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The New Organization

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Chilly Academic, Dec 28, 2007.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Kat nodded, "I guess if that's what you want to do than it's not my buisness to stop you." she said it a little reluctantly.
  2. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Page suddenly appeared next to Jaxx on the roof. "You really can't hide anything from me you know. Hello, remember:" she pointed at herself like spotlights, "Empath!" she looked sad. "You really do plan on leaving us don't you?"
    Blake walked over to Voltiar and Kat, "Page thinks Jaxx isn't done fighting yet. She's going to go try to talk to her but if she fails... Kat, Jaxx has never held a grudge this long before. Page thinks you should talk to her before she leaves." He said with a grim expression.
    (Hope you don't mind Hope but we've already had this conversation through PMs so I know what Jaxx is going to say already. I'm just going to speed through this scene.)

    Jaxx shifted uncomfortably and didn't say anything for a long time. Page was starting to fear that Jaxx was going to be just as silent as she had been since the day Hunter died. Then Jaxx's voice broke the silence softly. "Page.... I think we both know that without Hunter I don't belong here anymore. It's just too many painful memories."

    Page sighed but she couldn't argue. She knew it was killing Jaxx to stay where she was. "Let us come with you then. Maybe we can help you."

    Jaxx shook her head, "You would leave your chances of ever getting a heart? Page, I don't plan on living much longer. I have to find my heir and teach her and then I promised Hunter I would follow him."

    Page bowed her head, "It's ok to hate him you know."

    Jaxx looked at Page sharply, "What are you talking about?"

    Page looked at Jaxx, "It's ok to hate Hunter for leaving you here alone. I know that at least part of you does."

    Jaxx almost laughed, "I could never hate Hunter... It's just that I hate how life is going to be without him."

    Page nodded, "Of course... look Jaxx. I won't try to stop you if you really think you're doing the right thing but could you grant me one last favor before we possibly never see eachother again?" she could tell by Jaxx's face that she had hit the right nerve: guilt.

    Jaxx looked at Page, "Anything, you know that."

    Page sighed and looked down knowing that what she was about to ask was dangerous. "At least talk to Kat... I know what she did hurt you a lot but I also know she is trying desperately to make things right with you. She wants to know more about you. In all honesty, Jaxx. She is facinated with you. She knows Hunter from before. The man she killed was nothing like the man she remembered as her brother. He was completely different especially when he looked at you. She wants to know why. She doesn't like you mad at her and..."

    Jaxx interrupted her, "Quit trying to convince me I'll do it. I promised that I would do anything you asked. But don't expect me to be nice to her." she said irritably.

    Page smiled a little though she knew Jaxx was far from kidding, "Just don't kill her and we'll be ok."

    Jaxx nodded and handed Page a folded piece of paper, "Give this to Voltiar and Blake..." she had tears in her eyes again and Page suddenly ran up and hugged her. "You're like the big sister I never had Jaxx. Promise we will see eachother again. I don't care if you're lying but just say it."

    Jaxx hesitated and then hugged Page back, "I promise Page... we will see eachother again." she wasn't sure if she was lying or not but she didn't want to be. "No matter what, this is not the last time we will see one another." she shook her head, "Now go before Kat comes. I don't want you having to stay here and babysit us."
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    (Sorry guys but you must wrap up your story in the next post you make. You can leave it suspenceful if you want... oathkeeper may be creating a new one sometime. Just keep it distant oath. We don't want to kick a dead RP but sometime later like in a few months or so it may be ok for you to start the story of what happens next. It seems all of them have an interesting story to tell about their futures.)

    Kat nodded, "Ok... I see that reasoning." she said solomly. She looked at Voltiar, "Don't go off killing yourself until I'm back... please? I'll be right back and then maybe I can talk you out of it." she opened a light portal and came out to Jaxx's location. Page had left, Kat wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Jaxx didn't turn to look at Kat when she came but Kat knew Jaxx knew who she was. Her hand tightened over the handle of Hunter's katana (The one he gave her when he died.) After a moment of silence Jaxx rolled her eyes.

    "Well Page said you wanted to say something so don't just stand there like a retard. Say something."

    Kat sighed, "I don't know what to say..."

    Jaxx waited patiently for Kat to speak. Kat sighed, "I don't think the word 'Sorry' really covers it. I just wish you would understand why I had to kill him..."

