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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer heard the cry and told Nicole about it. Nixer started to jogg and find Xan.
    He got there, where Xan was watching the Dumfrie's Spy. "Damn, this is serious.. Should we start moving?" Nixer asked, waiting what the orders of his leader.
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel heard Xan’s call.

    “Spy,” She said. “Where!?” She quickly pulled on the reins of the horse and it began to gallop in the direction of Xan.
    Hazel grimped her sword firmly and was preparing a blow while the horse was charging full speed.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole quickly changed her hair. Nicole followed Nixer and saw the spy on the ground as she drew her sword and pointed it at the spy.

    "Talk!" She said in her guy voice being her boy character, Nick.
  4. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "He's dead you fool!" Xan said standing up and pushing Nicole's sword away.

    "Come me must move quickly, Go tell the men that we leave in five minutes and if your not there we leave without you" Xan ordered as he jumped back onto his horse.
    Nova likes this.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "If there's one though there are more, and look he has a minor pulse." Nicole said in her boy voice being her Nick secret character. She knelt down and took a thick rock and pounded his head and his wrist.

    "Now he's dead." Nicole said throwing the rock at the souless now dead body.
  6. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    That's only slightly demonic Xan thought to himself, It was acts like that that showed a persons true character,

    Xan hooked the supplies cart to the people carrier so that he and Hazel could stay on horse back and act as scouts.

    "Ok everyone here?" Xan asked as the other's set themselves in the cart

    "Wait were's Fly?" Xan asked mostly to himself

    "She can catch up" Xan called as he flicked his horses rains and they began to escort the cart out of the city
    Nova likes this.
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    More spies, Hazel thought as she looked in all directions with suspicious eyes. If there is a spy or anyone, I should sense them. She went back to thinking of boy called Ikito. Why couldn’t I sense him? Her mind was troubled with this thought.

    “Let’s go.” She said to the horse while she rearranged her sword by her side. Heading back out she waited for the others, would Fly appear?
  8. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer heard Xan's Orders and quickly jumped into the car, waiting for the others to hop in. Looks like we have been spotted thought Nixer.
    "I'm ready for any attacks with range" Said Nixer whispering to himself.
    He held his bow and some arrows I don't need much this time.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole hopped in and walked over to a corner of a cart and moving some stuff around and stacking stuff created a little hiding spot covering herself up as she changed into her normal cloths and fixed her hair. She came back out with her sword as she set it down next to where she was about to sit accross from Nixer. She looked at him.

    "I hate spies that was just bad what happened I wonder if they got any info." Nicole said under her breath thinking aloud.
  10. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    It had been two hours since the team had left the small village, Everyone was accounted for except for Fly. She hadn't made it to the carts on time but Xan had a feeling that she would be back.

    "Hazel!, go and scout ahead ill stay and the back and act as a rear guard, Another half and hour of travailing and then we will find a place to rest for the night" Xan told her

    Xan made his horse slow down so that he could get behind the people carrier and the supply cart, He noted that there were a band of travailing monks not to far behind them,

    how long have they been there? Xan asked himself. Xan turned his horse around and began to ride towards the monks.

    "Greeting monks" Xan called to them, "May I ask where you are travailing?"

    "Good evening young man" An elderly monk said

    "We are travailing to our monastery, But we must make haste there are bandits around this part" A younger monk told Xan

    "Ill offer you monks a deal, me and my man will protect you and yours in exchange for a room and meal for the night" Xan told them.

    "How many of you are there?" The elder one asked

    "There are seven, but only two need accommodation" Xan explained

    The monks took a few moments to talk amongst themselves, Xan looked back to the carts and saw that they had come to a stop. He nodded to him self pleased that his team had the decency to wait for him.

    "Very well, your men protect us and we will provide a room for two and a meal for six" The elder monk told Xan,

    Xan jumped back to realization and nodded towards the monks, "Then it is agreed" Xan smiled, "Give me a moment while i go get my men and station them.

    Xan began to ride back to the carts and smiled to himself as he looked upon puzzled faces.
    Nova likes this.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "What was that all about?" Nicole asked jumping down pushing her hair behind her ears. She looked at him puzzled and looked behind him at the monks.

    "Monks, so what bargan did you set with them?" Nicole asked. She smiled to them all and looked back at Xan standing tall.
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "They have agreed to give us a night accommodation in exchange for our protection" Xan said smiling at Nicole,

    "So bring the carts in line and form a protective circle around there party" Xan ordered

    He realized he that Hazel and Nicole were getting strange looks from the monks, It then occurred to him that they had never seen a female warrior.

