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Time Travel Explained

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Elfdemon, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Yes, I know that "the closer you get to being good the more bad you become" is a paradox, anyone with common sense would know that. "The closer you get to the light, the bigger your shadow" is most definitely not a paradox though. Here you go again, taking two completely different things that don't relate to each other and putting them together and acting like you proved something. "The closer you get to being good the more bad you become" and "The closer you get to the light, the bigger your shadow" are two drastically different phrases that don't mean the same thing whatsoever in the context of Kingdom Hearts. Yeah, in real life they might mean close to the same thing, but in the KH universe, light and darkness are physical things, it's not metaphorical like it would be in real life.
    Kitty and NeRo like this.
  2. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    sooo you are saying the shadows in KH aren't the enimies? manifestation of the darkness in people hearts? and it is most definitely a paradox because our world is paradoxical, fool. just as one day consist of a day AND a night. so the light also cast a shadow. that's why this is the truth of KH because as ive ALREADY said. its about nature. so STOP talking before you know what the hell you talking about, son.
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Because its natural in Kingdom Hearts. Like losing your heart and become a heartless. That's not magic but nature. Star shard is a result of the protective wall of a world breaking and the remaining material allows you to travel through worlds, etc.
    Kitty and Elfdemon like this.
  4. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    protective wall= magic
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Based on?
  6. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    weren't the walls made from the fall of KH into the darkness and then the worlds were rebuilt from the light of the children's hearts? sounds like magic to me...in fact it all sounds like magic to me.

    hell where do you guys think we get our concepts of the never ending good vs evil? light vs dark its from the cycle of nature itself, the day and the night. the light is associated with goodness and warmth and pleasant things while the night time is associated with evil and sex etc.

    so the closer you get to the light, the bigger you shadow actually reflects the paradoxical nature of our own very world itself.

    a clue to this is in kh 2 when XEMNAS has conjured the moon kingdom hearts and is asking it for hate and rage. saix also praises the moon and NOT kingdom hearts just before you battle and defeat him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2016
  7. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Yes, they're the "enemies" gameplay-wise, but whether they're evil or bad or not is completely subjective. Just like Nobodies, they are naturally born. Some Nobodies do bad things, such as Xemnas, Xigbar, Dusks, Creepers, but some do good things, such as Axel, Roxas, Namine, Xion. Heartless are the same. Some do bad things, such as Ansem SoD, Shadows, Soldiers, Darksides, but some do good things, such as Sora's Heartless. Heartless do bad things because it's their natural instinct, they don't have a sense of self unless they willingly turned into Heartless. There are Heartless that do bad things and there are Heartless that do good things, much like Nobodies. Are dogs bad because it's most of their natural instinct to kill cats and are cats bad because it's most of their natural instinct to kill mice? No, that's just nature. And just like Heartless or Nobodies, there are dogs and cats that don't have that natural instinct.

    Says who? That's your opinion that it's magic, but it's never been said that it is, so it's not factual.

    Don't know about you, but sex is a pleasant thing in my opinion.

    That's nice that it sounds like magic to you, but there's no proof. It's never been said and it is not fact. Science is the study of things. You can't study magic, because it's, well, magic. Magic cannot be studied, it is mysterious and supernatural and is said to be the complete opposite of science. As seen with Ansem the Wise, light, darkness, hearts, bodies, souls, all of that can be studied. He could not fully study it however because hearts are beyond our comprehension, but just because something is beyond our comprehension doesn't mean it can't be studied by, hypothetically, someone of a higher power and intellect. Magic just simply cannot be studied, which doesn't quite make sense because everything can be studied, but that's the whole point of magic. It's not real, it's fake, and the whole point of it is that it doesn't make scientific sense.
    Kitty likes this.
  8. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    ok heartless are the manifestation of the darkness in peoples hearts so that means they are bad. leon even said they seek out hearts to devour...or did he say destroy? I cant remember

    in the bible sex can be a sin and you are missing the point xemnas ask the moon for hate and rage... why?

    look I don't give a fuck if its magic or not angel brought that shit up not me.

    ive soundly proven KH illustrates paradoxical concepts as does the real world. you might as well just say "look man, I don't like what you are saying so im going to disagree with it no matter what" and ill say cool and leave you and your threads alone.

    do you have any idea... how many books there are on magic? or magick? and the study of it
    its called the occult....just like KH is occult. yes KH is a spell but you wont ever know because you don't study magick
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  9. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    I don't recall you proving anything to be frank.

