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"The World"

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Jan 14, 2010.

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  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 18 (3/3)

    There seemed more people around the guild boards today than usual. He hadn't frequented the boards, but he'd passed them enough times to know that little to no people actually gathered around them.

    Curious he strolled closer just as another player was heading into his @home.

    His arrival caught the end of another players aimless question.

    "Can I help you?"
  2. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid jumped ten feet in the air. "WHAAAA!!" She turned around to see someone behind her."Oh sorry about that. So are you in any of these guilds?" Alkaid studied the guy's apperance and his player level.
  3. Twin Blade Level 37 3/3

    After regaining his own composer he looked at Yui and spoke, "Well...that sonofabitch, Wraith told you to save him before he knocked you out...bastard..." he gritted his teeth and felt his hands curl into tight fists unknown to him. I need to calm down...jeez. "Yui..." he began to walk closer to her and held her hands, "I know I have done some stupid things, heh. But...I want you to know that I'm here for you. Yui and I want to help."
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Level Up. Adept Rouge Level 16 0/3

    Tom woke up from his nap. He sat up, yawned, and looked around. "That was helpful. I wonder how Salvatore is doing recruiting members." Tom walked over to his computer and turned it on. He quickly loaded up 'The World' and put on his M2D.

    He appeared in Mac Anu. Gerik opened up his inventory and looked at his Key Items. He found the key to the guild's @home. "Maybe I should go check it out." He muttered to himself as he left the Chaos Gate.
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 26 2/3

    Karite was sitting at his @home and thiking over what he wanted for the guild. It should be something that not only I want but that lots of players want so that we can all work towards it together. But what do players want in the World? Rare items, high levels but outside the basics what do I want? To kill off Sukiko, but that was going to be a secret guild project for me, Sion and Nero. I'm not gonna invole any non-Epitaph's in that personal crusade. So what do I want after that? Karite walked over to SilentGrunty and asked him. "What's a guild normally do?"
    "Depends on the GM. *oink*" He replied.
    Great. "Any recruits?" The grunty shook it's head. "How about that Book of 1000?" The grunty pulled it out and a few guages in it filled a little. Karite suddenly found a few small items in his possesion as well. "Thanks." Karite walked back over to the couch and layed down on it as SilentGrunty put away the Book. It then hopped down and walked over to Karite. "What?"
    "As GM, you have to run this guild. *oink* We can't get better without you leading the members."
    "But first we need members." Karite pointed out. SilentGrunty nodded but then handed him a flyer. "*oink*" The Grunty then returned to his post as Karite looked over the flyer.

    Want to battle it out against other players without worrying about PKs? Want to earn riches and fame and items that you could only dream of? Well than get ready, the World Arena is almost open! Watch the message boards for news about the Grand Re-Opening tournament that will be hosted soon!

    The arena, huh? Well that is free publicity for the guild. Plus those prizes sound nice. Guess I better keep watch over the message boards.
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 19 (1/3)

    Salvatore nearly jumped himself when the woman was spooked. He hadn't intended to scare her. Pushing away his uneasiness, the adept rogue merely answered her question, "I am a leader of a guild, actually." Prompting the roaster with a single finger he directed her attention towards his guild name: Surge.

    Letting his hand fall back to his side, the tall character shrugged, "We're new so as you can see we're pretty low, but we'll get up there some day. Maybe soon." Chuckling to himself, Hibari relaxed in his chair when an idea struck him. Turning Salvatore's head to the woman he asked, "Don't suppose you'd be interested in joining would you?"

    Something in the back of his mind tugged at her familiar appearance, but he pushed it away. Trying to focus on the matter at hand.
  7. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Yui looked at Leo and said "Leo. Thank you so much for saving me. Don't worry, I know we will save him from the darkness..... I really hope we can." She then looked down and thought about what happened. Please, don't give into darkness."

    Wraith kept on walking through the city. He was looking for someone that he had heard on the boards. "His name is Sussano and he has a lot of information on criminals that go online on The World. If I can find him, then he can tell me the character name of the bastard that mugged my father."
  8. Twin Blade Level 38 0/3

    Leonardo stared at Yui from behind and smiled. She must really care about Wraith, he thought. It reminds me about how much I care about Kamau and Heather...especially Heather. He stared at the ground and frowned a little bit. What had happened that led to the disappearance of his friends was really beginning to bother him. What in the world caused that to happen? All we were doing was going through a list of areas for us to check out and that's what happened.

    His thoughts wandered off for a while until he concentrated on what he hadn't been able to truly concentrate on: the time. He had been so occupied with the strange happenings that he hadn't even paused to think of what time it was. Knowing that Yui was at her computer her spoke to her gently, making sure that he didn't hurt her feelings in some strange way, "Yui, do you know what time it is? It's kind of important."

