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"The World"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Adept Rouge Level 27 EXP 1/3

    Wraith looked at Leonardo with a really shocked look on his face. "You have.... .a great power." Yui saw this look and said to Wraith "Wraith." "Are you ok?" Wraith looked down at her and said "Yeah, I am." She smiled and said "Thats good, I'm glad you are ok." He smirked and said "Thanks." ".....Yui, why are you here?" That is when she a quizzical look on her face. "I'm here to see you, duh!" She then blushed and then said "I mean, I did miss you." That is when he looked away and quietly blush with a smile on his face. That is when the voice appeared in his mind again. "Don't be distracted." "Remember your mission." That is when his eyes became emotionless again. He then said to her quietly and emotionlessly "Go away, Yui."
  2. Twin Blade Level 36 0/3

    Leonardo walked up to Wraith and lightly shoved him but kept a slight scowl on his face. "Hey! She was worried sick about you. Why don't you care about that huh? I only met her a few hours ago but I know that she cares about you a great deal. You aught to pay attention to her emotions.
  3. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    That is when Leonardo and Wraith's eyes met. In Wraith's eyes, he could see Leonardo's anger rising within him. He smirked and said "Whats wrong?" "Why are you so angry?" "Is that you hate it when people hurt other people's emotions?" He chuckled and said "Well thats how it is...... how it will be!" He then punched Leonardo in the stomach, making him fall to the ground as Yui yelled out "Ahhhh!!!" Wraith looked at her and said "If you want to be safe, then leave."
  4. Twin Blade Level 36 1/3

    Leonardo didn't know why but he felt an immense rush of anger building up inside him. The moment he got up he had both his weapons at the ready and charging straight at Wraith. He didn't even see Yui of whom he zoomed past and headed straight for Wraith.
  5. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 17 (3/3)

    Salvatore sighed to himself as he walked away from the guild's @home. Setting it up had been rather easy, if tedious. The only thing left now was to find members. Once he built up his members he could probably start running through areas trying to level everyone up quick. If only he could find high level players. Those would let lower levels feel more comfortable. "This'll take some work."
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Wraith stepped out of the way of Leonardo's attack and suddenly brought out his dagger. He then grabbed Leonardo and looked him in the eyes. Thats when he saw the anger and determination that Leonardo had burning inside his soul. Wraith only smirked and said to his 'friend' "Why so serious my friend?" "You don't have to act like a hero." He then pushed to the ground and turned away from him, putting his sights on city that lay before them. "Hmmph." "I must be going now."
  7. Twin Blade Level 36 2/3

    Leonardo continued to stare at Wraith with eyes of hatred. He got up and looked at Yui was shocked at the recent events of violence and he spoke to her breathing heavily. "This is guy that you worry about?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He looked at Wraith again then turned around and started to walk away from the two. "Have fun with him," he began sarcastically, "he's a real friend."
  8. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Yui wanted to cry. Wraith was falling inot darkness and her new friend is leaving. "I......I'm sorry....." Wraith turned his head and saw how sad she was. There was great silenced between the three of them as they stood on that hill. That is when Wraith decided to break that silence. "Yui......." She looked up and saw him standing over her. "Wraith?" Then all of a sudden, he smiled and said "Please, try to save me." He then, with a punch, knocked her cold. Wraith then put his gaze on Leonardo and said "Please." "Protect her, Leonardo." He then walked away towards the giant city.
  9. Twin Blade Level 36 3/3

    Leonardo to Yui and cradled her head in his arms and darted his eyes to Wraith and yelled at him, "Wha-what the hell was that?! She's trying her best to help you and you're hurting her so badly. Bastard! Stay away from her!" Even though he was full of external anger, he understood that something sinister was taking hold of Wraith and at the moment there was nothing he could do. He then looked back down on Yui and looked at the beautiful face that had been assaulted by Wraith and began to get scared because he realized that her face was all of a sudden so close to his. A red line ran across his face as he began to blush furiously at his sudden revelation.
  10. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    25 2/3

    Karite had managed to 'sneak attack' every group of monsters he ran into. The only thing left on the map was the boss. He could see it quite easily. It was a large tree with four legs. An easy enough target and if something went wrong he had Shikyou to fix it. With a small smirk Karite rushed forward with his scythe and cut a small gash into one of its legs. The monster turned it's attention to Karite as the programming made it realise that a battle had started. Karite quickly leapt back efore charging in from a different angle. "Reapers Dance!" he shouted as he launched the strongest Flick Reaper special into the creatures back. It stumbled and Karite smiled. This is way too easy.

