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The war against smoking

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Cameron, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    All of us really can't say who should and should not smoke. Sorry but this is our will as to whether we want to. Some people might want to stop smoking but they can't because they are so addicted to it. it might hurt some of their members and make them feel bad but it is their choice. Just don't blow your breathe in my face. I have family members who smoke and I don't make it a big deal. Who am I if I try to do that to some of my friends but not to my family members?

    America first found Tobacco in the 1730's-1750's. Guess what? TOBACCO BLEW UP AND WAS SELLING! It has made a lot of sales.
  2. Father-McKenzie

    Father-McKenzie New Member

    Actually, Tobacco was always a booming business in America, not just in the 1750's.

    Back when Jamestown (1500's) was created, it was successful because the Native Americans taught the colonials the "ways of the 'bacco" and they grew ALOT of crops. It was such a successful business that it's actually one of the contributing factors that led us into the creation of a powerful nation.

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