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Timeless Evil, Eternal Love

Discussion in 'Archive' started by zzic, Jul 12, 2008.

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  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    He felt the darkness leave his heart
    "Thankyou Maleficent for understanding reason....do your thing Merlin!!!"
    Tidos jumped through the hole of the crack because it was closing up and landed on the floor on the other side.
    He looked up to see snow-capped mountains and look down to see Kisa walking down the steps
    "She is so beautiful" he thought, as he was sprinting towards her.
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "Rikku.. Start the engine. Lets get out of here" Kisa mumbled. She sat down on the floor in the backroom

    "Okay we're up! Where we going? i need to set coordinates."

    "Olympus Coliseum. There's someone i need to see."

    "Who?" Rikku turned around and looked a Kisa

    "Hades. I'm going to make a deal with him."

    Rikkus face dropped "Oh-Urmmm. I'm setting coordinates now...."

    With that the gummi ship flew off into space
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos was too late and saw the gummi ship fly into space.
    "What am I supposed to do?" he shouted.
  4. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    .....Kisa opened her eyes, she must have fallen asleep.

    "hey sleepy, time to wake up. We're there?" a voice said

    "Kier-Kieran" In front of Kisa stood the blurred image of the love of her life.

    "No silly" Kisa heard a high pitch giggles. " Its me. Rikku" more giggling..


    Kisa blinked and look at the person again. " Ohh. I thought you were s-s-someone else"

    "We've arrived at the colosseum. Better hurry, it's dark out. Don't want to miss.. Hades" Rikku shuddered as she said his name.

    Kisa got up and stretched her cramped muscles.*YAWWNN*

    Wiping the morning junk from her eyes Kisa stepped out of the gummi ship. Her foot landed in a Green puddle. She look around her. Every thing was eerie.

    "AHHH!! what are they??" Rikku screeched.

    Kisa turned and looked. A Fat purple thing and a Stick thin green thing came flying towards the girls.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    >How am I supposed to get out of The Land of the Dragons?<
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    >>Somthing happens to Kisa and rikku come to get you<<
  7. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    >OK, sounds good<
  8. zzic

    zzic New Member

    err... What happened?
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    "hey!!" The fat purple one said. " Im Pain. And this here is Panic"..

    "Nice to m-m-mett you" The green one, Panic said.

    "We are servents of Lord Hades himself, and we're here to see a"*Panic pull out a scroll and hands it to Pain. Pain Opens it" A Kisa Hutchison" He annouced.

    "T-thats me..."Kisa said. She was very somber. She obvously had alot on her mind.

    "Come with us" The Pale green one Panic clicked his fingers and the two deamons and Kisa disspeared.

    "Oh foooophy" Rikku said worried." Ive got to get help..." Rikku stops and thinks for a moment... "Tidos....!" She says and hop's back in the gummi ship.
  10. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    >>sorry for double post! you as Merlin and mickey are fighting maleficent in the dome, Kisa was taken by Pain and Panic in the Colosseum. Now Rikku is flying back to land of dragons to get Tidos' help<<
  11. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Tidos looked around the Summit and searched the campsite, but there was no way of getting out of The Land of Dragons.
    "I guess I'm stuck here, I hope Kisa's okay"
  12. zzic

    zzic New Member

    I was thinking about making a third roleplay when we reach page 18
    Mickey managed to dodge Melificents' magic. "Careful Merlin, She might turn to the dragon soon,".
    'Yes,yes of cause," Merlin said. Sure enough, She turned into a Dragon.
  13. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    >>same roleplay as this, of a complete new story??<<

    Rikku done a swift harsh landing in the Land of Dragons summit.

    "owwwie" she said Rubbing her back.
    Rikku looked up seeing the person she was looking for.

    "TIDOS!!! Quick! We've got to get to the Olympus Coliseum! Kisa's in trouble!" She screed at him, panic in her voice.


    Back in the underworld Kisa was Talking to Hades in his chamber.

    "I Have a deal to make with you." She said to the lord of the underworld.

    "I want to bring 3 people back to life. Do you think you can do it?"

