powerful nobodies in the group, both next to Daxma. In any situation, you must be prepared for a fight to break out. Especially when dealing with these guys, considering how badly they seem to want to fight. Now you won't have to worry about actually fighting now since I'm around. I've got the situation completely under control."

    Motx and Phygronx walked towards the three nobodies. "Gentlemen. I'm going to have to ask all of you to put down your weapons. I would like to speak to you, and I would prefer it if a fight between us does not occur. Gravity, wind, and whatever sludge stuff you make are all interesting additions to a fight. Oh, and the style your flails are doesn't have that much of an effect on a battle, unless you are truly that weak. Then I'm just wasting my time here."


    "Those are acceptable terms." Xyliar spoke to Niton.
  11. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    "Well, since the welcoming committee has finally introduced themselves, I guess I should do the same. My name is Enxith, and in rebuttal to Daxma, I want answers," Enxith explained. He kept cool about the situation, despite the havoc that was just occurring only minutes before. "I'm sure that any devoid vessel wants answers. A goal for their life, if you will. If you have any purpose for me, I am more than willing to accept whatever you have to toss at me."

    He also picked up on a comment about the flail that he was grasping. "Melee and poison can be combined well, if you know how to use it. Watch for a second..." Enxith went through the procedure of creating two other flails with very long chains, only they were far from chains. The striking ends were an indistinguishable poison, and they acted like thorns, maneuvering around for a short time. Enxith was done flaunting for a little bit and discussed things seriously again. "Poison does wondrous things for a weapon. If they have the first strike, I have the last laugh. Getting harmed without awareness, pfft," he said.

    He quickly turned to the man known as Cinx. "If you are looking for answers, then I guess our goals are shared in this mark of a brotherhood, huh?"
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Cinx still didn't trust this man.

    "It seems that way. I appologize for my earlier behavior. But I've wanted to join this Organization for a while now. Ever since Daxma told me about it. I only made my move recently because Daxma made it sound like only the strongest of the strong can get in, I wanted to get stronger. I wonder if it was worth it? That one behind our greeter hasn't said a word yet. I sense he is a fairly new Nobody, he reminds me of my first days without my heart. back when i first met Daxma.
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao bowed in front of Xyliar to show his respect and gratitude.

    "Thank you Xyliar. We can discuss my rank and position another time. So for now, would you like to see the progress of the other members? They have a big fight coming up after this floor," NitonXao explained, pointing at his purple orb.
    Daxma looked at Enxith in disgust. He didn't like it when strangers told him what to do.

    "Listen kid. I'm not the one who you should be asking Motx over there. He knows more about anything than me," Daxma said, pointing at Motx. He the whispered something to Cinx. "Great. Now that Motx knows about me telling you about the Organization, I'm gonna be ridiculed for the next week!" Daxma finished with a chuckle.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Xolla looked towards Braxin and clenched her katanas tighter and leaned into an offensive stance.

    "He's mine." She stated coldly and smirked.

    "My pleasure, though I wish I could have killed three organization members versus just you, but you will settle." He stated running forward quickly a trail of flames surrounding him as the area around the two of them burst into flames.

    "Let me see what my young organization member has been up to!" He roared out his sword flaming as he swung it down on Xolla but Xolla stopped it just in time using her two katanas forming an x, his flaming sword stuck in it, a few inches from her face. Braxin smirked as he kicked his legs up pushing her down to the ground and got ready to throw a powerful strike as she extended her hand and pushed him away with a mind force.

    "Is that all you got?" Braxin asked when Xolla jumped up and closed her eyes in a flash she seemed to disappear appearing behind him and striking him down, continuing to swing with her two katanas
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Who ever said that this memory was fake darling." Yunalesca turned around as the barrier that was in front of the door bounced Kayla back to her. "Just because you do not remember this memory does not mean that it doesn't exist. As does the memories of Idony's parents and your own." Lady Yunalesca walked up towards Kayla with a greeting, hugging her. "I am Lady Yunalesca and... I am here to help you with whatever it is that you are desiring in your heart."

    Idony opened her eyes as she woke up, seeing that she was in front of several warriors with hunting masks. Idony ended up scared as she woke up and jumped backwards, with the warriors still staring at her and coming up even closer. "HEY HEY HEY! Wait! Don't hurt her!" "Milo!" A boy wearing glasses along with his wife with white hair and an elegant, blue queen clothing hurried along to the front to keep the warriors from harming Idony. " Yna oui cina so gehk? Fryd ev cra ec yh ahaso? Fa tu hud ghuf fru cra ec". "Tu hud funno. E femm ycg ran. Fa hajan rind yhouha. Muug yd ran. Ymm uv oui yna vnekrdahehk ran." "Ec cusadrehk dra syddan?"

