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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "So you're an archer? That's pretty good, so how good are you at it?" Nicole asked. She looked at a boow in the corner. When she asked she spoke in her guy voice still hidden, unless she was in her normal appearence she was Nick.

    She was looking at the bow, Nicole/ Nick has never officially owned a bow and some arrows in her life, she's used some, but never owned one herself. She didn't have the money to buy it neither, yet she asked.

    "So how's much the bow?" Nicole/ Nick asked the store clirk.

    "That's 200 pounds." The clerk said. Nicole/ Nick sighed.

    "Hmm, a little bit much for myself." Nicole/ Nick said.
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly was walking around the upper noble's street. She had bought a whole new attire and alot of new ranged weapons including; Shurikens, kunai, arrows and a cross bow.

    She was playing around with her new Crossbow doing twirls and tossing it in the air like a circus baton.

    Thats when she saw Hazel. Maybe i should truce, its only that flat cow i dont like She walked towards Hazel.
  3. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel noticed Fly coming from up ahead. Great, here comes trouble. She tried to ignore the fact that Fly was there and decided to go get something to eat.

    “You there!” She announced to a villager who had just passed by. “Where can I get something to eat?”

    “Around – around the corner…” the man said in fear.
    Frightening the poor man was not one of Hazel’s intentions, but it was an added bonus.

    “I see,” Hazel replied and stormed in the direction the man had pointed to. She had built up quite an appetite, she did not want anyone disturbing her in the next hour. It was probably the only alone time she would receive until she would have to meet up with the others.
  4. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer reached Nicole: "Ya, well.. I only use my range in special occations. And yes, it's cost me more where I live. I think you can add 50 pounds more... That's why I am impressed about the prize of bows and arrows..

    "Still, I'm anxious to try the rune arrows.."

    Nixer felt a stomach aque and asked Nicole to come to eat before we leave.
  5. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    I know not exactly my friend, but time is of the essence, and the sooner we start the sooner we shall reach our destination. I wish not to waste time, for I am here to do what I was ordered by my Emperor. If you watch my back comrade I would gladly watch yours, I would not see another of my master's family fall
  6. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Xan had bought the equipment he was looking for and had eaten a hearty meal.

    He was now back at the wagons stroking the horses neck,

    "There's a good boy" Xan said to his favourite stallion who was at the lead of the cart

    "Here you go" He said as he feed him a carrot,

    A hour and a half left, maybe i could Xan thought to himself, he than began to de latch Spirit from the other horses.

    As Xan jumped onto his back he heard someone coming along wearing armour and from the sound of it they were walking very dignified.

    Hazel Xan thought to himself, but to be careful he waited until the person presented themselves.
    Nova likes this.
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel had found the tavern and was satisfied by the meal she had ordered. She decided it was about time she’d head back to the cart and see the horses. Maybe I’ll have time to ride one. She thought to herself as she twirled a gold coin around her fingers. Walking through the town she saw a beggar.

    “Here,” she said throwing the gold coin at him. It landing perfectly into a tin jar the man displayed. She was one to help ordinary people, or those who had it all. She’d much rather help those who needed it, she wasn’t completely cold hearted as she was made out to be.
    Walking closer to the cart she could see someone was already at the horses. Damn. Was her immediate response. I guess no horse riding for me, Hazel thought annoyed at the occurrence.
  8. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer was full with the meal. He started to clean up and heading back to the cart, where his leader was waiting. As he walked slowly to the cart, he saw Hazel's reaction.
    Nixer thought to himself, smiling as he thought:
    "Hmph, Hazel and Fly.. side by side.. I don't know what can cause."
    With a big sigh he turned around and looked for Nicole to get ready for departure.
  9. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Sinclair stood alone, contemplating what would lie ahead of him. He thought of the battles which lay ahead of him, and the comrades whom with he was fighting. He knew it was going to be a long and difficult mission, so he set his sights towards what was most important
  10. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Hazel, come here" Hazel walked towards Xan once she was viewable "You want to take a horse for a run?" He asked her, He knew that she wanted to,

    He made a clicking noise with his moth and pointed to Hazel, A horse walked up beside waiting for her to mount him,

    Xan had trained each one of the horse's himself and they listened to him superbly.
    Nova likes this.
  11. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel looked at Xan for a few seconds. How can someone know what I’m thinking so easily? No one ever knows what I think. Her thoughts were precious to her. It was the only real place she could have her own privacy whilst not being disturbed.

