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Time Travel Explained

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Elfdemon, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    Fictional magic can be fictionally studied. Fake magic can be fake studied. Real magic can be pretend studied. Real magic cannot actually be studied.

    Hogwarts is a fictional place. The magic there is fictional. So, it is fictionally studied. It is not actually studied because it does not exist. Something that does not exist cannot actually be studied.
  2. Cozy

    Cozy New Member

    fictionally studied? in harry potter, magic isnt fiction its reality. besides you said you were talking about fictional magic and not real magic. thats what you said.and KH is a fictional story so that means the magic can be "fictionally studied " as you say. so that destroys your whole argument about time travel magic not being magic. you are falling all over yourself to avoid admitting you were wrong.

    and real magic is studied, its called wicca and the occult look it up that is REAL magic.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    Honestly I think the best way to describe it is that it's just a paradox. The Xehanorts go back at the end yet in DDD they are there. It's just one big loop.
    It is also contradicting in one nature. Xehanort says memories are forgotten yet they are "etched" in his heart. He also specifies he can't alter history.

    The problem there is that his "etched" memories are guiding him subconsciously meaning that by definition Xehanort is altering history causing the past Xehanort to live the future he witnessed. He's technically not alter history but it's a bit of a conundrum since he's also setting that history in motion.

    He's changing it yet he's not changing it. That makes it a bit contradictory since it brings up a question. "If he can't alter history yet he's living by a preset history then when was the first alteration?"

    There had to be a version to do it first to set the events in motion for the loop to repeat itself.

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