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"The World"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. Epitaph User: Tarvos, Twin Blade Level 23 1/3 XP

    Leo flinched at the outburst of the girl expecting a full on slap in the face but didn't get what he knew he should have deserved. "I-I'm sorry," he studdered like an oaf as he looked away from her hiding the obvious blush that creeped its way into his cheeks. "I didn't mean...well...I did...but not like that...well...oh man...I'm sorry..."
  2. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    She then sighed and said "Its ok." "You are a guy after all." After a really quiet moment, she peered out to see if the mob was gone. Once the whole street was empty, she looked back at him and said Its ok now." "They are gone." "....by the way, whats your name?"
  3. Leo stood up and looked at her again but this time into her eyes without adverting them to any other region of her body. Her eyes gave off a gentle look, a look of understanding and truth; it consoled him. It's what he needed the most in the past few hours of him being in this strange perdicament. He nodded to her and adjusted the gloves on his hand, "My name is Leonardo. You can call me whatever short version you want just don't call me Nardo...it annoys me to no end. How about you?"
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    She smiled and said "My name is Yui." "Its nice to meet you Leo." She then let out a laugh a little and said "Thank you very much for saving my life." "They could have killed me right there." She then laughed a little bit more until she thought about him again. That is when she sighed and said "Hey Leo, have you seen a Adept Rouge named Wraith?"
  5. Leo shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "No, sorry Yui. I've been trying to find out what happened to my friends as well. I lost a Harvest Cleric named Heather and a Macabre Dancer named Kamau...we...we were in a dungeon and..." Leo looked down again and his thoughts of despair sunk into his mind again..."I'm sorry...I just...I just want to find them...so bad."
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    That is when Yui felt depressed again. She looked down and said "Oh." "Well thats ok." "I'll find him and also I hope you'll find your friends, they must mean alot to you." Am I right, Leo?"
    That is when she gave him a smile as she waited for his answer.

    Wraith walked through the grounds with a cold look on his face. He was overflowing with so much dark power that it made him feel emotionless. All he cared about was getting towards his goal. "Don't worry dad." "I'll avenge you."
  7. Leo sat down and leaned forward while clasping his hands together. "My friends...they mean everything to me...I don't know what happened to them or even me but I don't care about what happened to me because they're far more important...I have to know..." Then he turned his head to her and blushed slightly when he saw her smile. It shot a warm bolt throught his chest and into his heart which he still found odd seeing that he could still feel.

    He stood up and stepped slightly closer to her and spoke in an upbeat tone of voice, "But it looks like this person is very important to you. Would you like my help?"
  8. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    That is when Yui felt a little bit of hope in her heart. She smiled and said. "Yes." "Thank you very much, Leo." She then shot him with a heartwarming smile as she was bottling all the excitement with her heart. She could finally find Wraith and save him from the darkness inside. "I"m coming Wraith." "Don't worry."
  9. Leo looked around the corner and nodded to her, "From now on we're going to have keep a low profile. Knowing how the Crimson Knights are, they'll be hounding us like dogs...so we'll have to be ready..." He waited for a few moments and crouched low, "We can make it to a Chaos Gate get out of here before they really send in a search team for our sorry selves." He looked her again and smiled at her, he could tell that he had made her very happy and he was happy about that. He turned the corner and moved quickly to another not to far alley and waved over to her.
  10. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    She nodded and said "Ok Leo." "I'm right behind you."

    Wraith finally got to the chaos gate and said TO MAC ANU. That is when he appeared back in the outskirts of Mac Anu again, only this time he is weilding greater power that makes him unstoppable. He looked around and saw that nobody was around. "Hmm, thats odd." He then shrugged and said "Anyways, I need to find information." "I need to find the scumbag that kill my father." He then started heading down to the city.
  11. Leo had been running briskly along side with Yui until they got to the area that held the Chaos Gate. He looked back to make sure that she was following him closely when he bumped into an Adept Rogue. Leo stumbled back and fell on his bottom. He rubbed his throbbing buttocks and sighed, "Oww...that hurts..."
  12. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Yui saw Leo fell and quickly rushed to his aid. "Leo, are you ok?" WHen she said that, she heard a man's familar voice as it called out to her. "Yui." That is when her eyes grew big as she slowly turned her head to the source of the voice. That is when she saw him. A Adept Rouge with white hair and white armor. Wraith."
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 15 1/3