    “Hmph,” Hazel nodded and took the rein of the horse. She did not look back at Xan but swiftly mounted the creature. It was not her first time riding; to be precise Hazel was an expert at riding horses. She would often ride them on her assassination missions.
    She preferred it up here on the horse. All the other warriors looked shorter, she enjoyed being above everyone else. Coming from a noble clan honour and pride mattered. She kicked her feet and the horse began to gallop.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole walked up next toi Nixer. She looked at everybody.

    "I guess we'll be departing soon." Nicole said fixing her hair making it famine again like her normal hair style. She looked up at Sky and Xan.

    "Either somone's kissing up to the leader, or someone got a boyfriend." Nicole said where only Nixer could here her. She was obviosly talking about Sky and Xan.
  13. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Xan nudged his horse with his knees and it shot off after Hazel.

    "So not much of a team player than" Xan said to Hazel as he caught up with her,

    He was finding it difficult to dodge all the trees and stay at the same pace as Hazel.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
    Nova likes this.
  14. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel was happily riding the horse, she stroked its finely chiselled bone. The horse was a chestnut color, as for name she did not know. Just by looking at it she instantly knew it was a he.

    “What’s he called?” She said to Xan whilst slowing the horse down. She caressed its back once again stroking its shiny healthy coat. Looking towards the sky she saw it was fine day. A perfect day for horse riding.
  15. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "It doesn't have one" Xan called to her dodging another branch

    He realized that Hazel was slowing down and looked to see if anything was wrong.

    "Argg" Xan said as he hit directly into a branch throwing him off of the horse.

    Xan could feel the wind leave his lungs as he fell crashing to the ground

    Xan's horse stopped three feet in front of him and positioned his head so that Xan could use it to stand up.

    "Thank's boy" Xan said as he got to feet.
    Nova likes this.
  16. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel just looked at Xan on the ground. I guess he had trouble with the branches. She smirked whilst pulled the reins of her own horse. She didn’t bother in helping Xan get up neither asking if he was okay. She was more interested in how the horse seemed to obey him.

    “He doesn’t have a name?” She repeated his words. She rubbed the horses main. Don’t worry I’ll give you one soon. She thought as she looked at the horse with a warm hearted smile.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  17. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Hup" Xan said, The horse put his head down and the pushed Xan up onto his back

    "Well, its almost time to go" Xan called to Hazel

    "Ill race you back to the cart's" He called

    "It should be easy for you" He called to her.
    Nova likes this.
  18. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Now Hazel began to look more alive than her usually uncaring self. He wants a race aye, I’ll give him one. She thought.

    “You ready boy?” She whispered into the horse’s ear. In the very little amount of time they had been riding Hazel had formed a bond with the current horse. She loved nearly everything about it, its chestnut coat, it’s high tail. She loved Arabian horses, especially this one. Hazel made one gentle swift kick and the horse was off a bullet speed.

    “Hehe,” She sinisterly laughed as she turned round to see Xan quite a few yards behind. She was reaching the carts at incredible speed. From her current position she could see Nicole and thankfuly no Fly.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  19. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    "You have a interesting view hehe" replied to Nicole after she said whispering about Sky and Xan.
    Nixer looked at them racing and got shocked of how Hazel was handling the Horse. He had experiment with horses, only for ranged attacks. Nixer thought for a while I hope nothing hapen if Hazel sees Sky, if it does.. this is going to be a mess
    Nixer shook his head and acompanied Nicole to the carts.
  20. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Come on boy" Xan called out to his horse he was catching up to Hazel and was only a few feet behind her.

    "Ah" Xan said as he was tackled from his horse. He managed to flip his attacker so he landed on him.

    Xan could clearly hear his skull shatter against a tree's root.

    "Damn!" Xan shouted as he checked the pulse.

    He unmasked the person.

    "A Dumfries's Spy" He said loud enough for Hazel and maybe the others to hear.
    Nova likes this.
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