    That thought left his mind almost immeaditly as the monster spun on the ground and kicked him away. By the time he realised he was hit the monster came forward and tried to stomp him under one of it's feet. Karite dropped his scythe and grabbed the leg as it came down. "No way! I'm not getting flattened!" Karite shouted. However he couldn't push the monster off of him. It was far to large and physical strength seemed to be its strength. With a large yell Karite managed to push it to his side, but then it kicked him away again. As Karite got up he checked his HP to notice he was getting low. He quickly used an item and then tried to activate a special. "Heavenly Wheel!" ...Nothing happened, confusing him. "Heavenly Wheel!" He screamed and again, nothing happened. That's when he noticed his scythe behind the monster. Oh yeah, I dropped it to save my life. Gotta get that back. Karite got himself ready and sprinted to get his scythe. He was not going to go down easily.
  11. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 18 (1/3)

    Scanning the streets of Dol Donna, Hibari gnawed at the inside of his cheek. There were so many potential members, yet every single one of them was just as likely to be some traitorous, back stabbing, gutter bumping bastards.

    In the heat of his new position, Hibari had forgotten one very important fact about himself.

    He did not trust people.

    His own actions over the past couple days surprised him. What with befriending Gerik and all.

    A smile spread over his face, and the tension between his shoulder blades loosened. No, Gerik was different. He was genuine, kind, and supportive. He was a good guy, and he was going to be a good friend. No need to worry about that.

    It was these other people he had to worry about.

    All those laughing, all those who were chatting it up so casually, looked more and more like the type to stab him in the back.

    Maybe I should just recruit people who I know would do that. At least that way I wouldn't have to keep wondering if they would or not.

    Sighing, Salvatore pushed away from the wall he had been leaning against and began walking into the market. "Time to get started," he stated.
  12. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 25 3/3 Level up! Now level 26!

    Karite dashed forward and dodged the kick the monster sent at him. However just as he was going to grab his scythe the monster jumped at him. Crap! Karite quickly kept moving as the monster landed on his scythe, bending it with the imprint of it's foot. Good thing that scythe is so high-level. Any weaker and it would've snapped. Still though, I need to grab it. I can't pull out my other scythe until I put away the current one. Stupid game mechanic. Karite waited. Without his weapon he couldn't fight, yet he couldn't sit and do nothing because the monster would kill him. Suddenly the monster charged at him, his scythe caught around it's foot. Great, complications. Karite thought as he ran at the monster. Just as it was about to step on him Karite ducked down and touched his scythe on the monsters foot. It glowed and suddenly vanished.

    Karite grinned as he got up. With a twist of his wrist he pulled out his other scythe, his glitched scythe. The scythe began to glow as he charged up energy into it. The Flick Reaper's most powerful non-special move. Takes a while to charge and I can't move while charging it. But when I release it's one hell of an attack! The monster charged at him once more and just as it was about to hit him, Karite swung his scythe. The result was a purple wave of energy around him that dealt multiple powerful hits to the creature all at once. It's HP hit zero and the monster faded into the wind. "Karite laughed as he went up to the chaos gate. "That was way too close."
  13. Twin Blade Level 37 0/3

    Leonardo was unable to wake up Yui after some time and he began to panic even more than he already had. He shook her once more and called out her frantically, trying his very best to get some sort of response from her. Either he's knocked her out cold or actually killed her, he thought. He shook once more and when he got no response he laid her out on the stone floor and sat next to her with his hands on his knees. Looking from left to right, he came up with a rather strange but plausible idea. Okay, knowing that I'm pretty now graphed into "The World," is it possible for me to be able to administer CPR? He raised an eyebrow at how unlikely the thought was but in a moment of fear and desperation he swallowed and made a large gulping noise then looked down at Yui, whose eyes were closed and mouth was slightly open. the moonlight of Mac Anu glossed off her lips and Leonardo blushed deeply.