    "I don't see much of a reason to limit members based on their class. I figured that we'd be able to select who joins. Just so we don't get unlikeable members." Gerik answered. Tom leaned back in his computer chair. He slightly yawned. "Sorry about that. Been doing alot recently. But anyways, we should probably decide on this before 'The World' revokes this reward due to lack of time."
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2010
  14. Leo looked Wraith up and down and smiled at him. He had the look of a very strong person. He was always drawn to those with strength, it gave him a great sense of security. He approached him and offered this new person his hand. "Hey there. I'm Leonardo."
  15. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 17 (2/3)

    "Right, I'll go set this up now. If you need to you should probably get a bit of rest or something. This may take a while so I'll contact you the moment something comes up." Shifting his feet, Salvatore held up the license in his hand and admired it. Finally his own guild. This was a day to remember.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 15 2/3

    "Sure thing. Thanks." Gerik said as he yawned again. He opened up the menu and clicked Log Off.

    Tom took the M2D off of his head. He stood out of his seat and stretched. "Damn. It's getting late. Already? I was only playing for 20 minutes." Tom walked over to his bed and basically fell on it. He quickly drifted off to sleep.
  17. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid's bad feeling came to be noticed when she looked beside her and Sion was not there and in his place was a Grunty. "Wah-what the hell!!!" She said as she fell back and landed on here butt. The Grunty walked off leaving Alkaid sitting in the dirt. When she got up she noticed something strange about the area. "Wait! I know this! It AIDA! AIDA has tampered with this area!! I have to report this to Sion!" She then exited the area and when she got back to Dol Dona Sion was no where to be seen. "What the hell! Where is he?" Alkaid sent a message to Sion.'Hey what happened, where the hell are you? Look the area I went to was infected by AIDA!
  18. Twin Blade Level 35 2/3

    Leonardo turned to the voice of a Crimson Knight that had spotted them. "So, there is a trio of you all then! I shall not allow this to go on!" Drawing his weapon the Crimson Knight howled towards them, "Have at thee cowards!"

    Leonardo did not hesitate to clash blades with the Crimson Knight. It seemed that he grown a lot in power since that strange event because the Crimson Knight of whose blade was locked with his two blades was being pushed back slowly. The knight struggled to keep up with the immense amount of power that Leonardo had suddenly shown but he was batted back by a powerful kick from Leo.

    The knight tumbled on the ground and slowly got to his feet. Leo waited for him with his two weapons (of which reminded him of Oblivion and Oathkeeper from Kingdom Hearts 2) and twirled the one in his right hand before charging at his attacker.
  19. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 25 1/3

    Man, I'm sick of waiting. They'll message me when they get my message. Karite thought as he went for the Chaos Gate. He messed with a few random word combinations until he found one that had 'Defeat The Boss' as the objective. With a small sigh he walked right in.

    Karite appeared at a moonlit field surrounded by ocean. There was a bridge to the next island and judging from the map there were more bridges connecting the chain of islands. Karite pulled out his scythe and started walking. Maybe I can fill that 'Book of 1000' thing and rank up the guild a bit before they join up. Yeah, that seems like a good idea. With that it mind Karite searched for a few monsters. One requirement he remembered was a certain amount of sneak attacks so he figured with his high speed, that would be easy to do.
  20. Twin Blade Level 35 3/3

    Leonardo stared at his opponent as he struggled to rise. As he watched him, a great sense of hatred rose within him and he scowled contemptuously at the staggering figure. He had tried to kill him, knowing what his strange and current position was, he would certainly die in both worlds. He stepped closer and the Crimson Knight raised his blade ready to defend himself but Leonardo grinned and said with an angry undertone, "What? You think that shit excuse for a blade is going to protect you?! You thought you could come at me and kill me?!" He dashed forward and strange markings began to appear on his body as he howled out the same ear piercing noise that he had heard from Tarvos. "CRUEL, VINDICTIVE, SCARS!!!" he screamed in his head as he brought his weapons at his opponent's body after he had assaulted him with a flurry of rapid attacks. A set of symbols appeared at the tip of his weapons as they produced a powerful beam that shot through his enemy.

    His enemy writhed and shrieked in what seemed to be immense pain as his body began to piece apart. As the final pieces of his being disappeared so did Leonardo's markings and his intense amount of anger and want for revenge...he blinked once and looked around, "What happened?"
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