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The New Organization

Discussion in 'Archive' started by The Chilly Academic, Dec 28, 2007.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Actually he did win... barely though. He WAS stepping on her wepon in the end. He didn't black out.. the scene blacked out. Next time I wont black it out... and I'm sure there will be a next time :D *

    JaxX got serious again, "Well, I suppose someone should give you the grand toure." She said and then she pointed, "Were stationed that way." She opened a path and stepped through, expecting him to follow.
  2. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "I wonder if he forgot that the word was Lumin,"Alph said to himself."In fact, all the other people I gave the word to would accidentally say 'Lumo' or 'Limo' or even 'Lucko'."
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Oh, ooops, sorry about that :eek: *

    When nobody answered him, Alex thought for a moment. "That must not have been it." He said thoughtfully. "... Uh...Limo... Lucko... Lunnin... Oh ya, Lumin!"
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    He follows Jaax through the portal to the Organizations hangout. "What must I do in this organiztion?" He asks as he steps out of the portal. He stops and looks in aw at the hall they were in. "Amazing. This looks like the original Organization 13s area."
  5. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    "It is actually"
    Hunter appears through a portal.
    "Guess your the new guy i saw earlier. Would have said hi but i was busy having a chat with a certain someone."
    Hunter offers his hand.
    "Hunters the name"
  6. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "I'll go check on him,"Alph said. He made a portal and went through. He got on a building seeing Alex saying something."Maybe he's trying." He jumped down behind Alex and said,"Yo Al!"
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Hello, I am Kasomecs. I belonged to a different group but they were soon falling apart. I cut my losses and came here. You have a nice place, better than the pit I was stuck in for a while." Kasomecs smiles.
  8. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter grins, "Yeah well what can we say, we take over the original Organization base so its gonna look pretty good."
    Hunter than gets serious."Now i need to know if your gonna cut and leave us if it starts looking a little bad."
    "We dont need chickens or quitters in this group." Hunter chuckles "No offense."
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaxX gives Hunter a serious look, as if to say 'Ryan?' but she didn't say anything, then her experssion changed. She smiled a little, "I've allready tested him, Hunter. I think he's fully capable."

    Ryan saw others surrounding the new guy and then suddenly remembered where he saw him before. "Kasomecs..." He said almost emotionlessly... but he also sounded almost anxious.
  10. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    "Yeah you tested his strength not his loyalty............"
    Hunter just shakes his head. "Maybe im just getting a little too paranoid."
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    JaxX briefly made eye contact with Ryan in his room a fiew floors above them and then tured her attention back to Hunter and Kasmomecs. She shook her head, "Nah, thats ok, your paranoya has come in handy more than once." She said with a smile, then she added, "Your right, I'll give you the reins on this one... I have something to take care of." She nodded to Kasomecs in farewell and then turned to Hunter again, "Be nice." She said in a mockingly stern way. She opened a path that lead to Ryan's room and went through it.
    Ryan knew that she was comming as soon as she saw him. He kept his eyes on the window as she walked through the path.
    JaxX stepped up behind Ryan, "You know something about him, dont you?" She asked.
    Ryan scoffed, "You actually came to see me without your bodyguard, oh fearless leader?"
    "Dont change the subject."
    Ryan sighed but then put on a smile and turned to face her, "Yes, I knew him once. He and I were once in the same organization... but I left it years ago."
    Alex turned to look at Alph, "Finally! Good heck that was way more trouble than it should have been..." He walked toward him saying, "We dont have time for a Q & A. I cant find Cole anywhere, I'm sure he has gotten himself into trouble. Do you have any clue or leads to where he could have gone?" He felt rediculous asking this guy for help but it was his only option.
  12. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Huh?"Alph said."This Cole your friend?"
    Who is Cole? Alph wondered. He didn't hear JaxX telling him Alex had a friend.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I might leave but how would I be able to resist such a place? I only do things that turn out good for me. For now, you have my loyalty. Better having it than not at all. Does that answer your question? Its just," He snaps his fingers and two nobodies appear holding suitcases and a computer. "I need to find my room and settle in." He smiles again. To bad his eyes aren't but no one notices. This one might prove to be an issue later.
  14. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    "Whatever you say." Hunter says with a smile.
    "But im sure you know by now that im not gonna trust you. You have already proven yourself a traitor and coward so just try not to let those parts of you show in our organization."
    Hunter turns and walks away.
    "Besides," Hunter says over his shoulder "Its just"
  15. illumine

    illumine New Member

    hi may I join u^ ^?
    Name: Alenxa
    Custom Title: The Crimson Butterfly
    Appearance Age:seemingly 18-19,
    Appearance: have white sleek hair reaching just to above her mid-waist always having some tufts falling on her face-have red eyes-pale complexion
    Personality:always serious and very calm and collected but can be Real Creepy in battle
    Weaponry:10 different blades appears at her command
    Element: Dark (if not) /shadow
    Rank III (well if it's not taken)

    * Alenxa appeared out of the darkness and scanned the place "I must report to Jaxx" she thought, after getting over with the mission he had given her to collect some important information...she walked off looking for Jaxx
  16. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    <welcome :)>
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Nope, number three is just fine. Welcome, we needed annother girl :D *

    JaxX looked sceptical, She still didn't trust him and was on her guard every minaute with him. She asked, "So, anything we should know?"
    Ryan shrugged, "Just be on your guard with him... hes known to have a short fuse... and an even shorter loyalty gauge."
    JaxX smirked, "That must run in that organization." She said
    Ryan shrugged again and turned back to the window, "Yes... and it was also its downfall...."
    JaxX said nothing for a moment and said, "Well, lets see that it doesn't turn to be yours." With that, she opened a path and walked through it to find Alenxa. "You require my assistance?" she asked, having senced that she was looking for her.
    Alex nodded, "Hes like my brother."
    Cole smiled as he finally found what he was looking for. There was a small space in the wall of the cell. He figured if he could just make it bigger...
  18. Shikamaru

    Shikamaru That one guy

    Hunter walks through a portal and ends up next to Jaxx and Alenxa.
    "Well well looks like im in a room with 2 gorgeous girls."
    Hunter smriks.
    "Lucky me"
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I may be a traitor but I am no coward. To bad they don't know about what happened to my old group. He walks into a kitchen, they had to eat at some point, and serves up a mac and cheese. >He can't cook well.< After eating he goes up to his room and turns on his computer. He begins setting up security in his room. Soon an army of dusks would not be able to get in.
  20. illumine

    illumine New Member

    Alenxa was glad that she found Jaxx so quickly, she has collected some valuable information on her last mission and it was time to report back..."I've got some info that might interset you Jaxx" she was about to continue when Hunter suddenly appeared in the scene "Well well looks like im in a room with 2 gorgeous girls." he said "Lucky me"..."well well...if it isn't hunter himself..." she smirked...
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