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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Just as suspected. Sinclair is no longer with us. She looked at her leader’s body, he was injured. She gently wiped away the little droplets of blood which had landed on her.

    “You there, place his body on my horse.” She ordered. Usually it would be Nicole who would take charge, but it obvious there was no time to waste.

    “Young monk, please show us the way, and quickly.” Hazel said whilst stressing the word ‘quickly’.
    She mounted her unnamed horse, making sure Xan’s body was at ease.
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    The monks or those who remained took The group temporarily lead by Hazel to there settlement. It was more like a village.

    When they were at the main gate to a large building and dressed in pure white came out.

    "Welcome back my sons" He said. He then realized there were a few monks missing and there were strangers with them.

    "What has happened?" He asked

    The young monk who lead them there walk up to him, bowed deeply and than began talking to him.

    The young monk pointed to Xan on the horse and soon two monks came lifted him carefully of the horse and onto a stretcher.

    "Will you be accompanying him milady" One of the monks asked.
    Nova likes this.
  3. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel jumped off her horse.

    “Yes,” she said as she patted her horse for bringing them here. She wasn’t too sure what to do about the others in the group. She wasn’t use to playing leader. She concluded she should ask one of the monks.

    “And the rest of the men?” She looked at one of the monks who had taken Xan off her horse.
  4. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "They have residence, all of them" The monk told Hazel

    Just then another monk came and told the rest to follow him to there living quarters.

    Xan and hazel were taken to a small room in a building that was used as an infirmary.

    Xan's wounds wear cleaned and stitched if necessary

    The entire life saving process took about 30 minutes.

    "We are finally done" The monk who had been working on Xan said with a sigh of relief.

    "He will have to rest here for about to weeks" The monk told Hazel.
    Nova likes this.
  5. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    So he makes it in the end. Hazel thought whilst smirking. Since when did she start to care about others? Hazel your becoming soft again. She reflected upon her current state.

    “Milady! Bandits! They’re attacking, quick help us.” A monk pleaded as he ran towards Hazel.

    “Bandits!” Hazel yelled as she turned round. She quickly grabbed her sword which was resting on the wall near Xan.

    “I’ll take care of this Sir,” she said whilst she ran towards the main entrance.
    Hazel blew a loud whistle, hoping the others would hear and come. She caught sight of the other warriors.

    “Alright, it’s show time.” She said under her breath. She quickened her pace with her sword in hand, probing the area for the bandits.

    “Men, defend the settlement!” She commanded.
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly sat watching. She would help any second now. But would they recognize her. As the bandit's drew closer she flew into the center of the. On her arrival to the ground, she chopped down three bandits, and sent a flurry of leaves like a tornado into the air.

    She had a new attire, consisting of a really short white skirt, a white vest top, and her hair was cut into a bob-like cut, with streaks of yellow.

    With a blade sticking from the toe of her boot she cut down another bandit, the shuriken in her hand blazing with speed and blood. After taking down another one she kicked off his shoulder's and flew from the bandit's running the rest of the way to the group's stronghold.

    "Miss me?" She asked, her voice gruffer, but yet still sweeter than before.
  7. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel could recognise that mass aura of arrogance from anywhere.

    “So I see you made it,” Hazel said sharply. She wasn’t sure whether to be happy Fly was back, or start to drown in mourning for her peace and quiet days were at an end.

    “What took you so long… was it that outfit of yours,” Hazel smoothly said whilst ripping through one of bandits guts. She quickly flicked her sword to remove any excess blood then swung it round killing three more bandits. When putting their hatred for one another aside, and stopped playing silly games, Hazel and Fly made quite a superior team amongst themselves.
  8. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Help!" Ikito called out as he was being over powered by a thug

    He managed to stab him in the leg and then just barely escape his gigantic hammer from squashing him to pieces.

    "Help!!" He called again as more thugs surrounded him.
    Nova likes this.
  9. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer heard and started to get his bows and arrows ready: "One shot, one kill"
    He launched 3 arrows in different directions. One in the Head, and 2 other people in their hearts.
    As soon as his arrows were being wasted, he took out his sword and thought while he was running towards a bandit "All for you, my father"
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2009
  10. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly jumped to Ikito's side, and pulled him up by the arm.

    "Come on. Hurry!" She said pulling him through the chaos to the other side. But her effort was in vain. She felt the cold heat sinking into her kidney. She had been stabbed, and she knew who done it.

    Turning around she stabbed Ikito straight through the head with the blade mounted on her wrist.

    "There are traitors in our midst!" She announced loudly, and began to hack her way to a place where she could preform first aid. But the wound was worse then she thought. The pain made her vision go white as she clasped to the ground.
  11. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Fly!” Hazel screamed. She did not know why she felt the sudden urge to abandon her position. She was not close to Fly, they were more rivals than friends. Yet Hazel kicked one bandit in the groin and ran towards Fly. Fowl play, I’ll make up for it later. There was no time for honour or pride, Fly had collapsed and needed quick aid.

    “Damn that Ikito,” she said whilst cursing under her breath.

    “Nicole, Nixer! Cover me.” She ordered as she went to pick up Fly. Her body was surprisingly lighter than she thought it would be. Hazel wasted no time, she took Fly’s body back to where Xan was recovering. At first she was hesitant to leave the others to fight. No, they’re capable to take on a few bandits. I shouldn’t underestimate. She said as she signalled a monk quickly.
  12. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer ran as fan as he could to help Hazel.
    He arrived and took out his bows and use his 5 last arrows and started to fire at them quickly, without having a miss.

