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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Nicole!?" Xan said jumping up with a start, "I though you had gone of with Nixer?"

    Xan had finally accepted it was quite and had disturbed the peace as much as he could by throwing a wood on the fire that constantly made a popping noise and at times would burst, Xan had already hurriedly put out two pieces of stray wood before they could set anything on fire.

    "So how's your arm?" Xan asked as he turned to look at the fire again.
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  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Ok, I guess. Hurts minorly, but hey I'm not in your army to cry of an arrow that didn't kill me, I'll probaly only cry when dyeing, but even then I'll accept it, plus this happened of my own stupidity." Nicole said.

    "Plus Nixer should be coming soon." Nicole said sitting down looking at the fire as well.
  3. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Nixer?" Xan stood up and began pacing, He hadn't had a chance to talk to Nicole much.
    And if Nixer came along it wouldn't help. Xan picked up another of the logs and threw it on the fire.

    "Nicole?, Whats going on" Xan asked sitting back down and looking at her, "You were attacked but they didnt take any of your belongings or at least try to kill you"

    To most people this would have seemed like good luck, But Xan knew something more was about.
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  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well Mentor went to attack them." Nicole told him. "They almost shot him, but I was just able to deflect it, before they ran off, it was only two of them, weak ones." Nicole continued.

    "It was partially my fault, if I only was in my true sences, Fly was getting to me, she's always, late, she never helps to much, and she acts like she's all that. The few of us like Hazel of I work our butts off then she shows up then your all thank you, your amazing Fly, thenn you go flirt with Hazel, just like at home, I get no simple thanks nor a tip how to improve." Nicole said. She stood up. Where was Nixer when she needed him.
    Nova likes this.
  5. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly reached a 20 meter distance of where her blade was and stopped shortly to catch her breath. After about 5 seconds she went to retrieve her sword, walking normally. She knew something was asmist an she knew the culprit.

    "YOU BAST**ED" She shouted when she saw her sword casually thrown aside to the but of a oak. "Oaks are demeaning and un-noble trees! I picked that bodhi for a reason!" She lifted her sword with her left hand, she was angry enough to attack.
  6. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Xan looked at Nicole shocked, He then began laughing uncontrollably, "You really think I flirt with Hazel" Xan said in between laughs, "And as for the Fly thing, yes I thank her, That's because when she shows up she ends up saving someone's life, Granted you are there on time, you fight perfectly to your ability, and believe me I do appreciate it, but you shouldn't worry I how I treat others. The fact that I normally don't say anything to you is because there is nothing to say, you have no flaws yet you have nothing that makes your style unique." Xan didn't know were any of this was coming from, He normally didn't talk to people like this.

    "Now im not saying you don't have any flaws, believe me there are some major things I could point out, for example the fact that you don't follow my orders, so before you go judging others look at yourself, when your perfect, then you can point out others flaws"

    Xan was now annoyed, he was hoping for a casual chat but Nicole's out burst had annoyed him.
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  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Thanks, I know I'm not perfect, plus now and then you have to act away from orders. Anyways, any news on Hazel's horse and stuff?" Nicole decided to ask. She hated bringing up stuff. He was right, but she saved alot of lives as well, yet nothing. She ignored it. She leaned back against the log and stared at teh flames making shapes out of it with her imagination.
  8. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Act away from orders!" Xan was now ready to kill, "ACT AWAY FROM ORDERS! I Would understand if it was for the better of the team!, but so far acting away from orders has only brought pain and death!

    Xan stood up and began walking around, he was about ten paces from were Nicole was still sitting. "pain and death" He said in a small whisper.

    Xan began walking of towards the riverbank, once there he threw down his sword and jumped. Once the water had engulfed him he began swimming down, the weight of his wet close only accelerated the process and soon Xan was at the bottom. "If only it was as peaceful up there" Xan thought to himself.
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  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I only did when I needed to." She said. She sighed and made her head just fall back.

    "Maybe I should just take up his offer, it be family, plus maybe I get respect for once." Nicole said aloud. She headed to her tent she set up away from teh other. She laid down in it and was ready to just scream of anger, stress, and pain the stress was putting on her shoulder. She fell back. She had almost two options to take, take the offer to join her father's army, or kill herself fighting with Xan and no respect or a simple thanks army.
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer heard some noise, and a shout from Xan. "I should get there as soon as possible". He got on Ferox and got there in time. But he saw Nicole's tent first, he decided to see why she scream to.

    He jumped off and checked on her. "Nicole, you ok? I heard some screaming.. If there is anything to do, I am happy to help you"
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "huh, I didn't scream Xan did. He ordered me to tell everyone to get some sleep though, so I guess head off to bed." Nicole told him laying back down in her sleeping bag. She closed up her tent and rested again. She stared at teh ceiling of her tent.
  12. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    After he closed her tent, he bcked off and rode Ferox along. "Ohh boy, I feel soemthing is wrong. I really don't want to interfere but ohh well. I'm just going to try to be nice then"

    He sat down and leaned on a branch after he dismounted Ferox. 'sigh', "If only my father would be close by"

    He looked at the stars and closed his eyes.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009
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