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The White King NC- 17 (OOC & SU)

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Lol, even without 'super speed' the phone would've been sliced up before Shuya could have time to react.
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I know that but having it that Shuya couldn't even see the claws coming is sort of unrealistic.
  3. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Erm, is like, anyone going to post? e.e
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Patience young padawan. Don't make rip you up and skip rope with your entrails!

  5. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Alright, you really gotta stop that -_____-

    It was kinda funny at first but now, meh, no. Just no.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    You obviously never played The Shivering Isles, so you don't understand I was quoting Sheogorath.

  7. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Meh. Thats all I honestly have to say about this is meh... -.-
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Sorry, sorry. Was busy this past week but I'll get to posting.
  9. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    I have to leave this RP if it doesn't pick up soon ... Just saying ...
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    I'll talk to KOD at the moment he is going through a lot, things in which I will not explain because it is not my place to, but just know soon he will post and this RP will be on its feet once again.

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