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The New Organization

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Chilly Academic, Dec 28, 2007.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Oh, sorry :D
    I'll be Cole unless anyone else wants to talke over. I'll post his profile under Alex's*

    Cole wandered aimlessly around the Hollow Bastion when he saw the castle. Somehow he could sense a strange energy comming from that castle and he started toward it, not noticing Hunter comming up behind him.
  2. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter walks up and stands a few feet behind Cole.
    "Hey kid"
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Cole was surprised to hear a voice behind him but he concealed it. He turned around and said, "The names Cole and I'm no kid." he said. Then he took in the man's appearence and then took more caution.
  4. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter looks him over.
    "No kid huh? Hmm i can respect that."
    "Got to say though i kinda expected you to look a little tougher"
    Hunter smirks.
    "Talked to your friend Damion lately?"
  5. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >Damion's name been changed to Alex.<
    Alph threw his sword at the horn. The sword came back to Alph's hand."Now you try,"he said to Alex.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Cole was actually surprised, "You know Alex?" he asked.
    Alex smiled a little and drew the keyblade back and threw it at the horn. It was a direct hit, but while he was waiting for it to come back he didn't notice a heartless until it hit him from behind. The keyblade landed on the ground at the same time he did. He groaned and picked it up then got on his feet, deturmined not to pass out again.
  7. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter just laughs.
    "Oh i know more about him than he knows."
    "You know you seem like a good kid. Shame about what i have to do."
    Hunter shrugs off his cloak.
    "No hard feelings kidd"
  8. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Alph hit the heartless that attacked Alex."Don't let your guard down when you're trapped,"Alph said. Then he added,"Like the position we're in now. New move: try throwing your weapon and control it with your mind. Make it circle around and hit all the horns and quickly guide it back to you like a boomerang."
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Ah, your an organization member right? I am without allegiance and I am sorry for going onto your turf but I wish to join you." He stands back respectively and bows a little, as he had done to his superiors before he killed them.
  10. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lexa almost hit Hunter across the face for laughing at him. She couldn't stand Alex to get hurt.
    She cared about him? Was this even real... Lexa had no heart, but somewhere inside she could feel a small beat of nothing that once was a heart.
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Could you guys decide my number for me please? I don't want to sift through the whole rp.<
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Zarieth, you chould be number V, I guess if thats ok. I dont think anyone has taken that position yet :D *

    JaxX smiled and drew out her wepons. She said, "Common then." Then noticing an almost confused look on his face she added, "you didn't think we would just hand you a position, did you?" She scoffed. "Prove you wont just be in the way." In the distance thunder started rolling in.
    Alex did as Alph said succesfully, he smiled triumphantly as one of the attacking heartless fell dead. Being sure not to let his guard down at all, he turned to Alph and asked, "Why are you helping me anyways?" He dodged an attack directed at him and then threw the keyblade again.
    Cole backed away, showing no fear... though he felt tonz! He shook his head, "No, of course none at all... that is if there are no hard feelings for THIS." He cast fire at him and then ran in the other direction.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "If you wish it. I will try not to kill you." His hands began sparking as a started floating in the air. "This is my true power. Xemnas is my relative. I inherited his powers." He jumps high onto a sky scraper and rains energy bolts down on his opponent.
    *Play Disappeared*
  14. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter just moves his head out of the fireballs way and watches Cole running away.
    "Sorry kid but your not getting away from this" Hunter jumps and lands in front of Cole
    Hunter grabs him and starts to pummel his face then knocks his weapon from his hand.
    He then throws Cole to the ground.
    "Dont worry kid im not gonna kill you. Not in the plan. This will hurt though."
    And with that he knocks Cole out.
  15. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Just wanted to,"Alph said."Besides, you got the keyblade." And you suck, he added in his mind. He didn't have the heart to tell him that he made the keyblade move around. He used his Stopuna, a very strong upgrade of Stop, to move the keyblade.
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Still deciding wether or not to trust Alph, Alex decided it was time to put an end to this. He called to Alph, "Well thanks for everything, but I dont have time for this! I have to find Cole now!" He dodged past annother heartless and threw the keyblade again, this time killing annother one. 'This all seems almost too easy...' he thought uneasily.
    JaxX smiled cockily, "As will I." she said, unfaised at all by what he said.
    Cole tried to argue before there was a sharp pain to his head and then everything went black.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  17. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "OK!"Alph called out."Call me if you need anything! Just say,'Lumin'." He still didn't have the heart to tell him about the keyblade throwing thingie. Though he does have a heart, he has the fun, secret type.'I hope JaxX won't kill me for this,' he thought and he went through a portal he made. He appeared right above JaxX and fell."Sorry,"he said.
    >Alex is a she? Thought it was a boy since it's Axel's next life.<
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Sorry, the she was a typo. I fixed it though :eek: LOL, alex is a boy*
    *JaxX is kinda buissy right now...*
  19. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Well, Alph landed on a person that looked like JaxX. He got up and helped the girl up.'Dang it!,' he thought.'Twilight Town.' He went to a gate and saw a broken down mansion.
  20. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter appears through a portal back at the castle dragging behind him a tied up unconscious Cole.
    "Dont worry kid your not dead yet"
    Hunter throws Cole into a cell and starts to walk away.
    "Hmmmm wonder where everyone is................."
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