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The Riku Code

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Ransu, Oct 13, 2007.

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  1. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    so thats how you made it work? a monkey is good at helping sometimes lol :D
  2. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    it turn's out the monkey hate's orange's who new..... and know he's holding an SMG with me tied to the computer
  3. DjC

    DjC New Member

    coming right up:D


    AR MAX:

    Play as T-stance Riku:
    To do this you must go drive into Final Form

    Play as siting T-stance Riku
    He looks like he's in the position as he was on the bike-thing in the final battle


    Play as T-stance Riku:
    11CFA40A 0000089B

    Play as siting T-stance Riku
    11C95618 0000089B
  4. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    hey xemnas, when you were playing as riku, could you attack at all?

    edit: thanks for the codes Djc :cool:
  5. DjC

    DjC New Member

    dude i dont know about this?

    i used all the codes together and all it gave me was a bsod
  6. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    have you guy's ever tried Mickey v.s. sephiroth it's impossible to win because mickey can't use item's, magic or reaction commands and on top off that mickey can't defeat boss's.

    anyways riku had awsome attack combo's but if you miss riku spazes out.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2007
  7. DjC

    DjC New Member

    no if u use certain codes mickey CAN defeat bosses.and i've beaten sephy while playing as mickey.

    can u post pics of u playing with riku?
  8. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    did you convert the ar max ones and put them together?
    its kind of weird that the ar max ones work but the GS/CB ones dont work lol.

    Xemnas_14 - i tried that before and i couldnt kill sephiroth because he doesnt have a finishing combo or something. if i could use thunder then i could kill im, but i just remembered that sephiroth was magic-proof.
  9. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    i don't have any pics ,but as i think i said a few min. ago the menu looked like the battle between xemnas v.s. sora and riku. when u got to use riku. but i needs to go soon
  10. DjC

    DjC New Member

    how do we know if the ar max one works? well we need hayashi to try the ar max one because he has ar max

    oh and no i didnt im gonna convert the big code u gave me and post it up in a minute
  11. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    well it came up as enemy riku code replace donald.
    i think it was just an awsome glitch i'll see if i can do it again.... until then my monkey will just sing purple rain by prince
  12. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    the ar max one worked for xemnas_14 when he combined them all together.
    we can ask hayashi to test the code too just to make sure it works.

    xemnas_14 - if it works again, can you take a picture of it and post it here?
  13. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    Sorry dudes i'm sorry to say it didn't work.........
    I tried the file for it and it didn't work then I even retyped the code it still didn't work but i think there somthing wierd with my action replay but if it ever works again i'll post pics.............
    the monkey is crying now
  14. DjC

    DjC New Member

    ya it would be a miracle if he came online right now LOL that would be freaky

    well i converted the code and something really wierd happenend.
  15. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    what happened? :confused:
  16. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    whta really wierd thing happend??? did it work or did you get sora having a spaz out like i had on one of my first codes
  17. DjC

    DjC New Member

    to both of u- i didnt use the code but when i converted the one code ransu posted that was all the codes together (in ar max format).well when i made it raw it said encryption error. and it gave me the same codes that ransu gave me on the first post of this thread in one code and it added an extra line. see why thats wierd is because when theres an error it wont/cant convert the code but in this case it did
    xemnas_14 likes this.
  18. xemnas_14

    xemnas_14 New Member

    so what exactly is rep. power on here???????
  19. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    hmmm....that is weird.

    rep. is...i dunno lol :p
    xemnas_14 likes this.
  20. DjC

    DjC New Member


    we were talking about codes and all of a sudden u say somthing random?LOL
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