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Ultima Fantasy Rp

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    "Well, we saw you running away and we thought that we shall find what was wrong, but all in a sudden, the boy was gone and we saw bloodsheds and Draco found a big whole and a giant mole. So we got worried and I used my locater to find you," said Aeria.
    Then she looked at Aquos.
    "Friendship is more important to me than getting powers. I don't want to loose anyone that is like a family member to me, such as you, Aquos,"said Aeria as she saw the tears the Aquos was trying to hide away from Draco and her.
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "The Temple WAS ATTACKED!!! That's What Happened!" Draco Said Angrily, "We Ran After you To Find The Temple Destroyed And You Or That Boy Nowhere To Be Found!" Draco Turned Away To See A Mass Amount Of Shadows Coming Through The Trees. Draco Drew His Blade And Created A Light Blade With His powers. He Then Said, Without Turning Around, "Let's Save As Many As We Can...."
  3. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Aeria turned around looking at the shadows.
    Then she took her sword out and drew her power into the sword.
    "We must protect the temple no matter what happens to us!" exclaimed Aeria.
    Then she started to swipe away the shadow one after another.
    This is getting easier. The way of fighting is easy now, because of my new powers.. But I don't know how to use it well though so I must not over do things.
    THen she continued fighting the shadows.
  4. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Charged In And Slashed Shadow After Shadow. Left. Right. Left. Right. The Shadows Seemed Endless. Draco Decided To Use His New Power. Draco Sheathed His Swords And Put His Hands Together. "By Divine Light, I Call Upon, Thee In The Holyist Land! LIGHT BURST!!!!" A Golden Aura Surrounded Draco And Then Draco Put His Palm Towards The Middle Of The Shadows. A Beam Of Light Shot From His Hand into The Shadows. Draco Watched As A Hundred Shadows Were Obliterated By The Light. He Then Fell To The Ground And Landed On His Knee..........
  5. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    "Draco....Are you alright? You shouldn't try your powers so soon if you don't know how to use them!" said Aeria as she went to Draco and look at him.
    Then she looked at Draco's hand.
    His hand was burnt so Aeria cured his hands to where the pain stopped and there was no scars on his arms.
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Looked Up At Aeria And Said, "I'm Ok..And Thanks......." Draco stood Up And Drew His Sword. "Come on. I Do This The Old Fashion Way....." Draco Charged Back Into The Mass Of Shadows....
  7. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    "Draco! Lookout!!! " exclaimed Aeria as she saw all of the small shadows dissapeared and the small shadows forming a big shadow.
    "Aw man!! Not at a place like this!!!" said Aeria.
    Then she took out her sword and put force into it and then recharged it with her poewrs of light.
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Aquos was manipulating the waterfall to strike his enemies. As he did a shadow came up from behind and grabbed him. It warped away taking Aquos with. As it left the other shadows stopped attacking and vanished. Aquos was suddenly dropped in the middle of a dully lit room. Aquos looked around the room. There were shadows all around, moving around, staring at him. "Where am I?!" The shadows contiued to move around. "Answer me!"
    "What is it you seek Aquos?"
    "The power to destroy the darkness!"
    "No. You seek power. You were refused the power of light because of an acidental dark. This angered and deppressed you. But the dark is not cruel. We shall give you the power you desire, if you will but kneel before us."
    "Never!" A black light suddenly shined on Aquos. He could feel something happening to him. The whites of his eyes grew black and his hair grew darker.
    "Now, kneel before the dark." Aquos knelt down, a maniacal grin on his face. "As you command."
    draco009 likes this.
  9. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Stopped And Looked Around. All Of The Shadows Were Gone, And so Was Aquos. Draco Yelled Over To Aeria, "Where's Aquos!?!?" Draco Then Walked Over To The Water Fall......
  10. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Aeria looked around everywhere.
    "I have no sign of Aquos!" said Aeria.
    Then she tried to find him with her locating power.
    "I tried locating him as well but there is no sign of him anywhere!" said Aeria.
  11. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "Damn...." Draco Stabbed His Sword Into The Ground. He Then Turned And Said To Aeria, "We Should head Back To The Village And See If Everyone Is Ok." Draco Started Walking Towards The Village...
  12. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Along the pathway to the village a gust of wind picked up stopping the two teenagers in their tracks.
    in a whirlwind the boy reappeared, finally the gust stopped. the small boy sheathed his sword and cast a fearless glance at Draco. "Aquos is gone, the shadows have manipulated his rejection of even the most basic powers of twilighters...but it is essential that all the elemental powers are in play: Light,Dark,Air,Water,Fire,Earth,Time and Spirit. Without all these powers under twilights command the world will most likely fall to peices....."