    His eyes wandered down until they met with the stone ground and he smiled slightly, thinking back to the very first time he met Heather. Her smile was so bright and the way she carried herself showed that she was a strong person, able to stand up for herself. Then he went to the last moments he had seen her and his gloved hand was crushed into a tight fist. How could I just stand there and let that happen?! I hate myself! I hate myself! He gritted his teeth and cursed under his breathe but calmed himself down the moment he remembered that Yui was standing in front of him. "Oh, I'm sorry, Yui...I was just thinking about something, that's all. Um, maybe tomorrow, would you like to meet me back here so we could do a little investigating? I think it would really help me out in trying to figure out what happened to me. The last time I checked me and my friends were in a dungeon when it happened. I...I want to go back and try to retrace my steps all the way up to the point when I blacked out and got stuck in "The World." You don't have to if you don't want to...I'll understand."
  9. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkiad looked the guy over and done a quick search of his character. 'Hm, he seams to have some good stats. It should be ok to trust him "So your guild is called Surge? Well it just so happens be that I'm looking for a guild to join, soooo..........Alright I'll join your guild!" she said as she smiled. ^_^ "So what exactally do you do in your guild? The last one I was in,before it broke up, all we did was train ourselves for arena matches and one other thing we-" Alkaid stoped,'Oh CRAP I forgot I have to keep my mouth shut about that AIDA crap! "Well you know I forgot what it was we did." she finished.
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 19 (2/3)

    Salvatore laughed a bit. Not at Alkaid, nor any one person in particular, but rather at the fact she had already been part of a training guild. Oh, some one up in heaven was smiling down on him today. After he had calmed down, Salvatore smiled his own warm smile, "Well it's definitely a good thing that you were a part of that sort. Since we just started, I'm trying to recruit more members, and since your used to training in groups that'll be awesome!"

    Hibari sent a quick PM to Alkaid with the @home words before going on, "No, what my guild is designed for is various things, but above all it's to become a huge guild of P.K.K.'s."
  11. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Twin Blade level 19
    Alkaid was puzzled by Salvatore's laughter, but shrugged it off. "I wish I could help you to get more members but the two people I still fight with are currently um well one is in a coma and the other kinda got lost some where in 'the world'. So sorry about that." she looked away as she said those words. They were almost heart breaking to say, but glad that she did.
  12. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Level 27 3/3 Level up! Now 28!

    Karite was still at his @home, thinking about his guild. Depends on the GM... Well what did I want to do before I got the guild? Hmm... Karite thought for minutes before he had an answer. I wanted to be the best player in the 'World'. So I guess, this guild should be for becoming the number one guild. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Karite got up and walked over to SilentGrunty. "How do I make this the World's best guild?"
    "Fill up the Book of 1000, have the best ranked players, *oink* and be able to take on every challenge the guild recieves."
    "That's it?" Kairte asked. The Grunty nodded. Well then first I need high ranked members, but who's gonna join a low ranked new guild like mine? The only thing I can think of is new players, but that'll cut my chances for high players even more. Then the only thing to do is get new players, and raise ourselves up so that they can't ignore us. Karite sighed but then rushed out of his @home, heading for the guild message boards. He was going to edit his guild's description and hopefully get more members.
  13. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 19 (3/3)

    Raising one hand up to scratch his chin, Salvatore dimly recalled reading something about comatose players before he had gone to bed. At least, that was, until the thread had been deleted. Gears slowly turned in the adept rogues mind as he wondered what could been the cause.

    Maybe I can learn something if I keep talking.

    With a nonchalant shrug, Salvatore, "If he's lost, he can be found. I'll even help you find him!" Smirking, the guild leader added, "Not only will we be P.K.K.s, but a support guild!" Turning around suddenly, Salvatore started out. Hibari could only watch, helpless to stop his PC from smashing into yet another.

    "Crap," he uttered as he was sent to the ground. Looking up with a scowl, Salvatore let it melt away as he remembered who was responsible. "Sorry 'bout that."
  14. Dark_Hanyo

    Dark_Hanyo New Member

    Alkaid had a strange look on her face when she saw Salvatore suddenly turn and walk away and then to come right back. "Um I don't to be rude or mean but, What the hell was that!" She said eyeing him. The only thing she could figure is that he probley droped the controler. "Well anyway. I don't quite think that we can find Sci-I mean my friend b/c well I think that he got warped into a 'closed' area. And for my," Alkaid paused for a second.How the hell do I explain this. He said he didn't want just ANYONE to know about us "Well my coma party member's character is currently in a CC Corp compound. So there is no need to waste any time on them." She finished quickly.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 16 1/3

    Gerik was walking back towards the Chaos Gate. He had recently bought some items and weapons with the money he recieved from playing 'The World.' "Wouldn't hurt to get in some personal training." He muttered to himself. "But perhaps just a lower leveled area." Gerik reached the Chaos Gate. He thought of some area words. "Delta Speeding Electric Tree." His character was instantly warped away.

