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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Oh your no problem. I might as well go and get my arrows back." Nicole said getting on her horse riding to where she was at in the woods gathering her arrows there she appeared back real fast like she was never gone her horse at justa steady pace and gathered up the rest of her arrows. She rolled her eyes again at Fly.
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly smiled at Nicole

    "You really are a stupid girl. If you saw i broke the bone straight, meaning there was not enough pressure to damage the Myline Sheath. The nerve cell will be fine. Also, if you left it the way it was, which was crooked. When it healed there would be pressure on the Myline Sheath, so when it stood up, it would be paralyzed then. And what do you know of my past? I to could of grown up on a farm, or i could have been a vet. From what you done just there it show's my knowledge is alot stronger than your's.

    Fly smiled and giggled abit when Nicole tried to defend her flat chest buy calling her fat.

    "We've gone over this before, im the smallest, skinniest and lightest here. Nut-meg is second. Your the heaviest. And the flattest so your weight must come from fat. Oh and by the way i'm vegetarian."

    *NO MORE POST'S UNTIL KAIRU GET'S ON(he's next to me)*
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Actually, then let's test your weight. Tree climbing, obviosly the lightest one can reach teh very top without breaking a branch. Plus, muscle is heavier yeah, so I'm a bit heavier because I'm muscle, and your fat, and look at this, you can see my ribs, which isn't a good thing, but I'm defnately a whole lot skinier then you. Plus a vet would never done that anyways. I had a horse who broke it's leg, and we did it my way it healed fine because th bone it self went back into place, that horse was the fastest in my village I grew up in and teh villages around, unfortantely it died of old age, but that horse was probaly the fastest in teh world, and I was the one who raised it with my father's help when it was first born." Nicole said. She was so mad right there with Fly. She was ready to whip around and punch her in teh face. However soon Fly would learn she's not perfect, no one is perfect.
  4. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer placed his palm onto his fourhead. "Ohh boy, when these 2 can settle down for atleast one day."
    He told nicole to come and help to scan the place: "Hey, wanna help me out Nicole" Nixer said, smiling.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hmmm, yeah better then sticking around this fat, selfish, immature, spoiled, kid." Nicole said riding away with Nixer. She had Mentor stay at a calm steady walking pace. She still stroked the horse's neck she leaned on teh horse's neck some giving it a hug.

    "You were great out in that battle, Mentor." Nicole whispered in the horse's ear. She was worried now though about Hazel's horse, there's only one condition you straighten the horse's leg ever, and it wasn't for that, it was for back legs you do that, not front legs." Nicole said.

    OOCL don't post till kairu get's back on, and can we all quit the OOC'ing outside posts, thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2009
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel was annoyed at both Fly’s and Nicole’s bickering. Instead of trying to save Nightmare they had ended up in their usual rants on who was better than who. For a fact Hazel knew out of all the horses Xan’s horse was the best by far. His horse wasn’t the tallest compared to Nicole’s, but height had nothing to do with a horse’s ability in combat. Nightmare,she thought to herself. She was worried about her horse, unlike the other horses. Xan had not assigned Nightmare to Hazel, they had found each other by chance back at the first rest stop. She had grew fond of her horse ever since, and she was grateful to Xan for letting her keep the horse.

    “Stay strong,” she whispered under her breath. This was towards her horse and herself. She couldn’t let things like this get to her so easily, her horse would live and they would be riding together back in no time. She went to go sit beside her Night and began to stroke the horse while inspected the injury. It wasn’t as fatal as Nicole or Fly had pointed out. She knew this because she adored horses and knew just about anything which revolved around the subject.

    “Horses are much better than humans.” She said to Night then smiled. However Fly and Nicole were both right when they said that Night would have to take it easier more than usual.
  7. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Xan began to loose his temper, He had watched how Nicole and Fly had bickered over who was right and who was wrong, They had both messed with nightmares leg after Megumi had worked on it, Granted it may have been for the better but it wasn't there place to do so.

    "Nicole!, Fly! Get over hear" Xan shouted getting of his horse, His horse walked over to the sleeping Nightmare and stood above him as if protecting him from the world. The two horses were brothers and Xan had trained them both since they were foals.

    "What the hell are you playing at Nicole?" Xan said walking over to her not been able to hold his anger any longer.

