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The New Organization

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Chilly Academic, Dec 28, 2007.

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  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Yes..." Voltair answered, "I am aware of what she has done. I know that you can never forgive her... But what you want to isn't the right thing to do. If you go down that path... It is a slippery slope that there isn't any return from. There is another choice for you though."
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx paused and tried to get control of her emotions. She knew what pain calming down would bring but she was scaring herself. She knew Hunter wouldn't have wanted her to follow the path that killing Kat would bring. She sighed, partly guessing what Voltiar was going to say. She was dreading it but she asked anyway, refusing to look at Kat at all "What choice is that?" she asked solomly.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Voltair kinda jerked his head towards Blake, "Let him give you a heart. It will cause you to forget everything..."
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx shook her head and looked at the ground, every memory of her past especially anything with Hunter was more painfull than anything she had ever experienced before. But the idea of completely forgetting everything she had done and accomplished... forgetting Page, Blake, Voltiar, Ryan, Crystal... Hunter. That was something worse, "I can't run away from this life just because of a little pain, Voltiar. I can't forget you guys and I can't forget him either."
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Well... It's your choice... I can't force you to do anything you don't want to do," Voltair told her, "But there are times it is better to forget."
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx shook her head, "I think we all need some time to think..." she said with a grim expression. "I is not up to me on what Page or Blake or Crystal want to do. We all have some hard desisions to make..." she looked at Voltiar and Blake "I need some help from you two right now though."
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Alright, what is it?" Voltair asked her. He thought they were done with, that they had time to slow down.
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx was almost reluctant to say what she wanted too but she knew it had to be done. "We've had a lot of deaths... now that our battle is won, we need to honor our brave soldiers who have die for our cause. I know they all deserve this to be done right but I don't know how... you two have more experience with this than I do." She almost broke down in tears again but she kept a perfectly composed strong expression on her face. She didn't faulter at all until she said their names: "Harrison, Ryan, Lexa, Abacross, Alph... Hunter."
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Voltair thought for a moment... "Well... How do you want them honored? A funeral? Or some kind of memorial?"
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx shrugged, "I don't know... this is why I need your help. I've never done this before... I just know they deserve something, ya know?"
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "It's a shame that I didn't know everybody then," Voltair sighed, "But Hunter deserves alot of things. What do you suggest Blake?"
  12. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Blake shrugged he was still a little shocked that Jaxx had said anything at all. "Well.... I don't know what to do really. I didn't know the others that well either except for Harrison and Hunter. To tell the truth, Hunter and Harrison hated eachother probably more than life itself but they both would have wanted the same thing and what they wouldn't want is a bunch of gloomy faces because of them. Hunter especially wasn't one for funerals unless the dead person was damn important to him and even then he really didn't show up for more than a few minates..." he thought for a moment.
    Page looked at the ground. She knew Jaxx wasn't really looking for a funeral either. They were too uptight and they took too long. "I think the word you guys are looking for is memorial. That way, there really is no ceremony or speaches. It's just a way for us and future generations to remember them... Kind of like what Organization XIII did a hundred years ago in the 'Proof of Existence' room."
    Blake nodded, "Works for me."
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jaxx nodded, "Yes... that sounds like a good idea." she said, grateful that they didn't have to do a funeral. She was sure she wouldn't be able to make it through a whole funeral and she sure as hell wasn't going to show up to it so she would have looked like hipocrite.

    *Black out!*

    (A few days later)

    Jaxx and the others were inside the castle. They had created a new room magicly using Kat's keysphere. It was like their own Proof of Existince but A little smaller. There were five doors like the ones in the proof of existince. *Alphs, Hunters, Ryans, Anlexias, and Harrisons.* All of them were already closed and destroyed and taken down so all that was there was the symbols of the people inside glowing on the floor. Jaxx had been away from the castle for days. She only just barely came back for this moment. She had been thinking a lot about what she would do next. She had also been thinking about what Kat had done and about Voltiar and Blake's offer of giving everyone back their hearts. Jaxx couldn't take her eyes off of the two symbol's on the floor that were most important to her. Hunter's and Blakes. Those two had been the two most important men in her life. Seeing them both were no longer alive was more scary to her than she thought it would be. She had planned on committing suiside to follow them but she thought against it now. She still had so much she needed to do. She knew they both understood that. She was still a princess of heart and a protector of Kingdom Hearts. She needed to find someone to pass her responsibility to after she had died. She took a deep breath that shuttered a little bit but it was silent enough that she was almost sure nobody had even heared it. She continued to stay silent as she had been for the past few days. She hadn't said a word since the day Hunter died. Mostly because she had been lost in thought. What was going to happen now? the organization was over so would everyone go their own seperate ways now? How would they react when she told them what she was going to do next? She sighed and kept her eyes on the memorial places of Hunter and Ryan. She didn't want to make eye contact with anyone else.
    Kat was standing next to Voltiar. She was a little dissapointed that she couldn't talk to Jaxx. She had a lot to say but she knew that an appology wouldn't fix anything. She hadn't ever known her brother so why did she feel so guilty for killing him?
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "So what are you going to do now?" Voltair asked Kat, "It seems like you are the only one who hasn't decided. Will you go your own way?"