    It's more like "look man, I disagree with you and don't think you make any sense, so I'm going to argue my point fairly and speak what I believe and not take cheap shots like putting words in people's mouths, like the person I'm communicating with does."

    Magic isn't real. If you think it is, then you're completely delusional.
    Kitty likes this.
  10. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    well I proved that magick can and IS studied, its called the occult. not to mention thousands of books printed on the study of magick. and you were wrong about that what else you wrong about? go have a seat. and start verifying what you are talking about because ive already proved you wrong more than anyone else on this forum. the sad part is you apparently don't even know it. or maybe you just don't care.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "look I don't give a fuck if its magic or not angel brought that shit up not me."
    Uh oh he's getting mad

    also watch your language.
    Elfdemon likes this.
  12. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    well yea because it shows how bias they are. I wasn't even making a deal about a distinction, all I mentioned was timetravel and they are trying to argue with me about...why? oh because they are bigots like everyone else here.

    magick isn't real does not = you cant study magick.

    and YOUR idea of magic is not real. REAL magick is different from what you are thinking. go take a seat.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2016
  13. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    What exactly have you proved me wrong about? Give some examples. Magic does not exist. Something that does not exist cannot be studied. You can pretend to study it and roleplay all you want, that doesn't mean it can actually be studied though.

    I have not looked into what "magick" is, but if it's as different from magic than you're saying, then there you go again, taking a completely unrelevant thing and acting like it proved something. If "magick" is so different from magic, then why did you bring it up in the first place? If it's not magic, then how does it have anything to do with what we were talking about?
  14. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    #1 I just proved you wrong about KH being paradoxical. I proved you wrong about the closer you get to the light the bigger your shadow is a paradox. and now this and some other shit in those other threads I don't even care to remember.

    lmao so you are saying you cant study wicca? because there are rituals and spells and charms and stuff that have magick properties.
    ritual sacrifice was magick...like how they use to sacrifice people to the sun God for good crops. yea, that's real magick. its the same as magic but aliester Crowley, a high level occultist added a K because apparently he thought it looked sinister and it took hold. he has his own books on sex magic and other forms of magick he practiced. he says in one of his books that he ate shit for some kind of magickal purpose

    which was to experience the negative aspects of life as well as the positive because he was trying to preform the spiritual alchemy of the soul or walk the road to dawn as riku calls it.

    this is ancient stuff and its been practiced in the east for centuries. magick is real. just not necessarily the kind you thinking about. and on that note good night, you are a waste of my time because you will undoubtedly find someway to disregard everything I just said.
  15. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Nice job dodging my questions. I will repeat myself:

    I have not looked into what "magick" is, but if it's as different from magic than you're saying, then there you go again, taking a completely unrelevant thing and acting like it proved something. If "magick" is so different from magic, then why did you bring it up in the first place? If it's not magic, then how does it have anything to do with what we were talking about?
  16. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    hmm funny I could have sworn I just told you that its the same as magic and that aliester Crowley, who was called the "wickedest man alive" in the 1900's added a K on the end. so not only did you not care to find out for yourself what magick was before you contested it but you didnt even bother to read my entire post. you are either trolling me, or you are a bloody idiot lol
  17. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    We were talking about magic. Fictional magic from a fictional game. What does "magick" have to do with that in any way?
  18. Yacob

    Yacob Banned

    you weren't talking about fictional magic because you said magic cant be studied but sora studies magic with merlin. good bye forever. and besides real magic has always been one thing only and it can be studied.

    and you also said that, "you cant study magic because its fake" its not fake in KH universe. you didnt even know what you were saying lmao. you were just blabbering away for the hell of it lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2016
  19. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    No, you misunderstood.
    This is what I said when I was talking about magic in KH/fictional magic: "Magic just simply cannot be studied, which doesn't quite make sense because everything can be studied, but that's the whole point of magic."
    And this is what I said when I was talking about magic in real life: "Magic does not exist. Something that does not exist cannot be studied. You can pretend to study it and roleplay all you want, that doesn't mean it can actually be studied though."
    NeRo likes this.
  20. Cozy

    Cozy New Member

    hello everyone, its me yacob. im asking that i be pardoned be from my perma bann just this once because i tried to make a new account after i was banned but it was only so i could respond to this one comment elf demon made.

    you actually said that magic was fake, you didnt say it couldnt be studied because it was just magic. also fictional magic can indeed be studied what do you think they do at hogwarts? what do you think sora does with merlin? lucky for you they banned me. and that double post was an accident i didnt mean it.

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