    Jaxx interrupted her, "Oh don't think I don't understand why you did it. I know all about your contract and I also know about the balance between good and evil that Hunter had crossed. I know that what you did was right and maybe I am being unreasonable but I simply can not bring myself to thank you for killing my fiance`. Wether or not it was for the right reason, I can not bring myself to live in a world with you and not him..." she didn't want to look at Kat. Kat reminded her of Hunter a lot. She had the same guarded but deep hazel eyes, and she had the same crooked but perfect smile. Even their personalities seemed so much a like. Kat held her weapons the same way Hunter did.

    Kat sighed, "I wish you though differently about me. I know I am in no position to ask you your forgiveness so I will not. But I am wondering one thing." she cleared her throat nervously, "I want to go with you on your next journey. I want to find the next princess of heart and help you protect her."

    Jaxx scoffed and looked at Kat with a hard but confused look on her face "Why would you want to do that?" she asked cautiously.

    Kat looked square in Jaxx's eyes showing only the slightest hesitation. "Because I don't have anywhere else to go and because..."

    Jaxx raised an eyebrow, "...Because?" she said a little impatiently.

    Kat looked away, "because I wan't to prove to myself that I am capable of doing something good."

    Jaxx was caught off guard by the question. But she empathiezed it at the same time. Jaxx herself had been at a point in her life when she believed she was evil but wanted to be different. She wanted to prove to herself that she could do at least one good thing before she died. What she found along the way was Hunter and the two of them helped eachother discover that what side of the line between good and evil you stand on is up to you and only you. They brought out the best in eachother and now here stood this girl asking Jaxx the same question that Jaxx had asked Kat's brother years before. Jaxx sighed, the arony and the guilt won her over in the end. Though she hated what Kat did, she couldn't bring herself to hate Kat herself. Curse those big hazel eyes! She knew how to use them just as well as her brother had.

    Jaxx nodded, though so much was going through her mind at once she still kept her rough countinence, "Well you know what they say. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies at sword leingth. I suppose you can tag along for a while as long as you can keep up."

    Kat smiled a little, "Finaly, an actual challenge! When do we leave?"

    Jaxx thought for a moment, "Now." she jumped off the edge of the roof and started running down the street as fast as she could, not bothering to look and see if Kat was following or not. After a moment, she turned again to see how far she had gone and to see if Kat was following her or not. She could see Kat somewhere in the distance but getting closer. She sighed and looked forward again, waiting for Kat to catch up. Kat saw that Jaxx had stopped and she looked once more back at the castle. "See you around, Voltiar..." she said telepathicly. "I am sorry I couldn't stop to talk to you more but your friend Jaxx is more impatient than anyone I've ever met before. Maybe we will meet again some day." She turned to follow Jaxx.

    Jaxx looked off at the ruins of the Kingdom Hearts that Xemnas had almost created. "I know this might be a bad idea, but you know bad I am with trust. It always runs me into trouble eventually but what she said... it reminded me of you. And your answer to me that day is something I think I will never forget. That's why I couldn't say no to her." she didn't say it out loud though. after Kat caught up to Jaxx, The two of them ran off together. Jaxx opened a dark path and Kat opened a light one. They both ran through their own paths and where they went... well thats an entirely different story.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Last post... *sigh.*<

    "Goodbye Kat," Voltair muttered before teleporting away. He appeared in front of Kingdom Hearts. He flew into the air and held out his hand. "Open." The doors opened, and light shot out of it. He couldn't see anything in the light, but he heard a voice, a woman's voice, "Now isn't your time. You must please be patient." He could faintly see the body of the person that spoke. She floated up to him, and reached inside of him and pulled out the darkness inside him. To anybody who might have been watching, it only looked like the darkness was purged from his body. He was normal again. The doors then closed themselves, and Voltair was left lying on the ground. He looked at himself, and he was happy, "Thank you... Amelia. Until I see you again." He then turned around and opened up a portal of light and walked through it.
  5. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    *:( ok here goes the last post in the story...*

    Page watched Kat and Jaxx leave from her bedroom window. She knew why Jaxx brought Kat when she had refused to take Page. Mostly it was because Kat reminded her so much of Hunter and also because Jaxx didn't trust Kat to leave her here with her remaining friends. But it still hurt. She sat down on her bed and started crying. Blake knocked lightly on her door, Page was suprised she had thought she was the only person left in the castle after Voltiar left. She sighed, "Who is there?"

    Blake opened the door a little, "You ok?"

    Page shook her head, "The way for everything to come together... all of us had to fall apart. That was my preminition and I knew it from the beginning and now that it's happend..." she shook her head.

    Blake sighed and sat next to her, "I believe you and I are the only ones who haven't made up our minds on what to do next."

    Page nodded, "I honestly don't know what to do next." she admited solomly.

    Blake nodded, "I suppose you are going to be like the others. You don't want your heart back if it means forgetting who you are?"

