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The Spirit World

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by Noir, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    She gave a cold look towards Eckart, looking around the room. It wasn't much of a temple, just a poorly decorated room. She sighed and then began to speak, "Sylvia Delavon, yes I am a rogue soul, I died because of you men," she said as both her sleeves started to form into snakes for a brief money and hissed, a way of showing she was hostile.
  2. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Aeron recoiled a little as the new Rogue Soul, Sylvia's sleeves formed into snakes. Her personality seemed to be the very opposite of her beautiful appearance.
    He gave the woman an insincere smile. "Good evening to you too, Sylvy. So is there any particular reason you came here, or were you just curious? Because I'm sure we would all value your wonderful personality in our group of Rogue Souls." he said sarcastically, still smiling.
    He hated being compared to humans. They were flawed and weak enough to murder an innocent person with no good reason, and one day soon, Aeron thought, they would all die.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Sylvia walked closer to Aeron first, looking at him with a cold glare, examining the rogue soul. Her glare changed to a smile as she closed into him so more with a Cheshire cat grin. "So," she said, "I do suppose you think your trying to be funny?" she asked, as her right sleeve turned into a snake and slithered to his neck, he wouldn't be able to notice as it would strike.
  4. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Aeron stared into Sylvia's eyes for a moment, before deciding it wouldn't be safe to stay so close to her. He stepped backwards, away from her, and his smile faded.
    "Mind telling us why you're here? Because if you want to join with us, you'll have to ask Eckart. If you've come here to fight, however, then you can ask me." he threatened.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well we are rogue souls that escaped, all to seek revenge," Sylvia said, "However... I'm not so sure I can pair myself with...you two...," she said looking at Eckart and Aeron, "Her I don't mind. But I guess can tolerate working with you, as long as you don't try something," she said, "Or else,"
  6. "You'd better stop being so hostile unless you want to feel the blunt end of my scythe on your teeth," Eckart said sincerely. He looked at the new woman with a cold glare. "Let's get something straight: you came into our temple, without our permission, while we are conversing with Lord Death. And still you have the audacity to threaten us? Ha! I don't think so. In fact, I don't think I want a harlot like you on our team. Let's get one thing clear: you didn't die because of us men. In fact, I don't give a damn how you died. If you want me to even consider letting you join us, you'd better swallow your pride and quit slinging those backhanded insults."

    Eckart summoned his Scythe and waited for how the girl would respond. Spirits began to creep into the room as Eckart used his Wicked Revival, just in case. The shadows around the girl began to writhe.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Pride? I lost that many years ago, I simply can't trust you'll respect me, that is my only concern," she said as she saw the shadows form around her, "I will join your group yes, but I cannot fully trust you. Yet," she said, "Now if you would mind so dearly and remove these shadows and to withdraw your weapon?"


    "If I knew I would be telling you!" Zac yelled to the other excorcist, "Shuraito tell us! What the heck is going on with you?!"
  8. OOC: Sorry, I meant the shadows writhed on the ground around you. My bad for not being clear.

    "Tch," Eckart scoffed. "Obviously you can't trust someone you've just met. But as for my respect, I'm afraid you've already lost that." Eckart's scythe disappeared and his magics ceased. "In fact, I want to tell you to get the hell out of my temple, and if this had happened last night, I would have. However, now I am part of a team, so it is not my opinion alone that matters." Eckart turned to Trixis and Aeron. "I would like to know what you both think. Shall we accept this wretch?"
  9. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    "Oh, me? If you don't mind, I'd prefer her to stay. The more Souls on our side, the more chance of achieving our goal." he said. "But in all honesty, Sylvia, I could care less about your appearance right now. Perhaps if I were alive, it would be different. But I'm not. I have other focuses at this point. You want respect from men? Then respect them equally."

    He turned to Trixis, "Looks like this comes down to your decision, then. What are your thoughts?"
  10. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Trixis was still looking at the ground, hearing everything that had just happened. She knew what she wanted to say, but she couldn't find the words to say it. Trixis sighed and fumbled with her sleeves, now pulled over her hands. "I-I don't mind." Trixis spoke softly. she then looked up with a red tint in her eyes. "I guess it would be nice to have somone join along." She spoke with such innocence that most would find it faking, in fact, Trixis thought she was faking herself. As long as that. . . thing . . . didn't come by her, she shall be perfectly fine. Trixis grew tense and she was on guard, she just might have to be as long as she were around. Nonetheless, the more lethal, the better chance they had in defeating the Exorcists.
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Well then," Sylvia said, "Anyway, I will respect you then, considering you have said you have no attraction my beauty, then you have my respect," she said with a kind smile, one that was not fake, "However... The scythe wielder is...questionable, but I will respec him as my leader,"
  12. "My name is Eckart. And don't address me as if I'm not right in front of you," Eckart spat, getting more annoyed each second. He turned back to Death. "Excuse the rudeness, my Lord. Obviously, we have an unexpected visitor. I trust she will introduce herself. If you'll excuse me..." Eckart bowed before Death and walked toward the stairs. "Do not disturb me tonight unless it is an emergency." Eckart ascended the stairs until he reached the very top of the tower. He stood in a large room that was decorated similarly to the main room. Eckart sat in the middle of a magical circle written in blood and began to meditate, the closest thing that he ever got to sleep.
  13. Noir


    "Hm. So you are Sylvia..." Death said. "I am Death, leader of the Rogue Souls. My second in command is Eckart, the scythe wielding rogue soul." Death continued. "It is good for you to be part of us. Do not worry, for I am not interested in your beauty." Death placed his hands on his back.


