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The War of Life and Death (OCC/SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by BK-201, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm finding issues coming back in. I give permission for somebody to post with my character so I have a way to come back in, please use many details though. Thanks :eek:
  2. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    If more people post then we should have things to bounce off of, the problem is getting people to post. :p
  3. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Thank you OMG, sorry for my recent inactivity I was at a surf camp with an "unplugged" theme DX... anyways now that I'm back I shall post.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name- Baal

    Age- ???

    Gender- Male

    Height- 6ft7

    Weight- 210 lbs

    Appearance- Baal takes on a different appearance depending upon who is looking. A Reaper would see a four legged demon with extra appendages, while an Angel would see him as an archangel.

    Reaper(Demon) Baal: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5uqd63h8M1rytgzlo1_1280.jpg <left image>

    Archangel Baal: http://art.ngfiles.com/images/172/superkusokao_imperius.png

    Personality- Varies, has a lust for destruction.

    Weapon- Varies (Festering appendages for Reapers, a large magic sword for Angels)

    Ability- Varies*

    -A powerful Angel who wants the war between Angels and Reapers.

    *He can clone himself in both forms.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  5. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Sho, is accepted.

    Maria Kusanagi



    5 Feet 9 Inches

    134 Pounds



    Maria is generally very stern and harsh, often times putting her job as her number one priority and ignoring other things completely. Even though she may seem harsh on the outside she actually cares deeply for other, especially her son.




    The Fall of Troy - F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. (With Lyrics) - YouTube

    She is human and head of the city's police force.

    Arashi Kusanagi



    5 feet 3 Inches

    150 Pounds



    Very hot-headed and energetic, he often jumps into situations without any thinking, his poor sense of judgement often gets him into trouble. He also has a strong sense of justice and will execute what he believes is right without a second thought or turning back. He also tends to be very lazy when given tasks which he doesn't believe will be beneficial to him.



    Aura Manipulation: This allows him to utilize his aura into energy and pressurized blast, a deadly technique for the aura is invisible unless he is angered making it almost impossible to dodge or counterattack. The only drawback is if he uses up all his aura, he will fade away into nothing.


    TSOAF Act II: All Is Ash Or The Light Shining Through It - YouTube

    He is an Angel
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
  6. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    VaniXVeni, may I ask where your character currently is?
    Also BK, can I create another character later on?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  7. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I believe VXV's character is still in heaven, and yes, Venitas you may make another OC.
  8. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Thank you and thank you. I don't want to make another yet, I just wanted to know :)
  9. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    Ahhh! Finally got to making a post! I had no idea there were that many since I last checked! Good stuff!
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Added Images for Baal ^^

    The Fallen Angel will be revealed after a while ^_^
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Sorry, my computer lagged. Could a mod please delete this post?
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2012
  12. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Name- Luneth Winters

    Age- 18

    Gender- Male

    Appearance- Shoulder-length silver hair and striking blue eyes. He wears a blue robe with a hood, although he wears it with the hood down. He looks fairly young for his age.


    Personality- A cold genius, he puts up a warm front and acts innocent to keep attention off of him; his innocent appearance assists him with this. However, he secretly wishes to see the Angels and Reapers go to war, because he knows that if they do, the population of Heaven will decrease, allowing humans to ascend to Heaven. He cares more humanity than Angels and Reapers; he admires humanity's imperfection. He stays quiet for the most part and is often lost in thought. He has a slight superiority complex, tending to think of himself as more important than others.

    Weapon- A katana made of ice which doesn't melt and is hard to break.

    Ability- Cryokinesis; the power to control ice. He can summon creatures of ice to fight for him, and usually does so. He can, however, fight for himself with ice and with his katana if need be. By transferring all of his energy into a summon, he can merge with the summon and control it. However, this is risky, as if the summon is shattered, so is his soul. He has the powers of an Awakened Reaper.

    Theme- Luneth

    Other- He's at his best in cold areas and at his worst in very hot areas.

    Accepted or not?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2012
  13. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I like the profile, accepted.
  14. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    So much RP activity, all at once! I guess I'll wait for you to post again, BK, so that I can introduce Luneth in hell.
    I am changing Luneth's surname to Winters. Winters, not Hymen :s :s :s
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2012
  15. Noir


    Is it late to create a Reaper character?
    Also, I'm going to create two, and they are brothers, the older one is destined to become a Reaper and then the younger one will be an angel.
    It's fine with me if you only want one.
  16. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    There's already a lot of OCs so create one and I'll think about letting you make another one.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Venitas, want your character to work with Baal?

    They both seek the same thing after all.
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Yeah, definitely.
  19. Noir


    Name- Ren Kamiji

    Age- 16

    Gender- Male

    Height (Optional)- 170 cm

    Weight (Optional)- 49.9 kg


    Quiet and intelligent, but hot-headed. Ren is a genius which has a lot of ideas. He is cautious, serious and caring for his precious things. He is very loving towards his whole family though. He is arrogant to enemies and strangers.

    Ren's katana:
    This katana was found by Ren in a clearly burned place that was used to be a thick forest.
    It looks like a normal katana when it's normal.
    While Ren is holding the katana and gets angry, it becomes black. It also way more becomes stronger and more powerful, but not really the best.

    Pyrokineis - He has the ability to manipulate fire. It is more powerful because of Ren's hot-headed personality matching it.
    With this ability, he can burn down things, cover himself in fire, and be invulnerable to fire. Sometimes, he can make things with fire. The thing he can make can be bigger when the fire is larger, but it can cost big energy since making things are pretty hard to him. But this is ability can be only available on sometime.

    Theme- Ren's theme - Mortal Gladiator

    Other- He is destined to become a Reaper.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2012
  20. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I like the character but I see several things that I'd like you to change,

    - Could you be a little bit more descriptive with the "he can make things with fire" part, I think I might know what you mean but I'd still like you to describe it a little bit more.

    - You should probably change the appearance seeing as I put the exact same character up for Arashi's appearance.

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