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Trayvon Martin

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Angel, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Let me attack all your comments by stating something that should be obvious but clearly isn't being grasped by anyone.

    None of us actually knows what really happened. I'm getting really sick of people making a big deal out of this issue when none of us were there. We don't know if Martin attacked Zimmerman first, and at this point we likely never will.

    I agree with the fact that Zimmerman should have been booked from the beginning, regardless of whether or not it was self defense. However, him not being arrested and officially questioned was not his fault. It was the police department's fault.

    You're all right that this possibly could've been, and likely was, racially driven. But again, no one will ever really know unless it goes to court.

    Media manipulation is another problem too, depicting Zimmerman as a monster. The picture most media outlets are using was a mugshot from 2005. Clearly showing bias that he acted out of pure malice, not self defense.. Everyone is jumping the gun on saying that Zimmerman initiated the contact as if they were there. But they weren't. And it's gotten to the point where Zimmerman had to go into hiding. In a country where everyone is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. So I'm pretty tired of everyone, media included, acting all morally superior condemning Zimmerman when none of us were there and none of us know any of the facts. Innocent until proven guilty. But honestly, assuming that there definitely is a trial for this case, good luck finding an impartial jury who can give Zimmerman a fair trial.
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Consider this,
    Most of the evidence points against Zimmerman so it is natural to flow with what evidence shows.
  3. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    There's contradicting evidence on both sides. The official police report claims Zimmerman had multiple injuries to his nose and the back of his head, but I've heard there's police footage that suggests otherwise. Even though surveillance cameras are usually of shit quality and you probably can't see his face very well anyway.

    But seriously, no one, Zimmerman included, deserves to be harassed to a point where he has to go into hiding because of attacks on himself and family due to an action that, at the moment, no one can prove that it wasn't an act of self defense (claiming that Martin wouldn't attack Zimmerman due to size is complete bullshit by the way, considering some of the people I know who are the quickest to get into a fight are small). I read that a couple had to flee their home because Spike Lee tweeted a fake address for Zimmerman.

    We seriously don't know what happened. We can speculate all we want, but we don't even know the legitimacy of the evidence on either side at this point. The police department was clearly incompetent on handling the situation from the beginning by not taking Zimmerman into custody and testing him. But regardless of them neglecting to act according to protocol, no one is right in assuming that Zimmerman acted out of malice. Get off your high horses and stop slandering a man, claiming he acted in any way other than self defense, when no one knows exactly what happened.
  4. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Even if we don't know every single detail we have statistics.
  5. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    What statistics, exactly? Cases are based on facts, not statistics.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Actually, there are facts that Zimmerman is in the wrong, especially when there were many recordings. It is the recordings themselves that can cause many to believe one side over another Flash. As for fair trial, you can believe that there will be a fair trial and it will become federal maybe. However, the police did try to cover up for Zimmerman once.
  7. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    How can there be a fair trial when almost every is biased against him? And can you provide links to any of these recordings? You're all so strong to make arguments against Zimmerman without providing any links to support your evidence.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    U.S. News - Trayvon Martin case audio: Screams were not George Zimmerman's, 2 experts say
    Here's a link saying Trayvon was the voice screaming for help!

    Piers Morgan Tonight: George Zimmerman's brother speaks out for the first time – CNN Press Room - CNN.com Blogs
    Piers Morgan. I haven't seen it but what I was told Zimmerman was count using racial slurs at Trayvon. They had also had a tape about Trayvon talking to his girlfriend saying this man keeps following me.

    "Zimmerman told police that he was walking back to his vehicle when Martin attacked him and slammed his head against the ground and that he shot in self defense. Police declined to arrest Zimmerman citing Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which gives wide latitude to use deadly force when a threat is perceived."

    Listen to the audios
    Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Now check out the secrutity cam!
    Trayvon Martin Case: Police Video Shows No Blood, Bruises On George Zimmerman After Killing

    Then draw a conclusion!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
  9. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    First off, you realize that your one link questions ABCNews's claim of a lack of abrasion on the back of Zimmerman's head, right?

    You also realize that the audio tests weren't any sort of official test, right? And also your Piers Morgan link led to an article and a video interview of Zimmerman's brother defending Zimmerman's character.

    Basically, the conclusion I'm drawing is that we don't know what happened, but because people are so easily influenced by the media without really thinking for themselves (notably, everyone else who has posted in this thread) without taking into consideration the bias in essentially every mainstream media network, as shown by these links outlining NBC editing the 911 call and outdated photos being used to portray Zimmerman and Martin in different lights:
    NBC News Accused of Editing 911 Call in Trayvon Martin Controversy (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

    Old photos may be deceptive in Fla. shooting case

    I'm still not saying whether or not Martin was killed out of cold-blood or self-defense, mind you. I'm just challenging you all to look at the facts and realize that no one is right in blindly exclaiming that Zimmerman is guilty, and until then we should give him the benefit of the doubt, or at least stop sending him death threats.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    It's perfectly fine challenging us. By giving Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt, then Trayvon is guilty. If you give Trayvon the benefit of the doubt, Zimmerman is guilty. I may not know exactly what happened but I do understand the facts. Zimmerman was obviously prejudice from the tapes. He followed Trayvon. I'm sure he didn't confront him because he wanted some skittles. Apparently from a few witnesses there were screams for help until the gun went off then it had stopped. I'm personally not blindly accusing Zimmerman. You don't follow someone that you believe to be suspicious and feel prejudice towards with good intentions. He handled the situation recklessly. I don't care what he looks like or what the media portrays him as. Zimmerman is guilty!

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