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The Takeover!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Jan 30, 2009.

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  1. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    *I made a character template for Megumi*

    "Thanks Nicole, Go ahead five minutes and then report back" Xan said in reply to her question.

    Xan climbed onto his own horse and soon Megumi was beside him.

    "You okay my lord?" Megumi asked Xan for the third time that morning

    "Megumi I'm fine, If I wasn't you'd be the first to know ok" Xan said getting a little frustrated

    Xan and Megumi walked rode forwards, Xan pulled his horse to a stop and Megumi did the same.

    "Were leaving!" Xan said turning around in his saddle.

    Xan turned back around in his saddle and was wondering what had happened to Nicole. It had been ten minutes since she left to scout and he was begging to worry.
    Nova and Overdose like this.
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel now completely ignoring Fly made Night canter than quickly go towards Xan’s side.

    “Leaving, good.” She said. She began to shift her eyes around the landscape around her. Nicole isn’t in sight. I wonder where she’s gone.

    “Who cares,” she muttered as she began to ride slowly, Night was eager to go for a run. She gently patted the horse’s main.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2009
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole rode ahead. She was turning back to report when suddenly she heard rustling in the bushes and an arrow came shooting out just missing her. She pulled out a bow and arrow she had gotten. It wasn't special nor fancy.

    "Show yourself." Nicole said. She had learned to become a sharp shooter though. A man stood up pointing a bow and arrow at her, but she shot before him killing him on the sight hitting his heart soon to be greeted by more people she kicked her horse as it began to run she pulled more arrows shooting down some.

    "Enemy ahead, mainly sharp shooters, they're slow though." Nicole called running out of the woods.
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel turned her head sharply in the direction of the words. She then instantly scanned the area for enemies or trouble.

    “That was Nicole’s voice.” She said as she reared Night into a halt.

    “Xan, just give me the orders.” She said sharply, whether Xan had anything else in mind for this unknown threat was another thing. She waited for her leader to give the commands, whatever it was she would obey.
  5. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Xan was grateful for the opportunity to break away from Megumi.

    "Hazel, your with me" Xan ordered as he took off ahead without giving it a second thought.

    "Xan!" Megumi shouted after him as he tried to catch up.

    Just then an arrow flew straight for Xan, Xan simply lifted his hand and the arrow deflected of his. Megumi sighed a breath of relief. Another arrow being fired and flying through the air was heard. Megumi was speechless as he saw it flying for his head, You could clearly hear the clink of the metal as the kuni met its target. The arrow fell harmlessly to the ground. Megumi looked around in surprise. He caught site of Xan. And he simply nodded.

    "Go back!" Xan shouted to him
    Nova likes this.
  6. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Hazel begun to charge ahead with Xan, she saw his attempt to get rid of Megumi . She laughed, some weren’t made to fight. She thought as she ridiculed the monks and his over protective attitude towards Xan. She then took out her Katana and was readying it.

    An arrow shot at her towards her jaw, she quickly raised her sword and sliced the arrow in half before it could reach.

    “Someone has good aim,” she said as she ducked then made Night quicken his run.

    “Whoever it is, they will soon meet their end. That will teach them too shoot arrows at me.” She said under her breath.
  7. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer jumped into his horse and went after Xan. He heard that they needed to fall back. Whithout hesitation, Nixer fall back and took his bow and arrow.
    "Bring it" He took one and was ready to kill atleast 1 bandit.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole stopped at a tree and jumped up on teh horses saddle and up into the tree. She looked and focussed being above them she could see the sharp shooters. She pulled out her bow and arrows and began shooting some down. They looked up at her. She reached for another arrow, but was out.

    "Oh that's not good." Nicole said. she slid down teh tree onto teh horses saddle and rode over to Nixer.

    "There's about maybe 7 left maybe more that are hidden." Nicole told him.

    "You get a good aim up in the tree for arrows, but they noticed me there, so if you go there becareful." Nicole told him.
  9. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    "Got it Nicole, I have a few" Nixer began to shoot and killed 4 in a row.
    "FALL BACK" Nixer said while he saw a bunch running towards Nixer and Nicole. "Damn, this isn't very good"

    As Nixer and Nicole where falling back he had an idea to kill some on the way back. He said to his horse: "Go, and run"
    Nixer jumped onto Nicole's horse, turned himself to look at the bandits comming. Holding tight to the horse, he took his bow and some arrows and began to shoot.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole drew her sword and began to attack herself at the bandits. Blood splatting around. She was careful that none got on her however. She looked back at Nixer. The horse was acting up with a diffrent rider.

