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The World of Game

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ventus, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Warp appeared in the castle. He looked around and saw Fate was in the throne room. He walked into the room and said "What are you doing here Fate?" He then saw Weiss standing there looking at Fate. He then said "Weiss." "Why must you follow him?" "Is he that great to you?"

    Aeon kept on walking through Ordon as shadows started following him. He looked back and saw them stalking him with caution. He smiled and said "Even though you shadows are of darkness, you are still bounded by time." He then stopped time and appeared behind them. "Be gone." He then quickly destroyed them with one swing of his hand. "Good bye." He then unfroze time and kept on walking to find Link. "That was a nuisance."
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "I've known their location the whole time you fool. Considering I'm the one that discovered Link's cry for help." Fate muttered as the giant robot left. Fate then turned to Wiess. "I don't care if you follow or not, as long as you obey. Now what I want is for you to find this Riku. That mechanical moron said Solarius would be near him. Tell Solarius I need to speak with him and then follow his orders till you get back here." Fate didn't even bother acknowledging Warp was there, he wasn't important to his plans. Without another word, Fate then left for his quarters.

    Link shook his hesd. "First we wait here for any other heroes that will answer my plea. Then we'll plan our attack." Link then looked around. His hylian ears were slightly better than a humans. And he could hear some kind of noise that was worrying him.

    Riku turned to face Adell. "That creature and the black shadoes you mentioned, are called Heartless. They represent the darkness in people's hearts and they crave more hearts. As for my sword... it's special. It's a keyblade, only given to chosen few that are destined to save the realm of light." Riku then chuckled a bit, "Plus, how else do you stop a sword? Can't be with your bare hands now can it?"
  3. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Megatron stopped his forces before they got to the village they sat their hidden the darkness of the trees and watch as the villagers tended to what had been destroyed by the air rider and crash landing of the ship. Megatron spoke to them softly, attack when only I tell you." He said as he turned his hand to a large cannon, he saw a large fat man with a weird mushcate start to walking into his house. He grinned and fired, the house exploded and he kept firing at random to draw the heroes attention. He stopped to lett his cannon cool off and to save his energon.


    "If we attack with a rush it may be better, but it they have a turtle tactic, it may be bad and will be left open to a counter attack. Though if we try a turtle tactic it may benifit us the same way if they try to ru-" Jango couldn't finish before a large explosion happen to a house. LArge blew shots were coming from the darkness of the forest. "Well now what are your orders."
  4. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Cloud lowered his sword and holstered it on his back "my apologiez i didnt know your intentions, My name is CLoud." Cloud looked over at the other man standing with them and smiled. He then kneeled down to sora "Sora are you ok". Cloud stood back to his feet waiting for sora to comply.

    Tidus gripped his blade and jumped at the heartless slashing its body multiple times. the heartless then fell to it knees "bow that your at my level lets take of that head" Tidus then swung his blade with extreme might taking the heartless's head clear off. Tidus put his sword away as the heartless then vanished. "there has to be more creatures in that castle i may need some help, but where to go". Tidus then turned his back to the castle and walked into the city in search of companions.
  5. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Warp sighed and said "Well then, I should get going." "Aeon is getting closer to find Link so I must stop him." Then with a wave of his hand, Warp summoned a portal in front of him and stared into it. That is when he said "If you are listening Lord Solarius, then allow me to watch over Aeon and let me keep him under my watch." He waited a minute for a reply but nothing happened. He smiled and said "Hmmph." "Good." He then walked into the portal and dissapeared from the castle to observe his next target.

    Aeon kept walking to find Link. "Since I used up some of my power to get here from Transylvania and used some of it to stop time to finish them off, I must save up my energy by walking all the way to him." As he said that, a portal in the sky above him. Warp appeared and looked down at Aeon. He smirked and said "Heres a present, time boy." He then snapped his fingers and dissapeared.

    Aeon suddenly stopped and felt something dark in the air. He looked around and said "Theres something here..... something dark." That is he saw it. He looked up and saw a orb of darkness in the air. "What is that?" Then suddenly the orb started cracking and out of it That is when a giant Ruler of the Sky heartless appeared. Aeon looked up and said "It seems that Link will have to wait." He then summoned his Clock Blade and got into a stance. "It seems I'm going to be a little busy."
  6. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Adell nodded.
    "Sounds like your sword is needed though I could always catch both sides of a blade with my hands. Now where's Link?"

