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The person below me.

Discussion in 'Fun & Games' started by Goldfish, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    True. It sucks, but I don't get it really.

    TPBM has new computer/laptop
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    No,but soon

    TPBM posted too fast?
  3. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    True. Grammer!!

    TPBM is fast at typing?
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yes,on an old forum Ive been told I type too fast

    TPBM has been on a site dedicated to KH2 before it came out?
  5. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    False, I haven't heard of such forum =p

    TPBM Thought that the Kingdom Hearts 2 game was over when Roxas saw Sora in the pod?
  6. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    False... I thought it was just beginning!

    TPBM is bored?
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    A little

    TPBM was not on when I made this post?
  8. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member


    TPBM is an easter egg?
  9. dualblade

    dualblade Break!


    TPBM doesnt know where I live
  10. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member


    TPBM knows my reallife name
  11. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    ...Sora?Ok,no,not really.

    TPBM will one day have a rep of one?
  12. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member

    fasle no way I will

    TPBM will say true
  13. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    False. hehe

    TPBM will one day join the evil family
  14. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames


    TPBM has SSBB and wifi?
  15. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member

    fasle no clue what that is

    TPBM will say fasle
  16. dualblade

    dualblade Break!


    TPBM knows what SSBB is?
  17. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member

    false again no clue what that is

    TPBM will know what a Ipod is
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    True. XD You is funny Dualblade.

    TPBM knows what a prairie dog looks like.
  19. sora riku mickey

    sora riku mickey New Member


    TPBM loves the coment
  20. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    true, oh and SSBB=Super Smash Bros. Brawl (game for the wii)

    TPBM would like to play against me sometime in SSBB?

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