    "Agh.. I'm out of control!" Shuraito lets his claws out. He began to attack the other Exorcists.
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac drew out his shield and blocked the claws, the shield was as strong as One's faith, Zac had a powerful amount of it. "Calm down Shuri!" Zac said as he swung his sword.


    "Thank you lord death," she said with a curtsying, "I appreciate your honesty,"
  15. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Trixis looked up, bot only a bit. She excused herself and flollowed up the stoney staircase into the room she had picked. She continued her seating on the windowsill and watched the far horizon. It was a bit chilly, and Trixis pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them, resting her left cheeck on her knees to watch the outside world. That Snake Girl didn't seem right, she was rather rude. Although she was beautiful, that didn't give her a right to waltz in and act like she owned the place. It just wasn't right. But Trixis didn't know her, so she shouldn't be quick to judge, just give her time, she supposed and maybe soon she won't be so . . . . up tight. .
  16. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    The blood dripped from Zeno's blades and hands as he traveled on to speak with the lord of death. He began to think of his last killing. He was strong for being a human. thats the kind of victum Zeno chased after. the stronger the better he thought when it came to killing. The man was a knight who was on his way home from duty, he was equipped with his armor and blade as Zeno appraoched with his katanas drawn. "Draw your weapon human" Zeno said as he stopped ten feet away from the man. The human drew his blade as he seen the serouisness on Zeno's face "what do you want from me" the man said as he placed his blde in a battle position.
    Zeno smirked as the man spoke. without saying a work zeno swung his plade at the man. As their blades crashed a large crack came upon the mans cheap blade. Zeno then took his other blade and stuck it into the mans chest. "You were nothing i thought u were" Zeno said as he twised the blade and took his blade out the mans chest.
    Zeno awoken from his thought to see the lord of deaths palace. "I wonder what deaths gunna think i havent seen him since i died" Zeno said as he walked into the palace.
  17. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Eckart and Trixis left, and Aeron took that as his cue to follow them up to rest.
    "There should be a spare room for you up these stairs. Something big's gonna happen tomorrow, so use it if you're tired." he said, and walked up to his room.
    He kneeled down near the windowsill, gazing into the black block of the night outside the window.

    However, he was interrupted once again by another Rogue Soul drawing close. Eckart had said that he wasn't to be disturbed unless it was an emergency, so he was unsure what he'd do when the newest Rogue Soul arrived.

    OOC: Would you class this as an emergency?
    Kiran transformed his tome into a sword to parry the claws, then jumped backwards, out of reach, and transformed it back into a tome.
    As Zac attacked Shuraito, Kiran closed his eyes.
    "I summon you in this fight to protect me from the evils of the world." he whispered, and a huge eagle the size of a man tore out of his tome. The eagle flew in Shuraito's direction, sharp beak closed. If it hit, it wouldn't kill him, but it might be enough to bring him back to his senses.
    He tried to scan Shuraito while he was distracted, but it did nothing. He'd almost forgotten that he could only scan enemies.

    He held his hand over the torn page, and it repaired itself, ready to summon another creature.
  18. As Eckart sat, he realized that he would still not be able to rest. The telling aura of yet another Rogue Soul drifted toward the temple, and Eckart was sure that it wasn't a coincidence. With a sigh, Eckart got up and began to descend the stairs. He thought about alerting Trixis, but he decided against it. Better to let her rest, Eckart thought to himself. However, Aeron would be helpful, he thought as he neared Aeron's room.He knocked on the door in front of him.

    "Another presence," Eckart commented. "Come with me in case things get ugly."
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac recalled his sword and took notice of his shield growing bigger and thicker, also, it was heavier. It must have been an effect to this ability, the more of TE golden armor is summoned, the thinner and or smaller the parts.

    "Shuraito listen to us!"

    Sylvia as well sensed another soul, but she rather not bother, as she thought the others were taking care of it. She sighed and went into her room that Aeron directed her to. These were her new partners, and together they would conquer the world.
  20. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Aeron let out a frustrated breath and nodded. They'd assembled quite a large, powerful team of Rogue Souls by now, and their numbers were still expanding. But he wanted some damn rest, he thought, his mind tired but unable to sleep.
    "Right. You lead the way." he said eventually. He hoped that the new Rogue Soul wouldn't be anywhere near as hostile as Sylvia.

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