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The Sins of a Nobody

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Sephiroth X Slasher, Jun 5, 2008.

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  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "So where are we going?" Voltair asked as they ran through the forest.
  2. Sieg was planning in his head, "have to find this cave in the forest, It leads us to another dimension, there we should find a beacon, the beacon will light and Orginization will unite"
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Wait just a minute," Voltair said, "I thought you said you were against the nobodies, but the Organization is only nobodies."
  4. 1-up salesman

    1-up salesman New Member

    Cool idea for an RPG.
    Name: Nokorax
    Weapon:Two Swords
    Weapon Description:
    The swords are have black hilts, and red blades with black spread across it.

    Nokorax turned his head to see two men. One with a very familiar weapon.
    "The Keyblade!" he said.
    He ran up to them.
    "You..you wear the uniform of the orginazation..."
    "I am a Nobody. And you....why do you have the Keyblade?"
    "I...I don't know.. It just appeared in my hand."
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Is Nokorax talking to two random people? Or Sephiroth's and my characters?<
  6. 1-up salesman

    1-up salesman New Member

    Your characters.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Ohhhh. Okay then.<

    Voltair turned around to see who was talking to him, "Who are you," He asked the stranger.
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco was walking through a forest and heard voices. he decided to approach them. as he walked towards him he noticed some of them were Org. XIII robe. once he was close enough he shouted, "so why have three people gathered in the forest?" and then draco pulled out his keyblade fenrir...
  9. Sieg was running and he heard someone running to him, he turned around with sword at the ready, "WE HAVE COMPANY VOLTAIR!!!!" he shouted.
  10. 1-up salesman

    1-up salesman New Member

    Nokorox looked up to see a man coming towards him, ready to attack.
    Two swords appeared in his hands, and leapt forward swinging.
  11. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco blocked the first slashes and countered in an upward sweep. then juumped backwards and said," I will Ask again! Why are three people in THIS forest?!...
  12. Sieg had seen an orginization robe and stopped fighting with the man, "Are you with us?"
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Why are YOU in this forest," Voltair asked.
  14. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco put away his keyblade and said"if your with the organization then yes i am but if not..." draco paused drew back out his keyblade and continued, "...then i will have to eliminate you all..."
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "It would be three against one," Voltair said, "Are you sure that you could take us all?"
  16. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco said, "i dont know if i could take all of you but i would take some of you with me..." he then pulled out a second keyblade,Oblivian...and walked back a few steps.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Hmm... Two keyblades," Voltair said after seeing the second one, "And here I was thinking that only Sora and his nobody could dual-wield. But could two keyblades take on Ultima Weapon?" Voltair asked, summoning his keyblade.
  18. Sieg yelled with urgency, "I told you we need to go, now look," he pointed up as three groups of dancers fell from the trees.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Dancer nobodies? Or just assassin dancers?<
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  20. *yes dancer nobodies*
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