    "If you had just come back, maybe this could have all been avoided" Xan said his anger seething into his words.

    "And Fly!, You are really begging to tick me off, so stop you fighting and learn to show up on time!" Xan had said all this in one breath, Taking in a reliving breath of air he held it.

    After about thirty seconds he let it out.

    Smiling he looked at Fly, "Were did you learn that technique.?"
    Nova likes this.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole was mad. She looked at Xan. She was one who protected them all. There be more, but she killed about 20 men. She ignored Xan and rode off past everybody. She did ride the horse close to it's high speed which was faster then Fly's horse almost like one of the fastest in the country. After about 4 minutes she was a mile and a half away. She got off her horse and came to a lake she hopped in the lake she went under the water and just stayed there. She was sick of not getting any credit. Sick of Fly, sick of it all. She then felt herself be pulled out she saw her father again as he threw her.

    "Had enough with your fellow konrads yet?" He said in a deep serious voice. Nicole looked at him. She hated all of them pratically. She got along with Nixer and stuff, but Fly was the one who instiigaed everything yet she get's credit for everything. She dishonered their emperor. She dishonored even Xan at first. She did nothing to protect the nuns, nothing to help anything. All she does is brag and makes everyone below her. All Nicole ever tried to do was give her a taste of her own medcine, but no she became teh bad guy for things. She hated that. She made a promise though to her emperor, even if she have to work alone, she would stay true to her oath.

    "Yeah I'm sick of them, but I'm not joining you." Nicole said.

    "Then I have no choice, but to kill you then." He said. A man rose out of the bushes with a bow and arrow and shot it. It hit Nicole before she could do anything. She screamed in pain. It hit right where the shoulder and arm levels off.She felt her warm blood begin to poor down as she lost feelings in her arm. Nicole's horse screeched from teh arrow and the scream of his rider and stood up on his hind legs it kicked the sharp shooter in the head killing him and hurting Nicole's father. Nicole's father looked at Nicole who closed her eyes tight from teh pain and ran off.
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Which technique?" Fly asked.

    "The horse? My mother taught me the way's of veterinary when i was a very young child. The summer before she took her own life. Or the dragon? I learnt that from a monk after you guy's left me at the fort. Ill teach it to you guy's if you want. After all it's going to be a long three day's."

    Fly got onto Nutcracker. Who truly was the fastest horse. Unlike the others he was petite and thin, just how a race horse should be.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Actually a racehorse should never be that, that shows a weak horse, my aunt was almosta profesional racer until her best and fastest horse got hurt. A race horse is supose to be muscle, and my aunt had a horse who broke her leg that healed fine the way I did it, I just asked her, ;p


    Nicole slowly pulled the arrow out and she went to stand up, but couldn't to well. She walked over to her horse and leaned on it for suport.

    "Go get help." Nicole said then smaking the back leg of the horse falling back again as the horse rode off back to get help.

    Soon Mentor arrived and slowed down rearing in front of Fly, Xan, and Hazel. No Nicole showing that there was trouble.
  11. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel stood up and approached Xan, she was thinking what to say to him.

    “Xan, I have decided to stay here with Nightmare.” She then looked at her horse.

    “He needs me, and I cannot travel without him. I’m surrendered useless for the journey without a type of transport. And I am not prepared on leaving him behind. He is in no condition to travel.” She said walking back to Nightmare.

    “I shall catch up with you once he has regained strength, what direction are you heading in?” She said then laid under the shaded area were her own horse was resting.
  12. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Were staying right here. Xan and Nutmeg, you two set up camp and I'll Take Nixer with Mentor." Fly mounted Nutcracker and rode in the direction Nixer went in. Soon a couple of metre's behind him she called for him.

    "Nixer come quick, there might be trouble.!" Fly called. She head a leash which was attached to Mentor, bringing her/him along with her.

    *No racehorse's(successful one's) are normally not bulky or muscley.
  13. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer heard Fly's words and followed her with no hesitation. Fly and Nixer where looking for her in the place. Nixer saw her laying on the floor.. He picked her up and carried her in her lap. "Nicole, you will be alright." He smiled and raise her.
    Fly, let's go.

    Nixer wistled to the horse and it naturally came (Ferox). He placed Nicole on Ferox, saying to the horse: "Go!"
    Nixer made a weird sound and off the horse ran.