    >Blake died?<
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kat shrugged, "I'm not sure... I don't think I want to wander around on my own anymore. It gets boring after a while." she said more to herself than to Voltiar. "But then, I told you before that I don't play well with others... as you have probably already seen for yourself."
    Jaxx looked up after a moment, the others were off at a distance away she didn't think they would hear anything she said at all. She sighed, "I'll see you soon Hunter. You can count on it." she said softly.
    She had considered just about every option she could do for now but none seemed right to her. She was going to find the next generation princess of heart and make sure she was better prepared than Jaxx herself had been. She knew that was what she was supposed to do. This was a mission she had to do alone, she wasn't sure why but she knew she couldn't bring any of her past friends with her except of course Hunter and Ryan who she knew were there with her all the time wether she wanted them there or not.
    She wasn't that good with goodbyes and she didn't want any more tears either from herself or from Page. Voltiar and Blake were better with their emotions than Page but she knew Page would find some way to convince her to stay and she couldn't take that risk. She found the time when everyone was distracted to slip out of the room and walk to her own room. She walked over to her closet and started putting some potions and elixers in it. She wasn't sure if she would need them but she also didn't know how long her comming journey would take. But she wasn't alone. She had two angels helping her the whole way so she way so she wasn't afraid. She teleported to the roof and was about to leave but she hesitated last moment. Could she really leave them all without at least saying goodbye?

    (LOL oops. Actually I ment Ryan. Blake isn't dead. I'll fix that :D)
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Okay. I was a little suprised when I read that he was dead.<

    "Well good luck with whatever you choose," Voltair told her, "There is still one thing I have to do, to see if all of my research proves true or not."
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kat nodded, "What research is that?" she asked, only slightly curious.
    Jaxx rolled her eyes and cursed her guilty concience before teleporting back to her room and pulling a single piece of paper out of one of the shelves on her desk. She couldn't face them but they at least deserved to let them know why she had to leave so suddenly.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "To open Kingdom Hearts," he told her, "To see if I survive the surge of light that comes out of it. It is kind of a half-baked idea in the first place. I thought of it when I was thinking about how Sora managed to defeat Xehanort's heartless many years ago. Xehanort opened Kingdom Hearts thinking it was the ultimate darkness. But instead of darkness, light shined out of it and destroyed him. I need to see what would happen to me."
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kat shrugged, "Well good luck with that... my contract had a few more tweaks to it as well that I didn't notice until it was broken. Kingdom Hearts has been sealed for one thousand years. You can still open it but it will take a lot. If this is about wether you think you are good or not then don't stress about it. I know you are good. If this is some way of killing yourself... I wish you wouldn't."
    Jaxx just finished her messege to her friends:

    Hey everyone,
    sorry I had to rush off without even saying goodbye but you know how bad I am with goodbyes. I figured it would be a bad idea. Especially with little miss empath using my own thoughts and feelings against me to convince me to stay. It would only prolongue the inevitalbe. Now that our job is done a new generation of princesses of heart are being chosen at this moment. I don't want the next person with my responsibility to be as unprepared as I was. I plan on finding her and protecting her until she is old enough. Then I can teach her. Maybe I can save her from some of the heartache that I had to face. Maybe she can protect her loved ones better than I could if I can help her.
    Again I am sorry I didn't talk to you guys first... it's immature I know and I hope you guys will understand how hard of a choice this was for me. I hope this isn't the end of us for good. I don't want to lose you all forever. Maybe we will see eachother again someday. Until then, I wish you all the best of luck with whatever you decide to do. Just know that I love you all like my family. Good bye

    After she was done wrighting her letter, she felt a paranormal sence somewhere in her room with her. She stood up and folded the paper in half perfectly straight. She knew it was going to kill her to leave them but she also knew she was doing what was right.

    She sighed and looked out the window, "I don't know if you can really hear me or see me. I'm not sure how this works... I guess you know more about this death thing than I do now. Anyway, Hunter if you really are here and if you really can hear me... (lol if you really are reading this more like :p) ... I have a few things to say to you that you probably already knew I was going to do anyway. Page thinks you've become something like a guardian angel. I honestly don't believe that kind of thing but I also know that it was you with me when I was fighting Jack so I'm not sure what to believe anymore I guess." she felt a little strange standing in the middle of her room talking to what seemed to be no one. She felt a little like a relidgous person praying. "I will keep my promise to you and follow you soon Hunter but it may take some time. I know what I am doing is right and I don't know how long it will take me to finish the last task that my life requires. I really always will love you more than anyone else in any life but I don't want you to feel obligated to me when you have to wait so long for me to find you. I'm sure you are going to have your work cut out for you with old friends and such that are also... where you are *Can't bring herself to say the word 'dead' yet*. Also, I am aware that there are some girls that are... where you are... that are probably prettier than me and right there in front of you. I don't blame you... have your fun just don't forget me, you promise?" it killed her to say it but she knew she had to. "I know its immature but I can't bring myself to forgive your sister even though I have accepted that she did what she knew was right. Keep an eye on Ryan for me will you?" she shook her head and gave up. A tear rolled down her cheek and she ignored it as it fell to the ground. She felt weird talking to someone who probably wasn't even there.

    She threw the pen she had been using across the room, it stuck into the opposite wall. She flinched, her emotions got the best of her again... damn it. She would have to work on that eventually. Partly she was glad she decided not to get her heart back with all the others. If emotions were this pesky when she didn't have a heart, she didn't want to know how bad they would be when she actually could get the full feeling of emotion. it would probably drive her mad... especially if she ever remembered her life as a nobody and the day Hunter died. She forced herself to stop thinking about them and walked over to the window. Procrastinating the moment she had to leave.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "But I need to know," Voltair said, knowing how Kat felt. It could kill him, but that was what scared him. He had wished for death for as long as he could remember, and now was his chance. There were no enemies to stop, nothing else he needed to do. "Of course, there is a chance that I will survive." He told her. "Since I still have a heart, that may save me," he thought to himself.
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