    the boys words appear to be from the mouth of an ancient spirit, he shows no emotion and exhibits a behavior quite different from before...this becomes apparent as he loses conciousness again.
  13. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    Nikkei Ran up with the others. She looked for Aquos in a different place than Aeria and Draco. "Did you find him-."
    She saw the boy on the ground. Then she turned back to Aeria and Draco. "I can't believe the temple was attacked." She felt hotheaded. "Once i get my hands on whoever did this i am going to destroy that person-no more like wipe them out from the face of the planet.Anyway where is Aquos."
  14. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    The boy opens his eyes again....he gets up off the ground when a voice enters his head.
    (can you remember who you are? what you are? do you know where you are?
    No...of course not....heh,heh,heh....i stole you...and your memories...should you wish to find them....
    you'd best do as i tell you...

    Stick with these people, fight by them and discover the truth because i am your worst nightmare and i do not hesitate to kill off my pawns)

    He tries to answer the voice in his head...asking questions to himself by thinking.
    (You...can't kill me your just a voice!)

    The voice in the boys head echoes back as pain ripples through his body. The boy kneels down in pain before the others holding his head. The boy answers the voice again...
    (ok...so you do have control...who are you? where am i? whats my name?)
    The voice echoes back...
    (of course i have control, i created you...hmm...my name is unimportant but you can call me
    Xephiles, as for where you are...you can find out on your own...
    Your name is Nook Kibaru, you are a half wolf-half xzaryan twilighter with powers of wind. your mission
    is to find and kill the shadows corrupting this planet failure to do otherwise will result in your death. now....go! and when you discover your origin....i'll be waiting..).

    Getting up the boy casts a relaxed look at Nikkei. "hi i'm Nook, Nook Kibaru" he smiles and walks around for a bit then stares at the sky. It seems Aquos has been taken by the darkness....but he'll come back i know he will...is everyone in the village ok?". Nook's hair casts a shadow over his eyes as he suddenly gets the feeling that half-breeds are at the bottom of the caste system on this planet. and anybody who knows this is either with it or against it.
  15. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Stops In Mid-step As the Boy Stood Up And Walked Towards Them. The Boy Then Told Them His Name. Draco Replied, "Well My name Is Draco And The Villagers Are Alright. The Shadows Seemed To only Stay In this Area. So, Where Are We Going To Go Now..?" Draco Turned Around to Face The Rest of The Group. "Guys We Have To Find Aquos. No Matter What Happens; We Have To Stay Together."
  16. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nook stopped and gazed up at the sky he felt like...being with these people was perfectly natural. Like nothing could go wrong when he was with them. He kept thinking back to the voice in his head...
    (was that voice...real?)
    Before long he had almost lost sight of the group. Running up ahead he caught up to draco with a smile on his face. "so...draco, Whats the next step? hm? c'mon you can tell me!" Nook leaned over his shoulder half-expecting a punch in the face. but he kept smiling and walking...down the path towards the unknown.
  17. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    "Um..I'm Nikkei.." Nikkei said introducing herself. She then looked at everyone else with a grin. "Ok we have to find how to get to the darkness-i mean we might as well since we are going to defeat it,right." She then put her hands on her hips. "But finding it is easier said then done." Nikkei walked ahead slowly while looking at the sky. It's pretty like always.
  18. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    "Hello, my name is Aeria, nice to meet you!" said Aeria with a smile. Then she looked at the others knowing that there was something wrong.
    "Hey Nikkei, talking about darkness, don't you think the darkness might have bothered Aquos or took Aquos? This makes me think...He might have been taken by the darkness!!" said Aeria.
    Then she looked around everywhere.
  19. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Stopped Walking And Faced Aeria. "Aeria, I think Your Right On That One. Right Before The Darkness Faded I Saw A Dark Portal Appear Behind Me. I Thought It Was Just More shadows But I Think It Took Aquos." Draco Sat Down On a Nearby Tree Stump. "We Should Make Camp Soon. Look The Sun Is Setting." Draco Looked Up and Watched The Sun Slowly Decline Into The Ground......
  20. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    Nikkei kept staring into the Darkening sky.
    "Yea lets set up camp..." she said but still looked at the sky. "I been thinking....what will we all do once the darkness is destroyed. I have no clue what will i do. The darkness being destroyed wont fix my situation. I hope i don't seem like i'm slipping into the dark or anything but what will happen for me." She walked away from the group thinking. "I'lll be back. Maybe get some wood so i can start a fire." She smiled then ran off.

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