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Ultima Fantasy Rp

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    He must be worried about something or impatient. The way he's tapping his foot....
    "Well i have no reason." She said. "But why did you say enemies. Me,Aeria,Draco and even Nook aren't your enemies. Honestly we just want you back into the light. Even if your not one of the Chosen Twlighters, who is?"
    Let's see if i can talk him out of it. Make him realize that the darkness is not the way to go. I don't think we'll get into a fight. I won't fight him and i do believe that down here he has nothing,so all we got to do is talk-i guess.
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Oh so you and Draco figured it out? Yes I wasn't chosen because I was tainted by darkness from my childhood. That tore me up, but then the dark offered help. It gave me the power I wanted if I would simply serve it. I won't go back to the light. There's not enough power in the day. True power, true power comes from the blackest night."
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Stands Up off Of The Trunk He Was Sitting On, And Said Out Loud, "Something's Wrong......I Can Sense...It...." Draco Then Put A Force Field Around The Tent And Ran Toward The Sense....Draco Arrives At The Temple Entrance, And Sees Three Dead Guards...He Thought To Himself, Nook? Nikkei? Aquos?
    Draco Kept Guessing As He Walked Into The Temple And Down The Stairs......
  4. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    "Well this converstation is pointless," Nikkei said while picking up the mirror. "I got what i came for and that's this mirror. It's intersting how it bring voices in your head and make you stronger. This mirror is something i wanna explore a little so i'm taking it. It may mean nothing to you since your in the darkness but i think it's something." Nikkei felt a presence close by.
    Nook...Draco...what are they doing down here. Hmmm they must have worried.I got to stop disappearing like i do.
    "I don't know how but you'll come back-we'll bring you back. I know that for a fact." Nikkei did a soft smile at him. "It's only a matter of time..but for now i got to go."
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    "Go? With the mirror? Fine, go right ahead. Those mirrors can never work anyways." Aquos had a couple shadows open a portal. "You know, you really should give up on me returning to the light. Its a foolish idea, like you, believing your brother left the dark." Aquos stepped through and the portal was closed behind him.
  6. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    How did he know...i didn't tell anyone that. Thats..not true i know he's leaving the dark..I want him to. Nikkei dropped the mirror. I..want to believe that. I will keep believing that. She sat up against the wall. "Leon doesn't want light or Dark. " She said. "He wants...death. I'm sad because this is this the road he wants...but it can't be helped." A tear streaked down her cheek. "I want to be foolish so i wont know the truth."
  7. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco Flew Down The Stairs. He Almost Tripped Once Or Twice But He Made It To The Bottom, To See Nikkei Crying. Draco Walks Over To Her And Says, "What's Wrong?" He Then Sat Down Next To her And Waited For Her Reply...........
  8. HeartsWings101

    HeartsWings101 New Member

    She wiped her tears and looked at draco,"I'm fine...." Nikkei got up. "I ran into Aquos down here-you was right he chose the darkness because he didn't get chosen. And there was this tablet..he said something about it making us stronger or something. But i guess it doesn't matter since he smashed it. He....doesn't want any help........"
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Aquos was kneeling in the center of a dark room. hundreds of shadows were standing around him. "Are the preperations complete?" Aquos nodded, "Yes. They don't know how to access thier true power and the elders are dead."
    "And the mirrors?"
    "Still unbreakable. Without the fourth they can never complete thier foretold destiny."
    "Good. Mobilize the shadows. You attack tomorrow."
    "As you command."
  10. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Nook jumped down from a ledge farther up in the mirror room and landed beside nikkei and draco.
    his hand outreached toward nikkei. he pulled her up and looked at the mirrors. *sigh* the elders are dead, the mirrors are broken and i'm being hunted by xzaryan officials. "Draco...you haven't figured things out yet...but if i don't tell you, you probably never will. both you and aquos are blind...blind to the truth. You two are polar opposites in your own right. you need a successful balance of light and darkness to become a twilighter thats where the origins come from."

    "i don't know about you two but i'm off to find my real destiny a destiny guided by light...and dark".

    Nook examined the area where aquos had disappeared. Observing the room from above had showed him where he ran away. To his suprise the portal opened up for him but appeared to deny entrance from draco and nikkei. he walked on in gazing around as the shadows engulfed him.

    Nook awoke from some sort of slumber and looked at his surroundings. The entire temple was twisted and distorted with darkness. shadows echoed in the distance growling at him he was suddenly attacked by a thousand shadows seeping into his body he layed there thinking to himself as a voice echoed.
    (is this....my own mind accepting darkness?)

    (Fool....you opened yourself to the darkness but you've got realize...you had it all along...for
    everyone has light and darkness within them.)

    Nook stared up into the ceiling beyong the shadows entering his body. a dim light was shining from there. he could hear voices...Nikkei and draco calling for him.
    as he reached for the light he seemed to sink away...he was sinking into the darkness.

    Nook woke up to see draco and nikkei standing over him. he held his head in agony and then asked what happend. he got a reply not knowing from who saying that he just appeared out of nowhere.
    but could have sworn he was in the temple when he entered a dark rift. his mind was going crazy with thoughts. all he could think about was focusing on what mattered the most. getting aquos back he looked at the other two and stood up. "ok, we need to find aquos and bring him back for good!".
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2009
    draco009 likes this.

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