    Took out his sword and screamed at Hazel "Don't Look BACK! Keep on RUNNING!"
  13. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel heard Nixer’s words. They somehow gave her the extra energy for her to carry on.

    “Don’t worry, I’ll join you soon.” She began to pant under her breath. She had finally reached the room where Xan lay rested on a bed.

    “You there, please. We need some aid.” She said to a monk.
    “Me?” The monk replied.

    “Her wounds, they look fatal. Do whatever is necessary to help her.” Hazel said as she lay Fly down.

    “Yes.” The monk nodded.

    “I’m heading back to help the others.” Hazel replied and disappeared quickly, heading back towards the others.
  14. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer saw Hazel comming towards the bandits. He was reliefed beacuse he needed some help. He returned to the battle and a bandit caused a sliced injury on his face. "Damn!" He felt touched his face, while falling down with blood. He quickly killed the enemy with a good stab, and Nixer fell to the ground, hurted.
    In just 2 second rest, a bandit pointing at hazel with an arrow. Nixer panicked and said: HAZEL!! Over THERE!"
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2009
  15. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly groaned. She couldn't die, not yet. Things weren't finished.

    "Help me." She whispered to the monk. "I can't die, not yet..." . She felt a burning sensation go down her back. It was coming, fast.

    "Don't worry, you wont die." Said a monk, a blue bottle and a blade in each of his hand's.

    "The Ego vitualamen?" She asked him. "But you don't know me? Why?"

    "I know miss Hazel, and she said do anything necessary. And therefore i will"

    Fly closed her eye's a nodded.
  16. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel dodged rolled quickly from Nixer’s warning.

    That was a close one, I should be on my guard. Without giving anyone anymore time to think, Hazel appeared in front of two bandits.

    “Farewell.” She said solemnly as she slices through their bodies, at first she could feel her sword get wedged in one of their rib cages. She tugged with more force and heard the snapping of bones.

    “Nixer, there’s only three more. Think you can handle them?” She asked with a hint of haughtiness in her voice.
  17. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    He got up quickly and covered his eyes a little and took out his sword out.
    "Till the End" Nixer ran and hold his sword and swinged at one of the bandits neck. Blood burst in to his clothin.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    With a quick slash, teh two bandits left were on the ground. Nicoel standing there.

    "Sorry I was off investigating the town." Nicole said to them. She had her sword in one hand and one of Nixer's arrows was pushed into the back of the other bandit. She pulled it out and lightly threw it torwards the ground in front of Nixer.

    "That's a pretty good arrow, you can probaly still use your arrows if you pull them out carefully." Nicole told him. she smield at them.

    "Where's the leader at? Plus I heard Fly while hurring here, where she at?" Nicole asked. She really didn't care to much, she sort of wanted to hurt Fly. However she came back when they needed help so she had to respect that.
  19. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    “Nicole.” Hazel said , now that fight had been one she had no intention of talking much or giving anyone orders.

    “Fly has been fatally wounded, and Xan is still resting from his previous encounter.” She pointed Nicole in the direction. Hazel then took off in the opposite direction without a trace.

    The sun had finally set an dnightfall was upon them. All that was left was the scene of massacred bodies on the ground.

    "Ikito." Was the last words Hazel said in disgust.
  20. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild


    "They have all being wiped out sir"

    "Insolent dog!"

    "My..my apologies sir"

    "Get the men!, Were moving out"


    The monks had just collected there dead and were busy healing the wounded,

    "There's more of them!" A young monk yelled out franticly.

    "Close the gates" Another cried as he saw the hundreds of thugs charging for there encampment.

    "Get the archers ready" A warrior monk said in his commanding tone that snapped everyone back to attention.

    "The archers are ready sir" a messenger told him,

    "Very good" He said as he walked up to where the archers were positioned at.

    "Wait until the enemy is upon us" He commanded.

    They group of rough and terrifying men descend upon them with a great speed.


    The sounds of the world were all but drowned out from the hiss of the arrows flying through the air and then the shouts of pain when they met there targets.
    Wave after wave of arrows fired and wave after wave of men fell. The ground was an ocean of blood and corpses.

    "Fall back" The enemy general called to his band of thugs,

    But being the ruthless monsters that there are they kept running for the encampment.
    They were all shot down.

    "How many men remaining?" The general asked his thug advisor.

    "Just over one hundred left Sir" The thug informed him.

    "Damn!, Nobody moves unless i give the order understand!"

    "Yes sir" his advisor answered.

    "Its over!, We'v won" A monk called out

    Cheers erupted from every monk in the settlement

    "No....it...its not over yet" Xan said emerging from the infirmary.

    "Sir Xan?" The warrior monk asked

    "You shouldn't be able to walk for another three weeks" He said in surprise.

    "I must avenge Sinclair" Xan said picking up his sword.

    "You must rest" The monk told him.

    "What is your name?" Xan asked

    "Megumi" He answered.

    "Megumi?, strange...your name means blessing" Xan said as he ran and jumped over the wall with sword in hand.

    Megumi had been taken by surprise at Xan's comment but then realized that Xan was gone.

    Megumi ran to the wall and saw that Xan was running at the enemy with sword drawn.

    "Its hopeless" Megumi said to himself

    "There are just two many of them"

    Just like Megumi had said Xan was soon crowded by the enemy thugs and looked as though he would soon be overpowered and killed.
    Nova likes this.
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