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Twilight Town High

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Velocity_Rain, Dec 15, 2008.

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  1. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Saïx said, "ENOUGH! Okay you have it. Hope them enjoy your class."
  2. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Zexion smiled, then chewed on his pie.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    kYeah thanks, but I'll walk." Olette said. Hayner shrugged and ran to fitness. Olette made it and saw no Roxas. She came to concllusion he got lost.

    "Oh are you the music teacher?" Olette asked. "I play flute probaly oboe, piccolo, and clarinet. I can also sing." Olette said.
  4. Velocity_Rain

    Velocity_Rain New Member

    "And I play guitar!" Roxas shouted
  5. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    Zexion leaned back in his chair, "Dolor en el culo..." Zexion murmured to himself and took a sip of coffee.
  6. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Demyx smiled. "Well you guys are looking pretty lively!" Well head on into class. We're going to get started immediately."
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Olette took a seat. There were many students in class. She looked over at Roxas. She was going to say something to him, but the bell rang. She went quite.
  8. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Demyx walked into the classroom.

    "Hello students. My name is Dem-, I mean Mr. IV I will be your music teacher, obviously. Well, um, I'm skilled in every instrument, but more in the citar." He showed the class. "Now, let's get started. I would each of you to come up one by one and play your instrument so I can see how good you are. Let's start with you." He pointed at Olette.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well I play 2 very well and 3 other instraments, I can also sing, so what do you want me to do or play." Olette asked.
  10. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Demyx rubbed his chin. "Hm......just play which ever one your best at."
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Ok any song preferance?" Olette was a perfectionist and grabbed hlute. She waited to find out what song to play.
  12. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    Demyx rubbed his chin again. He thought of a song that would be a bit challenging. "Well I was going to let you choose, but how about, Flight of the Bumblebee!"
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Olette pulled out her lap top and looked for the music on her flute.

    "I don't see music for flute, but there is piccolo." She said getting her piccolo. She began playing not a single mistake.
  14. MrHiphy

    MrHiphy New Member

    ((I saw one for flute, but it's okay.))

    Demyx began to clap his hands. "Very impressive. Well thank you. You are guaranteed a spot in this class. Now go take a seat." He looked around. "Who would like to be next?"
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey guys just a few things...
    - You need to have an OOC thread for all of this instead of the OOC's being in the actual RP
    -No one line posts
    -When you post make sure it contributes to the story
    -Don't post spam

    Warning #1

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