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The Organization XV

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cloaked Schemer, Mar 1, 2009.

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  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    can i have a created character?

    Name: Roxas, Key of Destiny
    Age: 16
    Weapon(s)/Abilities: Oathkeeper and Oblivion, and Twilight
    Persona: Funny, kind, quiet at times
    Appearence: Don't have a pic but you all should know what he looks like
    Details: Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Roxas is also known as a traitor to the Organization.
  2. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    if you want i could be Riku also

    if so:

    Name: Riku

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Weapon(s)/ Abilitie(s): The way to the dawn keyblade/ power of light and darkness

    Persona: Still developing, wants to explore other worlds, may seem quite but a great friend and companion, he would risk his life for his close friends.


    Details: Sora's long and deer friend, he grew up with him and Kairi eventualy to.
    he risked his life by giving into the dark to save Sora. By doing that he changed into the form of Xenahorts heartless previously known as Ansem, but has eventually retrieved normal form
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009
  3. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Great, both accepted! Now we just need a Sora, Kairi, and Axel an we can start. Can you tell people about this RPG? If you can- we might be able to start this today! :D
  4. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    i have putten it in my sig :)
  5. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I'll make the new character:

    Name: Luxord Aka Gambler of Fate

    Sex: Male

    Age: 24

    Weapon/Abilities: Cards and power to control time

    Persona: Calm, love to play games, he also portrayed as master of rhetoric, with an advanced vocabulary. He also possesses a notably British accent, giving him an air of sophistication. His enjoyment of The Game is further portrayed which show him in an almost uncaring light - he seems to not be bothered as long as he can continue to gamble and see interesting things.


    Details: Luxord, the Gambler of Fate (運命を賭す者 Unmei o Tosumono), is Rank X within Organization XIII. He wields the element of Time, and uses his element to force his opponents to play timed games, with unfortunate consequences if they can't learn the rules and lose. He commands the Gambler Nobodies.

    Others: (not have in mind)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  6. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Great, accepted!
  7. Okay, I've been thinking and since I don't want us to have any serious issues with spam (which we haven't had yet), I was wondering if I or you (Cloaked Schemer) could make a social group for this RP only. Also, where will we (The Organization XIII members) be starting?
  8. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    i don't think that's quite the answer.
    Since i'm on this forum (like 4 weeks :p) i havn't seen any spamm.
    Can't we just make a new Thread as the main story?
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    That's what your supose to the, main thread, however, not a social group. When creating a social group for one RP, your actually sausing SG Spam, or social group spam. Sure posts don't count, but the point why spam is not allowed is a bunch of reasons...

    1.) it's unorganized
    2.) It serves no purpose
    3.) and it's annoying

    For as many RP's this site produces, adding a social group for every single RP would be really unorganized.
  10. Wow, thanks for the information. So we'll just stick to the main OOC & SU then.
  11. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Can someone play as Axel so we could start this?
  12. Okay, I'll post an Axel template if that's okay.
  13. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    okay that's cool, i also play 2 characters :)
    "Can it be true???"
    "Can we finnaly start?"
    it will be a question that will be answered soon enough...xD
  14. Well, I kind of changed my mind. I can't really play Axel so. . .sorry.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Since it's taking too long here-

    Name: Axel, Flurry of Flames

    Sex: Male

    Age: 20

    Weapon: Fire Chakras, Fire

    Persona: Can be very mysterious, funny, a bit of a hothead

    Appearence: Using Wii but you all know

    Details: Axel is a member of the Organization and was once friends with Roxas before he went missing

    Name: Sora

    Sex: Male

    Age: 16

    Weapon: Kingdom Key

    Persona: Funny, kind, brave, sticks up for friends, easygoing

    Appearence: Using Wii but you SHOULD ALL know his KH2 look

    Details: Sora is now a normal boy who lives on a world called Destiny Islands. He used to be, and still is, the Keyblades chosen one and used to go on adventures in an attempt to save the worlds.

    There now we can start, Kairi can come later
  16. We'll just wait until Cloaked Schemer is back.
  17. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    well, if he's not online in more than 3 days from now, I'll start this RP.
  18. Good, that way we can get this thing started.
  19. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    2 days more to go.....
    If Cloaked Schemer didn't online, I'll start this
  20. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    okay then maybe we can get started soon (finnallllyyy....)
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