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Timeless Evil, Eternal Love

Discussion in 'Archive' started by zzic, Jul 12, 2008.

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  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Kieran smiled and kissed her deeply and passioantely that caused them to fall over on the golden brown sand. Then there was another flash of light.
    >Can you write when Kieran died the first time?<
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    The setting had changed. 2 years later.

    It was midnight. Kisa had selpt over at Kierans for the last three days.

    Kisa woke up to get a drink of water. But before she could manage to get out of bed she was caught and hypnotised by the sleeping Kieran. His perfection overwhlemed her.

    A significant time had passed. Kieran struggled to wake, as if he knew he was being watched.

    He looked up towards Kisa

    "Hey beautiful.. What time is it?"

    Kisa didn't hear a word he said. Somthing from the window caught her eye.

    "Don't turn around." She whispered to Kieran. "Theres somone outside the window.. He hasn't noticed i saw him yet."

    "Stay in the room. Ill go get the gaurd." Kieran said

    "No. I can handle this!" Kisa said. "I'm a ninja remember"

    Within 3 second period, Kisa had her Shuriken in hand. She was Lurching for the guy outside the window.

    She got him.. But it wasnt a him. It was a it... It was a small Blue thing, Much like the heartless of today

    Kisa walked out to the courtyard. Trying to discover some kind of clue as to what it was, Thats when she heard the cry. I was Kieran..

    She ran to the broken window of her room.

    Kieran lay there bleeding. He had deep laserations on his face neck and cheast.

    "NOOOOO!" Kisa cried running to his side.
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos cried as he watched the scene and he couldn't do anything because he was invisible to them and his attacks wouldn't work.
    There was another flash of light and he found himself in Hade's Chamber and saw Kieran and Kisa on top of each other on a table. At first, he felt sick but then he noticed that she could have turned pregnant.
    "Oh...no" Tidos muttered to himself.
    There was another flash of light and he found himself in the desert next to a jaguar suffering.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2008
  4. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Kisa was screaming in her head


    she was back human.. Lieing on a mundane swamp floor.. She was caught between gaging from sickness and crying
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    There was another flash of light and he found himself in the desert and he saw Kisa suffering next to him.
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "How cute.... Child lovers." Saria stated as she appeared.

    (Gah! Sucky post!)
  7. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    kisa blocked he person violating her mind out.

    She got overwhelm with another pain. The person who put her through her greatest agony all over again was the other person she was growing to love. The person 2 years younger than her. Tidos..

    "I HATE HIM!" she cried into the vomit coverd moss "Ihate hi.............." She then fell into a deep uncouncious state


    "it seems as tho they are killing eachother" Krish said looking to Ciwe sat across the pink table, pouring and serving imagionary Tea to teddy bears and rag dolls.

    After drinking some of the imagenay tea, Ciwe looked up at Krish

    " I know isnt it fun?"^^ she asked smiling.

    "You did put the VCR on didnt you? I want to watch this again!"

    "Yes its recording now." Krish felt a pang of pain in her heart. But iot wasnt enough to change her mind. Tidos and Kisa deserved this suffering
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    "KISA, PLEASE WAKE UP!!!...I'm sorry"
    Tears went down his cheeks as he saw a stone slip out of her pocket.
    Tidos grabbed it and knew it was a summon stone.
    "Please..help me"
    He held the stone close to him.
    "She's suffering and I can't help her..please help me"
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Gah!" Ciwe cried as if she was spitting out a drink. But there was none to drink

    "Krish get over there! Stop him he has a summon stone"

    Ciwe closed her eyes and composed herself a began sipping tea

    "Did you not hear me?" Ciwe asked looking up

    But Krish was already gone
  10. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    "COURAGE!" Tidos shouted with strength.
    A bright light whirled around Tidos and Kisa.
  11. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Just before the summon arrived. Krish was standing there, holding Tidos wrist

    "You dont want to open that summon gate." She said grabing it from his hand

    She realesed a blast of high level magic and jumping back. Thats when she noticed somone else. Andother girl like her.. But that one didnt have a heart

    "Who are you" She asked the girl whiles't kepping a eye on Tidos
  12. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos held onto Kisa tightly to try and keep her safe from whatever happened.