    "Nicole, take the horse and go scout ahead with Hazel" Xan told her as he dismounted his trusted companion

    Since there were no stirrups on his horse Xan linked his hands together and offered to give a boost to Nicole.
    Nova likes this.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Thanks, I'm good I grew up around horses. Hey boy." Nicole said calmy to the horse as she boosted herself up and swung her leg around to the other side.

    "Alright so is there a certain space that you want me to scout ahead at?" Nicole asked as she made sure her sword was attatched so it wouldn't swing while riding and hurt the horse.
  14. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "The two of you scout up the road for ten minutes, but come back immediately if you encounter any enemy troops, Do not engage" Xan told her

    "And good luck to the both of you" Xan said patting his horse on the neck and finally turning around to join the rest of his team make a shield around the monks.
    Nova likes this.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Got it."Nicole said. 'Oh no fun, oh well' Nicole thought to herself she rode ahead at a medium pace. Once ahead she slowed the horse to a walk and looked around listening for any noice other then from the horses and themselves. She looked around her surrounding hearing birds chirp and more.
  16. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel just went with whatever Xan commanded. She was with the unnamed horse from earlier.

    “I’m still thinking of a name,” She said quietly in the horse’s ear. She felt calm and contempt of her surroundings. She was with Nicole, this was a change. Knowing her luck she would usually get stuck with Fly. I wonder if she comes back, Hazel though to herself.
  17. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    "Alright, this should be a good time to train and kill some" Nixer murmred to himself and smiled and the same time.
    He prepared his armor and tested his bow. After he set everything up, he asked Xan to where he should defend.
  18. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    *WaytoDawn and Choco have given control of there characters to me*

    "You shall take the front" Xan told Nixer,

    Once there were all in position they began marching. Xan took stand at the back of the group with Sinclair beside him.

    They had travelled for three hours with the slight odd look from farmers and other travellers, but nothing major.

    Hazel and Nicole had come back several times to give Xan a report of the upcoming landscape and possible danger.

    "How much longer until we reach your monastery?" Xan asked getting annoyed at the slow pace the monks insisted on taking.

    "Monastery?, My dear boy you are greatly mistaken, We are going to the city" The elder monk said

    "The city?" Crap Xan thought to himself.

    "Did you not plan to go to the city?" The elder monk asked Xan sensing the distress

    "No, no we weren't, but no matter we shall have to make due" Xan smiled

    They were now heading to the city of Galloway, They had being directed so far of track Xan felt like hitting himself. They were supposed to be heading to Lothian, They would have to double back quickly.

    His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a cry of pain.

    Xan looked around him an found that a monk had been hit in the back with an arrow.

    Xan looked behind him to see a small team of 20 bandits attack heading towards them swords drawn and bows loaded.

    "Form up!" Xan ordered as he drew his own sword

    Suddenly out of nowhere a rain of arrows fell on top of the small band and one struck Sinclair in the leg and he fell to the ground.

    The monks began to scatter and run and so Xan had no choice but to call a retreat

    "Fall back!" Xan ordered

    Once every one was at a safe distance Xan began to fall back himself.

    The enemy were advancing fast and soon Xan would be surrounded.

    "Rahh" Xan heard coming from the crowd of bandits and then shortly followed by a screech of pain

    Xan searched the crowd and soon found Sinclair in the middle of the bandits fighting.

    "Sinclair retreat!" Xan shouted

    But it was two late, a blade pierced his heart.

    "No" Xan cried, He began cutting into the bandits fighting his way through the bandits.

    He had killed many and his blade was dripping in blood.

    Xan soon realized that he was alone facing an army of thugs and bandits.

    "I shall avenge you" Xan said before disappearing into the forest.

    Xan soon met up with the group of monks and the remainder of his team.
    Nova likes this.
  19. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel saw a man approach the group.
    “Stay on guard,” she said to the remainder of warriors. She gripped her sword firmly, preparing an encounter in case it was one of the bandits.

    “Sir!” She yelled when she realised it was Xan. She made towards him quickly.

    “Are you badly injured?....“Where is Sinclair?” She asked with no hesitation. Hazel looked at Xan’s wounds; the air was filled with a solemn presence. Did Sinclair make it alive… if he did Xan would have answered by now. Hazel thought to herself making sure she hadn’t checked if there was anyone following him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2009
  20. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "I shall avenge him" Xan said in a whisper.

    Xan began violently coughing up blood.

    And then, he fainted.


    "Xan!" Ikito called.

    "Please we have to help him" Ikito said to Hazel.

    "We can help him" A monk said

    "Our settlement ins't far from here, Its just around that corner in fact" The monk told them
    Nova likes this.
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