    Page sighed "I guess so. I don't know what to do though."

    Blake thought for a moment, "Maybe I could use your help where I am going."

    Page looked at Blake, "Where are you going?"

    Blake looked out the window as Jaxx and Kat dissapeared, "I want to know more about Kingdom Hearts and keyblade berrers so I am going to Destiny Island where the most famous Keyblade berrer started his journey and then I am going to trace his steps and see what I will learn from that."

    Page smiled a bit but she still looked sad and confused "I'll come along with you if you don't mind."

    Blake shook his head, "Not at all." he was actually releaved that not everyone was separating. He liked Page a little anyway.

    Page nodded, "So when do we leave?"

    Blake thought for a moment, "Whenever you want to."

    Page sighed, "The empathic and psycic connections in this place are always killing me. I wan't to leave as soon as posable."

    Blake stood up, "Then let's go right now."

    Page nodded and the two of them left through a dark portal to start a new adventure.

    (K, Hope and Shikamaru were the mods for this RP so we'll let one of them wright the last thing and then the credits if they want. :D)
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    And so that's how the story goes. The one organization that got all they wanted, lost everything to get there. Maybe that's how things will go forever. No matter how much you want something and how hard you persue it, you will only find that you will lose everything you hold dear and never get what it was you were chasing in the first place. We found that out the hard way just as Organization XIII found out before us.
    The only thing that stands from both organizations is the castle that will stand forever gaining new rooms in the Proof of Existance as more will come and go in persuing that which they believe they want most.

    The castle stood abandoned yet again, perfectly unharmed from it's previous inhabitants, just waiting for the time that new ones will come. Maybe they never will again. I guess you can never really tell what you want most until you lose it.

    Until then, I will not concern myself with it anymore. I have had enough chasing what I can't have. And I will not chase what I had and lost either just as I know my friends will do the same. The castle will stand forever and maybe someday I will return to visit the graves of my loved ones. Maybe that is where I will end my life and finaly rejoin those I loved. Until then, I can feel them with me and I have a new task at hand. Maybe we will see eachother again...
    But then again you never know. Fate does seem to have a funny sense of humor.

    The End​

    Good Guys:
    Jaxx: KeyofHope777
    Hunter: Shikamaru
    Page: OathkeeperXIII
    Blake: OathkeeperXIII
    Voltiar: Desert Warrior
    Semnax: Demon of Darkness
    Crystal: Magilicudy
    Lexa: Axel
    Alph: Blademasterfan
    Xarxieiz: TheHeartlessKing
    Blexieis: Sephiroth X Slasher
    Abacross: Over Lord Abacross
    Harrison: OathkeeperXIII
    Ryan: KeyofHope777
    Katsumi...?- KeyofHope777
    Jacob: Zerieth
    Emily: Zerieth
    Alice: Demon of Darkness
    Adam: Demon of Darkness
    Jasmine: KeyofHope777​
    -Bad Guys-
    Tom: OathkeeperXIII
    Kasmocs: Zerieth
    Adamus: Demon of Darkness
    Scienta: Yokou
    Hatsu: Yokou
    Hotoru: Yokou
    Crimson: Yokou
    Jack: OathkeeperXIII
    Sky: OathkeeperXIII
    ~OOC characters~
    Alex: KeyofHope777
    Cole: KeyofHope777
    Jaxx's evil side: KeyofHope777
    Abacross: Overlord Abacross

    ...Special Thanks To...
    Shikamaru- Taking control of the RP and helping us get to the end :D

    OathkeeperXIII- Taking care of it when someone saw that we were making things complex and wrighting the story forward to get us back on track & Being most of our bad guys :D

    The Chilly Academic: For Starting the RP. We were sorry that your character didn't quite show up in the actual story.

    ***Sound Track***
    What I've Done- Linkin Park
    Love- Def Leppard
    Comming Undone- Korn
    Lithium- Evanesence
    Going Under- Evanesence
    Psyco- Puddle Of Mudd
    Let it Rock- (Unknown Artist)
    I'm Still Here- (Unknown Artist)
    Say It's Possable- Terra Nayomi
    Go- Def Leppard
    Nobody's Listening- Linkin Park
    I Will Follow You Into The Dark- Death Cab For Cutie
    Only One- Yellow Card
    Numb- Linkin Park
    Faint- Linkin Park
    In The End- Linkin Park
    With You- Linkin Park
    Session- Linkin Park
    *Anyone who wants to add to the sound track just PM me. These are just some songs that kinda reminded me of it and I'm really bored.*
    -Songs that are bolded are my faves
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2008
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