    >I've got a writers block today sorry<
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "I am Saria.... A metal wielder."
  14. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    <dont worry i have writers block too. My posts are turning out crap>

    "A metal weilder.." Krish said thoughtfully

    "I have a question that my decided your fate.

    "Join my cause. Or perish with these two?" The way Krish said it it seemed like nothing, Like choosing coke or pepsi

    *Krish your doing well. We could use a metal weilder for a party* Ciwe said directly to Krish head
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos crept up from behind Krish and took the summon stone.
    Soon enough the summon stage was complete and...
    >I really don't know who the summon can be<
  16. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Krish turned around

    "YOU AS*****!" She scream at the top of her lungs. "That the Bedel!"

    "He'll Kill us all. Destory the universe. Our perfect world!" She Screamed again and began flurrying magic at the summon that was already taking his from. A younge boy.

    Out of no where Ciwe was standing there.

    "Cherry?" She asked.

    The younge boy looked up. He had the same pink hair and blue eyes as Ciwe, Indeed he was even the same size. Infact if it wereant for his lack of a certain female anatomy you could swear he was a girl

    "Youve freed me" He smiled.

    Krish was confused

    "Misstress. You told me never to open the stone. That it would destory everything... You .. lied?"

    "It was for your own good. You see whoever release him. Releases Cherry" She corrected herself "Gives up the right to there heart"

    She looked up at Tidos..

    Cherry spoke for the first time. He had a voice like his sisters. Like it were a singing angel.

    "Why'd you have to give me such a disgusting heart tho?" He asked almost spitting on the ground with disgust. But it didnt make him seem any the less cute

    "Its so pure and innocent" He scrunced up his nose.
  17. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    "WHAT?!...What do you mean I'll give up the right to my heart?"
    Tears fell down his face.
  18. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Ciwe Sighed as she began to explain

    "About two hundred years ago there was this really annoying boy.. What was his name?"She asked turning to Cherry

    "Kerry" He said sitting down on a rock.. Power was spewing from the twins, and Krish.

    "Ah yes..Kerry. And well you see we just wanted to create our perfect world.. But he stoped us by seeling away our hearts. Creating a place called."

    "Kingdom hearts" Everyone turned to see who said it. It was Kisa

    "Kieran.. he told me this story when i first.. GAHHH!" She cried clutching her stomach. She began coughing up blood

    Ciwe and Cherry rose at the same time. Prepairing to fight.

    "Your carring his child?" Ciwe cried.

    "Im sorry, but we must insist on killing you now!"Cherry said

    Krish was still sitting on the floor. She knew she didn't have to do anything. The twins could handle it on there own.

    "What you mean..*CHOKE...* his child.."

    "Lets just say your "Kieran" wasn't so truthful..

    You see Kieran is Kerry." It seemed that Cherry always finished Ciwe's sentances for her
  19. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Saria turned her bracers into blades (Similar to that of Ed's arm on FMA) and blocked Ciwe's progress towards Kisa.

    "Sorry, but in a past life, I looked after a child. I cannot allow the slaughter of one!"
  20. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Ciwe looked up at the nobody and smiled.

    "Just as his heart shall be used to re-store Cherry"She said pointing to Tidos "Yours is what was used to restore mine"

    Ciwe done her cute chibi smile and released a firaaga into The nobodies chest.

    "Ciwe STOP!" Krish said sharply.

    "It would make more sense to retreat and make them come to us.."Krish smirked "In the prefect world!"

    Ciwe smiled too. In the perfect world, created souly for deamons, heros had no power there..

    "Cherry were going!" Ciwe said..

    Cherry let out a dissapointed sigh. "I didnt get to amputate anyones organs yet...FINE!" with a wisp of purple smoke the three where gone.

    Kisa clutching her stomach fell back into a deep sleep
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