    The area Gerik appeared to was a dungeon. Gerik looked around, seeing the only path in front of him. "I hope I brought enough items, just in case." Gerik began walking into the dungeon.
  16. Twin Blade Level 38 1/3

    "Well, anyway," he began not letting her even get a chance to speak again, "I'll see you later. I'll be checking some things out, okay? I hope you feel better, Yui. If you need anything from me, anything at all, I'll be here for you." Dumbass, he thought. How could you be there for her if you couldn't even save those who you placed so high up in your so called "standards?" He looked down and felt a lump crawl up into his throat. He felt like he was lying to her but kept a straight face nonetheless. He ran up to her and hugged her for a second then let go and ran off deeper into Mac Anu.

    * * *

    After some time of wandering he caught site of a few players that looked like they were waiting for something or at least had a sense of what was going on. It was an Adept Rogue and a Blade Brandier. He wished he cold check there power levels but didn't even bother as he walked up to them and smiled and spoke to the Adept Rogue, "Hello there," he started hoping that they would be able to speak to him. He had already figured out that if they were in a private chat they wouldn't be able to hear him at all.
  17. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    As Yui watched Leo leave, She sighed and said "I guess I'm alone again. Well, its ok because it was always like this." That is when she got up and said "Theres nothing else to do here. I can't save him now because I don't know where he went. I guess I should then leave." Yui then ported out of the World, hoping that she will save her friend for another day.

    While Yui left the World, Wraith was busy with his own things. "I'm almost there. I know it!"
  18. Sitting at the ledge of a bridge that hung over the narrow waterway of "The World," Leonardo sighed as his feet swayed back and forth. Other players, probably from other countries walked past him, gazing at him for a moment, then continuing on there way. His eyes slowly moved down the path of the water until he reached his hands, which were clasped together on his own accord. It had been a very long time since he was alone like. He wondered how his friends were doing then pushed the thoughts out of his mind because they were too painful for him. I wonder how my parents are doing, he wondered, looking up to the night sky and having his blue eyes reflect the white full moon. Probably having the time of their freaking lives, he thought. He felt his anger come into his mind and he pursed his lips together, trying his very best to keep himself under control least he wanted to get himself noticed. The moment he felt his hands clench into two tight fists he heard the clamoring and the voice of a Crimson Knight. "There he is!" the voice called out.

    Leonardo cursed under his breathe and took off into a nearby alleyway. They were pursuing him with far more tenacity than he had expected since they were turning every corner he did. "Don't let him escape!" he heard them.

    Suddenly he could feel himself gaining fatigued. What?! I'm getting tired?! Crap . . . it has to do something about this damn game. The longer I'm in here the more human I pretty much become. He began to have theories circulate in his mind and when he opened his eyes a chaos gate was right in front of him. He ran faster, bound after bound, breathe rasping and thought of words to say. Suddenly in the darkness of his mind a location sheet biped into his head and scrolled down it with an invisible hand and chose words. He didn't care which one it was, he just wanted to gte the hell out of there. He closed his eyes and shouted out, "Cruel, Vindictive, Scars!"

    A roaring wind took his hearing and his vision became a rainbow of red, green, yellow, and blue. He felt weightless as if in flight but at the same time heavy as if being pressed by gravity. He felt himself being pulled by a large hand that refused to let go.

    Everything went dark and hollow. He could hear himself breathing. He could tell that his eyes were open and the moment he blinked, he was present in a barren terrain. It looked like a desert that had been completely dried up. The ground was hard and grey and cracked and the sky looked as if it was ready to rain but didn't.

    "Cruel, vindictive, scars..."
  19. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Admin Adept Rogue lvl 20 (1/3)

    Meet me at Cruel Vindictive Scars

    That was the only words on the simple PM Sion sent to Alkaid, with an equally simple heading: "Sorry"

    He hated to have ditched her like that, but with what he had just found out it might have been worth it.

    On the other hand, he wasn't so sure if he wanted to see a full fledged angry Alkaid - especially in an area where she could just as easily P.K. him to vent her anger. Yet still, it was a shot.

    Back in Mac Anu, Salvatore's brow furrowed. "Sorry to hear about that."
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Adept Rouge Level 16 2/3

    Gerik got deeper and deeper into the dungeon. He killed monsters as he passed them. Something was strange with this area though. These monsters, even though a few levels lower than him, gave very little experience points per kill. "Perhaps there is a glitch in the system. I should be gaining more experience points from these fights." Not only that, but the dungeon seemed to go on forever. Gerik was on the 5th floor. Dungeons at such a low level never had that many floors. In fact, there weren't any dungeons in 'The World' (Forest of Pain being the exception) that had this many floors.
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