    "Stay calm." Nicole said to the horse. She had a name for the horse, but the horse did not have it down quite yet.
  11. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    Riding up a steady yet swift pace Hazel strode whilst rasping her katana readying it for a quick switch blade. Two bandits had jumped out from a neighbouring tree but they perished within seconds. Not even five seconds had past and an arrow had managed to pierce into Nightmares upper calves. The horse abruptly halted sending Hazel off as she desperately tried holding onto the reins. Yet this effort was pointless. Hazel landed shoulder first onto the ground only four meters away from Nightmare. She was injured but she could not careless, she ran towards her beloved horse and attempted to pull out the arrow.

    “Night!” She shrieked as she saw the crimson liquid slowly ooze out of the wound. He will live, I’m sure of it. She said as she ripped off her red cape and wrapped around the horse’s leg.

    “Stay here,” she said as she attempted to heave the horse’s body under the shade of a tree.

    “You should be save here,” she said whilst trying to comfort the anguished horse.
    She was now left to murder all on foot. In her wrath they would all be annihilated now. For hurting something so precious to her, they would soon feel the destruction and havoc her blade could cause.

    “Spare no one.” She said as she made haste and used her assassin speed to cut through the forest faster than an ordinary horse could take one to the designated destination.
  12. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Xan was amazed at the Hazels speed, He knew only one other that could amount to those speeds and that was himself.

    Megumi had gone over to Hazels fallen horse and began treating his wounds,

    "Hazel!" Megumi called as he saw her being surrounded by a a group of men.

    Suddenly Hazel appeared behind them and with one foul motion of her hand there heads fell from there shoulders.

    Megumi was shocked at the pure ferocity emitting from Hazel,

    "All this for a horse" He said looking at the horse who now lay asleep from the drug that Megumi had given him.

    "Megumi?, Are you alright?" Xan asked now standing beside him.
    Nova likes this.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole quickly defeated alot of them. She ran to the otehr assitance.

    "Everythings not over yet." Nicole called as the people who she was fighting followed her. She turned around and looked around. She went and ran at them with her sword in hand and at a fast paceing speed she attacked them.
  14. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly rode in on Nutcracker.

    "Bastered's left without me!" She shouted charging down a hill full speed. Nutcracker was the fastest horse in the group.

    At the end of the hill she skidded Cracker to a halt.

    "Another fight eh? Time to show my new sword skill's.!"

    Fly got cracker to buck and launch her into the air. There was a group of warrior bandit's surrounding Megumi and Xan.

    "SEA DRAGON ROAR!" Fly shouted from high in the sky, A dragon made from water launched out the tip of the blade, swallowing and killing the bandit's.

    Landing on the wet ground she smiled.

    "That's only 1 of my 5 new elemental attack's" She boasted to Xan.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Oh look who decided to show up, what were they out of dresses?" Nicole said in a smart allic voice. She eyed Fly down. She hated her so much. She looked over at Hazel.

    "Oh by the way, Hazel, nice going, what you did was pretty cool." Nicole told her.

    "I've been training so, let's see if one of my new attacks will finish them off." Nicole said and ina second she was gone in a blur as men began to fall to the ground in rows all but one stood left and stood there scared and yet amazed then he went white as his stomach began ushing out blood and he fell to the ground as Nicole stood there sword out in front stabbed into the man. She swung her sword around and put it back in the belt. They seemed to be all gone. She walked over to Nixer. She got back on her stalion.

