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Ultima Fantasy Rp

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Found A Nearbly Clearing, And Set Up Camp There. "Guys We Should All Get Rest. We Will Have A Big Day Tomorrow. We Will Set out At The Crack Of Dawn Ok?" Draco Went into The Tent And Then Came Back out. "I'll Take The First Guard Shift." Draco Said And Then Walked To The Outskirts Of The Camp..........
  2. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    Nikkei came back and set the wood up. "Well i can finally use my new powers," She cheered. She touch the sticks and put her power into it. The whole thing went into a giant fire that seemed out of control. "Shoot-I messed up." She said as she took back some fire. "I will have to train-again," She sighs heavily.
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Slowly Picked His Way Around The Outside Of The Clearing/camp. He Thought To Him Self, "Where Are You Aquos? Did The Darkness Take You? Why Did You Leave The Temple? Why?" Draco Was Thinking To Himself And Didn't Notice Where He Was Walking. He Stopped When He Realized He Was Farther Away From Camp then He Realized.........
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Draaacoooo. Heh, Draaacoooo...." Aquos was hiding out of sight. He taunted Draco by calling his name while staying hidden. "I'll give you the answers you seek... just come to the the temple, alone, in twenty minutes. And don't tell anybody. If you really want to know, hahahaha, you'll follow the instructions." Aquos leapt off and vanished into the dark.
  5. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Hears Aquos Tell Him To Go To The Temple In 20 Minutes. He Decided He Would In Order To Try And Bring Him Back To The Light. Draco Walked Back to Camp And Woke Aeria Up For The Next Shift And Then Draco Said, "I'll Be Back Later. I Have Somethings To Do." With That Draco Ran Off Towards The Temple......Draco Walked Slowly Into The Hole In The Side Of The Temple With His Sword Unsheathed And Ready For Combat.....
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nooks face turned from joking around to serious as draco left in a hurry. He already knew the situation at hand. Draco wouldn't leave his comrades unless it was important, he just got this feeling like somehow...he knew draco from a long time ago...it was hard to figure out why so Nook let it slip his mind. he stood up as his silver hair casted a shadow over his eyes again. Nook smiled and looked Nikkei
    in the eyes.

    "Nikkei....look after Aeria for me okay? i have some things to do."
    Nook ran off in the direction draco was travelling uncertain of what caught his attention. To avoid being detected Nook used his powers of wind to become one with it and vanish into thin air.
  7. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "So you came, Draco." Aquos jumped down in front of him and pulled out his sword. "Like I promised, I'll answer any question. But I'll tell you now, you won't be leaving this temple." Aquos snapped his fingers amd ice began to form covering every hole, crack and opening. Both were trapped inside. "So, what's your first question, or would rather die not knowing?"
  8. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Jumped Back As Aquos Appeared In Front Of Him. He Then Saw The Entryway Immediately Cover Itself With Ice. Draco Than Said, "This Is My First Question. Why Are You With The Darkness?" Draco Sheathed His Blade And Stepped Forward....
  9. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    "Um,OKay." She said as she saw Nook leaving. "But i doubt she needs someone to look after her-she is a total powerhouse after all."
    Nikkei sat by the fire she made. "All that's left is me and Aeria," She said. "I wonder why Nook is leaving." She made the fire stonger. "WHatever soon the truth wil come."
  10. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Because, they gave me what I wanted: power." Aquos gave a cold hard laugh. "You know, you really should feel it, this power. It's amazing, I've never felt so alive, so free. The light could never compare. So, what's your next question?"
  11. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "Well That 'Power' That You Have Is Nothing Compared To The Light. Now Its Time For My Second Question.
    Why Do You Desire Great Power?" Draco Then Walked Forward More So Now He Was Standing In Front Of Aquos...............
  12. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Isn't it obvious? To destroy my enemies! You really are stupid, aren't you?" The ice began to spread through the rest of the temple. Soon the floor, walls and ceiling were all iced over. "You know, your questions are getting boring. Either ask something worth while or I'll just kill you."
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "You Really Think You Could Kill Me Don't You? Well Whatever. I've Been Waiting For A Good Fight.." Draco Grins Then Continues, "So Let's Begin." Draco Drew His Sword And Melted The Ice Below Him Using His Light Powers. Draco Then Sprouted Light Wings And Charged In....
  14. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    The ice reformed as soon as Draco had flown up. Aquos grinned, "Now this is more like it!" Aqous stomped his foot raising up massive ice spikes from the ground that were sharp enough to impale through Draco. "Fly! Fly little light warrior! I can never lose!"
  15. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "That's Is Where YOur Wrong!!" Draco Said As He Dodged The Spikes. He Then Shot Light Bolts At Aquos. Draco Then Said, "Light Will Always Win!!!" As He Dodged More Ice Spikes....
  16. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Aquos jumped up to dodge the energy balls. Aquos then manipulated the ice to shoot spikes at Draco. "The light will always win? Thats nothing but a fairytale to keep people happy! And you should know this already, as long as theres a source of water or ice, my powers are limitless!"
  17. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    A whirlwind appears behind aquos as Nook appears out of thin air within aquos's ice barrier.
    " Whirlwind blades dance before my eyes and slash my enemies to peices!----------------------------------------------------------------VORTEX!!!!!!!!!!!"
    A huge tornado rips the ice barrier to shreds and focuses inward turning into a thousand bades of air slashing aquos. Nook lands on the ground exhausted from the magical energy put into that one attack.
    Tiny crystal rain from the sky glimmering as the peices of ice rain down gently.

    Nook gets the feeling something is wrong when he stares into aquos's eyes and he is smiling.
  18. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "Yes I Know This, But You Will Soon Find out How Much More Powerful The Light Is..." Draco Melted The Ice Below Him And Landed. The Put His Hands Together And Created A Ball Of Light Around Him. Draco Then Said, "By The Powers Of Lights, I Call Upon Thee In The Plains Of Justice, To Cast A Judgement Over My Foes.." The Ball Of Light Then Focused Into A Beam That Shot Out Towards Aquos...
  19. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Heh, cheap tricks." Aquos smirked as he suddenly melted with the ice. His voice was heard echoing through the temple. "I thought I told you come alone? Good thing I was prepared for your trechery with the ice clone you just fought. I know your strength, at the very least, is enough to hurt me. Did you really think I would actually come out, face-to-face? Draco...you should know that you weren't even my target. Just a tool. You see, when people come see the dead elders, who will be blamed? They were killed by me. But judging from the wounds, who will be blamed?" Aquos laughed and ran off, leaving Draco and Nook alone in the temple.
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    "Damn...Nook We Have To Get out Of Here And Fast." Draco Said And Then Walked Over To The Hole n The Wall. Draco Then Started To Melt It With His Light Powers.."Come On Nook, Help Me With This. It The Only Thing Useful That You Could Do Right Now." Draco Kept Melting The Ice....

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