    Weiss stood up.
    "As you wish Master."
    He left the room & headed for the stables. After choosing a horse Weiss left the place heading for Ordon. He arrived near the village after awhile & started searching for Riku. After a few minutes of searching he saw two teens walking. One with red hair & the other with silver.
    "Hey. Do either of you know a guy named Riku?"
  7. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    The helicopter flew over a large field with a forest nearby. Ghost was let down at the edge of the forest. The helicopter flew away, leaving Ghost to find this resistance. As he started walking, he felt something rush past him. He spun around and pulled his pistol, he saw nothing. "Strange..." He mumbled to himself. He started walking into the forest. After walking over a bridge and past a small spring and a treehouse he came to Ordon, as Ghost looked around he chuckled "They are technilogically primitive.." He noticed Aeon, and a giant and strange looking monster. "Ballocks, what is that..."
  8. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Tidus walked into the city. the streets were all in shadow execp for the middle of the streets due to the streetlights. As he walked he seen several heartless appear from the ground "these things again". Tidus drew his blade and stood in fighting position. the heartless circled around him "OK lets see what you little freeks got". Tidus took his blade and threw it at the heartless in front of him. the blade went through the heartless killing it landing in the street. tidus jumped to his blade grabbing as he flipped by it. As he stood to his feet he threw his blade spinning it at the heartless. the blade sinning formed a large powerspin killing all the heartless. "that takes care of that" Tidus said as he walked to grab his blade.
  9. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    The hearltess shreiked as Aeon readied himself for it's attack. It lowered it's neck and started swooping in for Aeon. Aeon raised his weapon and used the clock part of it to intercept the attack from the Ruler's beak. He struggled with pushing it back. "This thing is persistent but...." He finally broke the clash pushed the creature away. "I'm not ready to lose." That is when he armed himself with his weapon and charged at the bird. The Ruler saw this and quickly swooped down at him but only at a higher speed. Aeon quickly dodged it's attack and said "It started getting more serious." That is when he plunged the clock blade into the ground and said "I can't carry this if I'm fighting a fast opponent." That is when he got into his regular fighting stance and said "Those who mess with time are judged!"
  10. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Ghost pulled out his M14 and pointed at the creature. He looked down his scope and aimed at the creature's eye. "Hey, mate! You need help with this one?" He called out to Aeon. Sweat ran down his face, it was hot being in that suit of his, but he learned to ignore it. The beating hot sun didn't make it any better though, it was hotter then it should have been in this kind of climate.
  11. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon looked at the stranger and saw that he was here to help. He smiled and pulled out his pocket watch. He then said with a smirk on his face "Right on time." He then put the watch back into his pocket and said "It would be nice to have you join me in this battle." "Thank you for coming." He then turned his attention back to the Ruler at the Sky who was looking at both Ghost and Aeon as flew in the blue above them. "It seems that he wants a taste of both of us." "Shall we?" Said Aeon as he looked at Ghost.
  12. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Ghost smiled a small smile under his skull mask and opened fire on the beast. Causing it to enrage and turn it's attention to him, Ghost fired off a few more rounds at the beast, making it even more mad "Now!" Ghost called to Aeon as he continued to fire off more rounds
  13. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Aeon nodded and said "Foul creature of darkness." "You shall be punished by the law of time!" He then grabbed his Clock blade and with alot of energy, he quickly jumped in the air and slashed the hearltess in half with the blade and fell to his feet with a smug on his face. "You are judged." The creature then exploded into darkness in the air turning the sky into black and blue. Aeon looked up and said "That is why you don't mess with time." But then alll of a sudden he feel down to the ground. He panted and said "I used..... too much energy in that last attack." He then looked up at Ghost and said "Thank you for you services, my comrade."
  14. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Riku laughed a little at the thought of Adell catching a sword. "Well, whatever works I guess." He was about to start walking off towards Link again when someone came up asking for him. Riku turned to face the newcomer and see who it was. He was wierd with spikey red hair and a couple giant swords on his back, Riku could just feel something was wrong but he couldn't tell what. Something seems... off about this guy. I don't know what though. "I'm Riku. What do you want?"