    Damn it, he thought. Can you for once control yourself? He patted his head with the palms of his gloved hands and breathed out and looked at Yui again. He knelt closer to her and cradled her head in his arms, feeling the long, beautiful hair tickle his arms as his face got closer. He could feel his heart beat faster as he got even closer. When his mouth was an inch away from hers he closed his eyes and pressed his lips onto hers and began to distribute the kiss of life, praying in the back of mind that she would understand.
  14. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Yui eyes slowly opened up as she felt something in her mouth. "Whats in my mouth? It taste......familar." That is when she fully opened her eyes and saw Reo kissing her lips. She blushed and then pushed him off immediately as she let out a scream. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" She then yelled out loud to Reo "Reo, what do you think you are doing?!!!
  15. Twin Blade Level 37 1/3

    Leonardo cringed and curled himself into a tight ball to protect himself against a possible assault of kicks and nails and began to speak loud and fast, "Well, I saw Wraith hit you and you were knocked out and I tried to wake you up and I thought you were dead so I thought since I'm actually in this game that I could revive players by giving them CPR and I was praying that you would understand, I wasn't trying to be a pervert, pleeeeeeeeeeasssssssseeeeeeee don't huuuurrrrrrrrtttttttt meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee > ^ <"
  16. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Yui then shouted at Reo saying "It still doesn't make it right!!!" She then started kicking and scratching him with her nails.After a few minutes, she stopped and said "Ok. I think you learned your lesson." She panted as she sat on the ground. As she sat there regaining her breath, she thought about what happened and blushed. She then said "Thanks for saving me."
  17. Twin Blade Level 37 2/3

    After receiving his quick beating at the hands of Yui he uncurled himself and looked at her, slightly bruised but nothing to serious. "I really didn't mean to..." he looked down and thought back to what had happened to his friends then looked at her, "Yui...I lied...the only real reason why I did what I did to you was because I didn't want you to end up like my two friends...I...I was so helpless..." he gripped his thighs and bit down on his lip, trying to force down the growing lump in his throat and tears of frustration began to appear. "I just didn't want to lose a friend...!"
  18. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 18 (2/3)

    Dol Donna being drop dead dry of anyone looking to join a just started guild, Salvatore had to gate to Mac Anu. It looked as though he would have to recruit other people first - not just high leveled folks and then lower levels.

    Maybe he was going about this all wrong. Maybe it wasn't the higher levels that made people want to join guilds. But then what was it?

    What was the freakin' formula that would get people to join a guild?

    Passing by the markets and people who stopped to look at what others were selling, the adept rogue sighed - discouraged that his efforts were baring no fruit from which he could reap.

    Knocking his hat off of his head, Salvatore felt the draw-string tug at his neck.


    Without consciously realizing it, Hibari had reached for his neck. That hadn't been Salvatore's neck, that had been his own.

    ... But ... How?

    Shaking his head away from the confusion, the young man left it to his imagination. It probably hadn't really happened any way. Just his imagination, playing to what his eyes saw.

    Reaching up with both of his arms, Salvatore tilted his head up slightly and letting the palms of his hands rest against the back of his skull, he wondered if he could do a better job recruiting here than Dol Donna.

    There were all sorts of people. Some in the darkness of alleyways talking and plotting, others relaxing against the walls of buildings - waiting on their friends who were inside buying items.

    There was a sort of calming feel, and yet, despite that, the adept could not bring himself to settle down.

    Something just didn't feel right.
  19. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid was standing outside of a building in Mac Anu looking at a billboard of all the @Home guilds. "Well I might as well join one of these while I wait till hear from Sion. What the hell happened to him anyway?!" she said a lould. Alkaid studied the kinds of people that where exiting and entering the diffenent guilds. "I wounder which one is best for me?"
  20. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 26 1/3

    Karite had just returned to Mac Anu and was going to check with his guild when suddenly he heard someone yell out from the guild boards just outside the gate.

    "What the hell happened to him anyway?!"

    Karite looked over to see someone standing at the guild boards loking over all of them. He quietly snuck up, thinking to listen in on her possible guild choice.

    "I wounder which one is best for me?"

    Karite was actually surprised and backed off to think for himself. Besides taking out Sukiko, what did he want from his guild? He felt stupid for not thinking of what to do after they achieved that goal. It's not like he was going to disband the guild once they killed her. He wasn't sure about it. I should probably think this over. Rather than trying to persuade the girl Karite started walking towards his @Home. If he couldn't answer the question for himself then why should he try to answer it for others?
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