    "Fly, let's scan the place. I want to know who was the bastard who shot that arrow" said Nixer with anger.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  14. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "No I'll trust you to hunt!" Fly said, she was still mounted on Nutcracker. "I'll ride back with Ferox, you keep Nic's horse, Mentor here and come back within 5 minute's.!" Fly turned Nutcracker around and rode with Ferox back to camp.

    "Megumi I need your assistance." Fly called dismounting Nutcracker and gently lifting Nicole off her horse and placing her on the ground.
  15. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer understood and nodded to Fly. He took Mentor and walked with the horse around palce where Nicole was shot. He examined the floor and nothing was there, only blood from Nicole.

    "This is strange" he said. "I was hoping to found some clue, but I can't see anything unusuall."
  16. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "What happened to her?" Xan asked as Megumi began checking her wound.

    "She was shot with an arrow" Megumi said pulling out a splinter of wood from the arrow.

    "That's obvious" Xan said shaking his head, "What I want to know is why, and who!"

    "So much has happened in such a short time its beginning to get ridicules" Xan said his mood not the calm collect mood it usually was. He and Hazel had set up the camp and Xan had built a new pen around Nightmare and his own horse.

    Xan walked over to the pen and began petting his horse on the neck, "So boy, how's your brother doing?" Xan asked. Just then he heard a horse whimper. Nightmare had just woken up from the drugs that had been given to him, Nightmare began to panic as he was disorientated. "Nightmare!" Xan said as he jumped over the pen and tried uselessly to hold Nightmare to the floor. "Nightmare calm down!" Xan called as he tried settle the distraught horse from damaging his leg any more.

    Xan managed to calm the horse down somewhat, He wasn't thrashing about any more.

    "Good boy, Stay calm boy" Xan said stroking the horses neck. Just then a long loud scream of pain could be heard. Nightmare panicked and started thrashing again. Xan was kicked in the head by the horses large hoof, Xan was sent sprawling into the corner of the pen, "Okay that hurt" Xan said rubbing she side of his head. "Hazel!" Xan shouted hoping she could have more luck than him at calming the horse.
    Nova likes this.
  17. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel heard her leaders cry for help. She knew instantly it was Nightmare related, she could hear his distressed neigh from several meters away. Running to her horse she was joyful to see the horse had woken up. This feeling of joy was soon overcome back sadden, would he really recover and be okay? She asked herself, she shook her head in attempt to shake away the pessimistic thoughts.

    The horse seemed to be acting franticly; it soon calmed down when Hazel was in full view. She was glad her horse could remember her. Kneeling down beside it she lay her body across his, the horse was warm and she would casually stroke it.
  18. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Megumi give me your hand again. I know i took most of you magic with Nightmare, but i need it for her." Fly grabbed Megumi's hand not waiting for an answer. She began to focus his magic to stop the bleeding, but the wound would take much more to fix.

    "She got it quite bad." She said to Megumi. Megumi looked around suspiciously and when no one was in hearing distance he began talking in whisper's to Fly.

    "So let her die."

    "Megumi you know i can't do that, not yet." Fly said releasing Megumi's hand

    "The prophecy said..." He stopped and closed his eye's solemnly. "Its better for her to die uncouncious."

    "No, not yet." Fly said focusing her magic.

    "Why did you show them the technique's?" Megumi asked, rubbing a potion into Nicole's wound.

    "The same reason you showed it to me seven year's ago, Asteronia"
  19. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Damn, Your good with that horse" Xan said standing up from the corner.

    Xan wiped away some blood that had opened from a wound from nightmare kicking him.

    "He's a strong horse, I'm sure he will be fine" Xan said reading the distress in Hazels face.

    "Want to get something to eat?" Xan asked seemingly out of no where.
    Nova likes this.
  20. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel felt that she had become too close to Xan and Nightmare, but her relationship with Xan was the one she feared. Growing up in a lifestyle which had no room for anyone else, she’d rather have never spoken to him. She didn’t want to be reliant on someone else now, but to her it seemed that she was slowly slipping into all she had feared.

    “No thanks,” Hazel replied. This was not just because she did not want her relationship with her leader to grow but Hazel was partially not hungry. She had lost her appetite ever since Nightmares injury, until she saw Nightmare fully recovered she had refused to eat.
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