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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel really couldn’t be bothered to give an answer so she just nodded. She was more interest in the team comment. I work alone, I care for no one. How the hell did I end up working together with these people? She contemplated on the scenario. Remember Hazel, were doing this to improve your skills.

    She had now fixed her eyes on Fly, waiting to see how this would end.
  2. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    *Hmph*, "Ignoring the fact of the trouble, when shall start my lord? All of us wish to know what will be our plan" Nixer felt anxious to go out and fight for his people, but it was to impossible to notice.

    Nixer was always a quite man, he never bother's no one and always remain calm with problems up-ahead.
  3. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Silence!" a loud voice bommed

    Xan smiled to himself as he watched several people jump,

    "Hazel isnt it?" Xan asked your class is an assassin did you say? "Interesting"

    "Yeah this team will do nicely" he smiled to the emperor

    "very well Xan, Take your team and leave for your mission"

    Xan nodded his head and left the throne room to two carts in the courtyard.
    Nova likes this.
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Watching Xan leave the throne room, Hazel soon followed. The mission hadn’t even started yet and she was already trying to get away from the other warriors.
    The courtyard was chilly, yet she liked it. There were two carts up ahead pulled by horses. Hazel liked animals, she would much rather be around them. Oh please don’t tell me I’ll have to travel in one of those with the other lot. I’d rather much go on horseback. Sky sighed at the thought, if only it was reality.
    She could tolerate Xan, after all he was a great leader. But if she ended up in a cart with Fly, Hazel was actually prepared to commit suicide.
  5. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly pranced cheerfully into the courtyard. She jumped onto Hazels back and kissed her cheek.

    "Hey Partner!" She mused, knowing she would annoy Hazel.
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Eugh, gross get away from me!” Hazel yelled at Fly. Hazel was annoyed and she could tell Fly was amused by it.

    “Very professional of you, ‘kissing’ your comrades.” Fly seemed to be like a fly which never seemed to fly away, instead it just buzzed around for the fun of it. Hazel then thought of an amusing thought. I wish she would fly into the sun.

    “Burn,” she murmured in a low tone. She then began to stealthily walk towards the horses, hopeful one would kick and thankfuly knock Fly out.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  7. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    *Nixer heard Fly's shout* "Hehe, I wonder how would Hazel reaction would be ^_^, as for now.. it's not much by hearing a murmor"

    Watching the commotion, Nixer decided to have a chat with Sinclair. He want to get to know them before they move to the mission.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hey you, you sure your up to this?" Nicole said standing behind Fly her hands on her waist looking at her. She was in her guy cloths her hair not fixed up though. She waited for Fly's answer.
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Why not?!" Fly mused.

    "I wonder how much fun i can extract out of Little miss lemon over there?" She said to Nicole, more of a rhetorical question. She twisted her shoulders and stretched her arms, and hopped towards the horses where Hazel was. In a whispery insulting tone Fly moved the hair from hazel's eyes and moved in for a kiss like motion on the neck, but stopped short and whispered

    "Don't act like you don't want me" She added a little kiss to Hazel's cheek and kicked her bum while walking away.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole looked at her. She ran infront of Fly and her sword was drew.

    "Well let's find out if your at the right place." Nicole said to Fly her sword held up to her neck.
  11. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel had reached a point where she could not endure Fly no longer. She watched Nicky point her sword at her. Good, I guess I don’t need to do anything. Hazel waited for Nicky’s next action, hoping Fly would ceast to exist. By this rate there will be no mission, neither any warriors. She thought. If Nicky and Fly were going to put on a show, she might as well watch. Hazel went to sit on a horse.
  12. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Within seconds Fly's shuriken was spinning in her hand. She contorted her position as to be behind Nicole, her layers of clothing furrowed in the wind.

    "Whats this about nave!?" She asked in a direct blunt voice, her previous comedy gone. The girl hand no right to raise a blade to her.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2009
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well you showed up late, you kiss a person you just met, and you don't even have a single bit of smarts in your body." Nicole said. She pushed her hair behind her ears. She never lost a sword fight, she's fought some of the strongest in the kingdoms. She was from a military family.
  14. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "And you raise a sword to me for that? You pathetic flat-chested cow!" Fly grabbed the back of the girl's shirt and thrusted her forward.

    "Your military skills are nothing. Try facing an assassin, from direct bloodline of Ashura!" Fly dusted herself and strolled towards a large white stag, preparing herself for the inevitable attack that was about to happen.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole had a hint smile. She threw her sword back at Fly and followed it grabbing her sword and from the strength of it she used the back blade to knock her down on teh ground and her side of her face was red.

    "My father was a general, it was basicly the samething, but stronger and more trained." Nicole said pointing her sword down at her.

    "Plus I'll take my flat chest over you, I'll be atttacked last why because they'll go after the girls first who are weaker the men later." Nicole said sounding alot like a 16 year old boy.
  16. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "The same thing? Your pathetic. But im not wasting my energy on you!" Fly broke her fall by landing on her knee's and twisting around and standing up. The material on her tights were lacerated.

    "And as for me on the battle field? The boy's wont come after me. They'll savor me. They'll kill you for the ugly dog you are, and I shall be standing there smiling." Fly said her threat with a serious tone, solemnly serious. Then she simply smiled and laughed abit and walked away.

    These freaks really are pathetic..
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well at least I won't freak out because of a broken nail, or won't run away from a battle, nor show up late for a battle, oh and back talk my demanding officer, oh wait I am the demanding officer thanks to my father." Nicole said getting in her face.

    "Plus I'm sure your face is the ugliest thing in the world to cover it up with that cloth." Nicole said pulling it off.

    "Holy crap I've gone blind." Nicole said acting. She could still defend herself if she had to.

    OOC: Yep the evil side of me, don't worry though none of it is real torwards ya kupo, :)
  18. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly smiled, with her masked pulled down it revealed her almost perfect ski-ramp nose, and plump lips. She wasn't ugly, yet the opposite she was beautiful. Not Geisha, but beautiful.

    "Maybe you should think about what you say before you contradict your self oh-so-moddest demanding officer. If i were ugly and to break my perfect manicured nails" She put emphasis on the perfect, " I wouldn't leave would I?"

    She flipped her hair out of the veal that held it in its ponytail and crudely kicked Nicole in the stomach.

    "Your nothing without your daddies title!" Fly hopped back just enough so if Nicole was to retaliate she would have room to dodge.

    <ditto, but playing byotch is too easy for me >.< >
  19. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Sinclair blocked out the surrounding commotion, and approached Nixer

    "You would be the son of my late Master Norcia?", Sinclair asked

    "Your father was a great friend of mine, he thought me the way of the blade when I was young. I'm sure he thought you the same comrade!"

    "This mission won't be easy, but I will be thinking of your late father when my blade rips through the flesh of mine enemies. He was the one who gave me this sword before he p

    Sinclair drew his sword and gazed upon its firey and shiny surface, the heart of a warrior enclosed inside of it
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Ok it's on then

    It barely did damage due to armour she worn underneith her cloths. She laughed.

    "Boy your patheticly weak." Nicole said. She went to kick torwards the one side and punched her plat in the nose when she dodged her kick. She saw a small drop of blood came out of her nose.

    "I wouldn't be talking oh little princesses of Ashura, you seem like a daddy's girl, why not let daddy fight for you while you go home and start sewing your pink quilt." Nicole said a deep british accent when speaking. She kicked her up high in the face. She jumped back some. She picked up a rock off teh ground and threw it right between her eyes.
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