    "O0o0o now see here's the problem" The God of death said "I CAN bring three back for you. But I will only bring one back, babe;)"

    "W-w-what?? Why only one?"

    "Now see here, This boy Herc has being causing lots of trouble for us down here in the underworld." The blue flame burning on Hade's head turns red, as he gets an idea "Hey. Say you get rid of this hero for us. Then i might consider bringing your other too peeps back to life?" Hades was very proud of his idea.

    "W-where do i find this "HERC?"Kisa asked. She was looking at the floor ashamed. She didn't want to kill someone, for him. But she knew if she wanted to see him again she'd have too.

    "He's up the stairs doll-face" Hades made a seeing hole in the table in the centre of the table showing Kisa Hercs face.

    "Okay.. Ill do it. But on one condition..."

    "Whats that babe?" Hades answered one eyebrow raised.

    "You bring one person back first.. Kieran"

    "Done"Hades clicked his fingers

    Smoke smothered the room. In the middle of it all was a Silhouette. Could it be? Kisa's Kieran?
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  14. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    "No...Hades....she's going to be his slave.....get me there now Rikku...I need to save her!"
    He looked down at the fairy.
  15. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    The smoke dispersed. Standing there was Kieran as beautiful and the day he died.

    Kisa raised her hands to her mouth. She couldn't believe it was him standing right in front of her.

    His Bright loving Brown eyes gazed across the table to her

    >>Description of Kieran. He's tall about 5"11. Short Brown Hair, Well Built, Has a bit of stubble on his face. He's 31(yes i know almost 20 years older than Kisa but still)He doesn't fight at all, he doesn't have magic or a weapon<<

    Kisa jumped to him, sprawling across the table. As soon as she got to him she grasped him in her arms. She was crying into his shoulder, his familiar scent filling her nostrils.

    "Where am I?" Kieran asked in his gruff masculine voice. "I thought i died?" Confusion was also present in his voice.

    "I made a deal with Hades, he Brought you back" Kisa could barely get the words out, she was so overwhelmed with emotion.

    Kieran looked up at the person who gave him, his Kisa back.

    Hades had a smug look on his face "Remember our deal Kisa" He clicked his fingers and in a puff of smoke he was gone.

    >>is it okay with people if i kill off Herc?? lmao<<
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  16. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    "Rikku, please get us out of here!" he shouted in panic.
  17. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    >>longer post's remember you can also fly gummi ships;)<<

    Rikku Started the engine and off the flew towards The Colosseum

    "I don't know what was going on but these too creatures they called themselves Pain and Panic disappeared with Kisa


    Kisa and Kieran were alone in the room.

    Kisa slowly reached her hands up to touch Kierans face. Everything surrounding them was so surreal.

    She stroked the side of his face. The stubble of his beard tickled her hand.

    She put her other hand up onto his other cheek.

    She pushed herself closer into the groove of his body. She was swept with emotion.

    She began kissing him passionately.

  18. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    The ship landed next to the colosseum.
    Tidos burst out the door and shouted "HADES, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!!!!"
    The shout echoed and the wind was whirling around Tidos's head.
  19. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Rikku flew out the ship after Tidos. Standing right in front of them was Hades

    "Welcome to the underworld. What can I be doing for you?" Hades folded his arms and looked bored..

    "Where's Kisa?" Rikku cried at him

    "That's classified information" He replied

    "Well I'll get it off you, even if it means we have to fight!!"


    Kisa slowly unbuttoned Kierans shirt.
    After the last button was undone she slipped her arms under his armpits and hugged his bare back pulling him tighter with her.

    Kieran had never being as overwhelmed with emotion as he was now. He ran his fingers though her hair and began kissing her beautiful slender neck.

    In a passionate daze the two stumbled over toward the table in the centre of the room.

    Kieran lay Kisa down onto the table a took off his open shirt.
    Kisa took off her own shirt too.

    Kieran lay down on top of his love, there bare chest meeting each other, hearts beating as one.

    "I love you" Kieran whispered into her ear before kissing it
  20. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    >OK that's just about all right<

    Tidos charged at Hades and shouted "TELL US WHERE SHE IS NOW!!!!!"
    The wind was blowing fiercely
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