    Link smiled at Jango and Cloud, happy to know that they were allies. He was about turn back and help Sora up when loud explosions happened nearby, in the dirsction of Ordon. Link's face was instantly covered with worry. He rushed off, ignoring Jango's question. His home was in danger, nothing else mattered. When he reached the village tears welled up in his eyes. Most of the homes were destroyed, the rest were burning. Link fell to his knees, overcome with grief at the sight. He had brought this on the village, the enemy attacked Ordon because he lived here. As Link thought about it, he realized he wasn't alone. Watching over the destruction were giant metal creatures. And judging from the smug look on the faces of some, Link knew they were the culprits. He pushed himself off his knees and drew out his arrows and bombs. He quickly tied a few together and then grabbed his bow. Link wiped the tears from his eyes and took aim at the metal foes. With a single pull of the bowstring, Link launched three bomb arrows at the nearest robot.
  15. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Cloud seen link just go running off "wheres he going".CLoud picked up sora and began to run were link ran off to. When he got to the end of the woods he seen a village burnt to the ground. thats when he seen link fighting some creatures. Cloud set sora down and sat next to him "Looks like we get to see what our new friend can do Sora". Cloud sat there wih sora watching to see if link could defeat these creatures
  16. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Hmm it seems the little green meat bag has found u..." Megatron was knocked backwards and landed on his back. Angered he stood up taller than the trees, "No point in hiding in the forest now that you have found me!" His decpticons started to move forward, but Megatron stopped them. "I said when I give the signal!" Megatron stepped forth, "I would watch what you do, it would be very bad for someone you care very dearly about to die. Yes, The dork lord has told me all about your little children friend and even your female friend. the one you want to reproduce with by my calcualtions. As we speak someone is on there way to fetch them for me." Megatron then signaled Barricade to exit the forest and roll out to Kakariko village. Megatroon closed in to Link, "You are all alone, you put all your friends in danger. Even ganondorf has asked me to fetch Zelda for him, but I think I'll keep her as my pet. along with all your other friends. Hahahahahaha!" Megatron brought out his ball & chain and whung it vertically where Link was.


    Jango watched as Link ran off towards the village, jango ran of to follow him along with the others. Jango saw a giant robot in front of Link talking to him. "What model is that!? I could sure use that model, my protocol droid just ain't cutting it." Jango watched as he drew a weapon out and was about to smash Link. "Well if he's as good as I've heard. He'll move." Jando drew his blasters and started firing at the large robotic beast.
  17. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Link rolled to the left to dodge the giant ball of metal. As he did he tossed his bow the side so that it wouldn't get damaged. He quickly pulled out his clawshot and sword as he stood up. He aimed the clawshot in his right hand at the tree next to Megatron and fired it. The claw flew forward and latched onto the branch. Link pressed a small switch and the claw retracted, pulling Link towards the tree. He quickly landed on the branch and took a quick moment to balance himself. Link glared at Megatron, as if to tell him just by that one look how much Link hated him. Without a mighty yell Link jumped off the branch and aimed a stab at Megatron's eyes with the Master Sword in his left hand.
  18. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Ahhh!" Megatron stumbled back as he shook him off, he then fell into the river and sunk to the bottom. "That little brat!" He thought as his vision blurred in his right eye and eventually went all static like on the T.V. He shut it down so there wouldn't be anymore power going to it, and the static would stop bothering him. Megatron had burn marks in him from Jango. "Him, he might be a problem with his advanced technology. Megatron after a while finally made his move from out of the river. He erupted from it making it rain down upon the heroes. "I see you have tricks up your sleeve, well he's one from me to you!" Megatron brought out his cannon again and fire upon the village once more, taking out any trees and houses still left. "Hahahahaha! My eye can easily be fixed by the doctor! Though your village won't be when I'm done with it!" Megatron finished and let his cannon cool down once more. Megatron then radioed Brawl in Hyrule Field. "Fire upon the meat bags, and try not to hit us or I'll have your spark field to scopionax!" Brawl ajusted his cannon and fired one shout then waited 15 more seconds and fired again. Megatron then brought out his ball &chain once more and started to swing once more, but more wildly.
  19. InugamiGod

    InugamiGod New Member

    Weiss studied Riku for a second. What could be important about this kid?
    "Well someone I know wanted to know more about you. Could you come with me?"

    Adell cracked his knuckles.
    "There's something about you I don't like, so maybe you should bring this person here to meet Riku."
    The sounds of explosions were heard causing Adell to look towards the village.
    "Well Riku, should we go see what's going?"

    Weiss sighed at the sound. That buffon of a robot is causing trouble. He ran off towards the village arriving after a couple of minutes. He jumped into a tree to see how the rest played out.
  20. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Cloud watched as they faught "well sora stay here i think they might need some help" Cloud said as he stood to his feet drawing his blade. a missle was coming from the sky when cloud got into the battle field. He swung his blade at the missle cutting it in half. THe explosion blasted Cloud into a tree "i guess that was a bad idea". CLoud ran back to the battle field avoiding another missle attack. He then stood infront of the giant robot. he swung his blade at it leg but the hit did no damage "Link I think we could kill him with the river" CLoud said as he jumped back next to link.

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