    "Now let's get a move on, I want to get going." Nicole said on her horse taking a drink of water. Nicole's horse, who's name was Mentor, greek for spirit, was the fastest. Nicole never rode Mentor to his capability however, she hated the fact that Fly bragged about her horse all the time. Both Nicole and Hazel, for Nicole believes, knows her was actually one of the slowests. Hazel's horse was fast, Nicole's was the fastest even know she never rode it to it's true capabilities. Maybe one day, but she believed unless it was a run away from death, a horse should never run to fast because it could tire them out. Nicole's horse was also the tallests. She rode Mentor over to the group. She hoped down and opened up a pocket which had some medical suppllies in it. She knelt down and grabbed her water and began to help heal Hazel's horse the potion would help, but they needed to clean the wound first before it got infected. She poored water on it and took an old rag and began to clean it she went and poored a bit of other potions in the wounds and took a clean rag wrapping the wound as best as it could possibly.

    "We'll have to change his bandage daily to asure he get's a clean one, as well as cleaning it so it won't get infected." Nicole said standing up putting it back in the little pocket Nicole got it out of. She sat back up on her horse.

    OOC:: Here's basic info, Nicole's horse...

    The saddle...
    There's a bag in the back with many pockets on it, there's also an additional sword belt with a sword in it
  16. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly stood back a bit standing next to her horse.

    "None of you have treated horse's before have you?" She walked over the Nightmare and pulled of the bandaged's and re-opening the wound.

    "You can't mend a horse like a human. Synthetic treatment's have no effect on them.

    "Megumi feed the horse this." Fly said taking a herb from her pocket. The monk placed the herb in the horse's mouth and it's brash heaving and breathing stopped. Fly pulled all the skin from the horse's leg leaving the bone and muscle. The was a dent in the horse's bone where it was broken.

    "If you had healed it your way this horse would never ride again." Fly raised her fist and broke the bone in a perfect straight line. She took Megumi's hand and took magic from his large reserve. She brought the magic into the hands and put them over the break focusing her magic.

    The break was healed. Fly pulled the skin back down and sowed it together with a needle and thread she used to mend her clothes.

    "This horse wont be able to walk for 3 day's. And even when it can walk you can't race it for a number of month's."

    When she said race she referred to traveling fast.

    "Oh and Flat-chest, my horse is actually faster." Fly said smiling up at Nicole.
  17. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    After the fight was over, he picked some of his lost arrows and place them together for the next fight. Good, let see if more bastards come. He found his horse 5 meters away for him, he hurried and gave him bait. "Take a rest Ferox, today was enough"
    Nixer went on and checked about the wounded horse. "Is everything ok?" he asked to everyone, just to make sure everything is undercontrol.
    "I'll have a look around the place and check if there is any more bandits around."
    He picked his bow out and scaned the place around.
  18. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Fly looked at Nixer and half smiled.

    "The horse is fine, and there will be no other bandit's. The wasn't enough there for it to be anything other than a small, syndicate. But you should still walk around. You might find the camp from last night, there would be all sort's of treasure's there, and extra ammunition's of course."
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: She didn't say it she thought it, and the last I knew we're not supose to have magic, but if we're allowed magic then I'll be having magic then as well


    "Trust me no it's not, you make your horse go to fast, and what you did was risky. I have treated many animals before because unlike you I grew up on a farm caring for animals. What you did could have demaged the nerve line that consists of nerves cells, we won't know though if you did, if you did that means this leg will never move ever again. What you need to do is feed the horse calcium, which it get's from the grass and oats it eats, the bone will then heal natural." Nicole explained. They all looked at her confused. Fly looked the most confused, in Nicle's eyes, so she summarised it up.

    "It'll get better then where it can walk again." Nicole said rolling her eyes at Fly.

    "If this horse's leg though broke the nerve line, then the only thing to do is possibly take it out of it's missory Fly might have just put it in." Nicole said.

    "Oh and by the way, news for you, flat chest is better, Oh and by the way, looks like your horse isn't to healthy, it hasn't been eating the last couple of days, you should probaly quit working it to hard. Like me, I don't push my horse, which is faster, stroner, and healthier then your horse. I know what I'm talking about, why because I grew up on a farm, around horses, cows, sheep, goat, and many more animals. Why do you think I didn't eat the roast beef when it was offered, I refuse to eat any animal, which is why I'm not fat." Nicole said. She stroked her horses neck as the horse looked at her who looked completely calm and relaxed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2009
  20. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nixer back smiled again and nodded to her: "Yeah, I will wonder around here if I see some across. By the way, thanks for the advice, I think I could find alot of extra ammunitions."
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