    Everyone looked back to see a woman with blue hair standing beside her husband and also, behind them were Idony's father and Godelieve. Idony was shocked but the others started to conversate among each other. "Um... hey. Who are you? Sorry that my comrades have startled you." "Where am I?" "Oh. You don't know? You're in Atlantis." Idony looked around, trying to remember but she has never remembered coming to this world before or ever heard their parents mentioning it. "Is she alright? Hey... you look just like my daughter." Idony stood up and started to wander some more. "I am Kidagakash." "Kidagakaw. Kidagawcaw. Kidupamatacash..." "Heh heh. Just call me Kida. This is Milo. We are rulers of this palace. That there is Ali and the other is Jesse." "I am... uh... cannot let mother know...Ebony. Just call me Ebony.

    The started to greet each other back and forth, talking until it got to the point where Ali and Jesse had to leave to take care of a mission. Idony went on to change into some Atlantean clothing, wearing a turquoise pattern with Atlantean symbols running down the side that is translated as "To renew nature" but to her father, it means "Again" or "Repeated" but to Godelieve, it means "To love again" or "God's Love". She also wore a gold bracelet on her right wrist and she was bare footed. "I hope that Kayla and Adam is alright."
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Okay then." Jinx spoke, releasing a sigh of relief. She sat down on the ground. "I gotta sit for a while. Now I know what Xyliar was talking about. Screwing around with fortune these past few floors really takes a lot out of me."


    "Is there really a need for them to fight since you're allied with us now?" Xyliar asked Niton.


    "Daxma, telling an old friend about us is the least of your concerns for ridicule." Motx spoke. "After all, did you not go into hiding after losing to a simple heartless?"


    Kayla's body turned into smoke, moving away from Yunalesca before she could hug her. Her body reformed once she was at an acceptable distance. "I apologize for acting distant to a complete stranger such as yourself, but I prefer to not be touched by those I don't know. Especially when I get such a chilling feeling from them. But please do not try to mess with my head on such a subject as memories. I'm not going to explain myself, but whatever you're attempting to do by showing me such a memory will not work. And finally, you should go help somebody else. I have no such desires within my heart."
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    NitonXao knew there was no sense in having his Heartless fight now. But he wanted to now test Xolla and the others' abilities.

    "Well, I 've never really seen Xolla, Reloxna, and Jinx's abilities for myself. Plus, I want to test them. 2,000 of my strongest Heartless are waiting for them on the next floor. I've altered the floors to where the group will be arriving on the 12th floor instead of the 4th. But, if you think it's no longer needed, or useless, I'll call of the attack now and alter the floors where when they leave the Memory Door, they'll appear here on the 13th floor," NitonXao explained.
    "A simple Heartless? If it was so simple, why was it the Heartless of my Somebody?" Daxma asked Motx.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  18. EtherealArchitect

    EtherealArchitect New Member

    Enxith was still in the midst of hearing about Daxma's discussion. He intervened; he didn't find it relevant to anything. "Excuse me. I believe after hearing about this group, I am wanting to hold an end of whatever bargain you hold. I would like in. A brotherhood sounds like a formidable plan to me; we all search for what we don't know what we look for. However, it seems like you know what you're looking for." He thoroughly explained to Motx while trying to maintain a balanced level of eagerness. He was slightly getting interested, but didn't want to overindulge in it. They might not want anything to do with him.

    "You speak with a silver tongue, Motx. A silver tongue that brings out true determination, I like that. Well, I'm going to take some of that determination." Enxith said. He made sure to get to the point. "I would like...to share the mark of this 'Organization'."
  19. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Now Cinx was distrought. He was the one who had summoned the Organization and now this man was trying to steal away his last opportunity!

    "Now, hold on!" Cinx butted in, "I want to be sure that I still have a shot!" I've been working almost my whole LIFE to get here today!" Daxma would now, I've been working towards today since I was just five days old! I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers!"
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ‪18 Atlantis - Atlantis the Lost Empire‬‏ - YouTube

    Idony looked around and was enjoying the company that she has in the dining room with Milo, Kida and the others. "Wow. You are a summoner too? Nice. Godelieve and I are also summoners. Me and my husband are almost done with our journey ourselves. We left our kids at home with our relatives under their care. Me and Jesse are blessed." "Hey Kida. Is it ok if you can show Ebony the city around? I can take care of things from here?" "It is a pleasure Milo. I hope you are enjoying yourself." "Not at all. Thank you. Um... Godelieve, what about you?" "Me and my husband has to earn the summon here before we can go on to the Ruined Dreams, the lost world that used to house a magnificent city." "The...Ruined Dreams?"

    "I am sorry to scare you Kayla. Still, are you sure that you do not have any desires... desires such as protecting your brother, Adam? Your brother is... an interesting child. His darkness troubles you, does it not? And the woman that you have been traveling with will end up falling into your friend's hands if you do not react." Lady Yunalesca then lifted up her left hand, tapping into Kayla and allowing Kayla to have access to a stronger ability through the powers of darkness. "Yet, you, your brother, your friend, and Idony, your choices will determine the result of this charade. Will you please hear my plea?"
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