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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Kitty, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That's what I told them. But their belief is that Trump really is that bad. According to them it is better for them to fight for another day instead. And of course when I jumped to the natural assumption that they would always be fighting for another day and not their own beliefs they said I was wrong for thinking there would be a time when they would do more than fight for another day.

    Exactly. I just don't see society falling apart simply because terrible people think they can do things without repercussion simply if Trump is in office. I pointed out that for such a thing to happen every single spot in our justice system would have to be filled with people who would let these terrible things happen. And of course their response was Trump being able to pick the next Supreme Court Justice. Unfortunately you just can't win with these people.

    I'm tempted to vote Trump if only to spite the people who bitch and moan about the NeverHillary group. But since I can't let myself vote for Trump I've gotta fight off this temptation.

    As far as I know, Biden doesn't even want the job. I guess it just goes to show that the higher ups at the DNC really don't want Bernie if they're going to avoid picking him if Hillary's investigation ruins her chances at running.

    I only ever remember hearing about New York and maybe Arizona. Any idea if any of these lawsuits will try to bring in that one time Bill Clinton was within 100 or so feet of a polling place promoting Hillary?

    Admirable, yes. But it just didn't seem like she was even acknowledging the impossibility of it. Based on her page she seemed so sure she can do it. I dunno, it seems my faith in people and what is possible and impossible varies quite quickly. Sadly I can guess their policies on nuclear power and GMOs. Especially given those were some of the things I disliked with Bernie.

    As long as the Boomers are around I doubt Millennials will vote in the same amounts as Boomers. Then again, the Millennial generation pisses me off already so I don't expect much from them.

    I think they're simply doing what they're used to. I don't remember the last time the race for the nomination was this close. Usually the candidate has gotten the nomination by now.
    Kitty likes this.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    While technically no one wins until the convention in Philly, at this point with the wins on Tuesday, she's past the halfway +1 mark among only pledged delegates, so it's somewhat acceptable that the media calls her the "presumptive" nominee, although she does not have enough delegates to clinch the nomination outright without the superdelegates votes, and she won't, because only DC's 20 delegates are left. However, what the media did on Monday before the primary, anonymously calling superdelegates until they got enough to put her past the halfway +1 mark for both pledged and unpledged, and announcing her the winner based on that was absolute fucking bullshit and irresponsible journalism. The fact that the media used the superdelegates in their counts from the beginning, when their endorsements weren't binding and could be changed at any time, in my opinion, did a lot of harm. People like voting for the winner. When they saw that Hillary had a 400+ lead before any states had even voted, I think it definitely kept people away from backing Bernie, since they figured he had no chance. You don't award state delegates based on a poll before the election, and superdelegates shouldn't have been shown on TV and counted, either. 'Course, when you have a bitch like Debbie Wasserman Shultz running the party, and not even pretending that she's unbiased, you get shit like this.

    If I were registered independent, I'd be tempted. I know I'm just one vote, but I don't want the narrative to be that democrats are going too heavily for Trump, because I don't want the DNC to think it's okay to move even further to the right. As it is, they're already practically republicans. And the dems moving right are pushing the republicans further to the right, and then we end up with nutcases like the tea partiers.

    Yeah, I'm not crazy about where he stands on that, either, and the green party is a little more left on the issues. But I don't really care very much about this part of anyone's platform. I care about health care, affordable education, income inequality, and campaign finance/election reform the most, and other stuff I'm more flexible about.

    Can't reason with stupid. Sometimes I just like the arguing, though.

    That was in Massachusetts. I think this lawsuit is focusing on the discrepancies between exit polls and the finalized results. This organization is who is behind the filing, I believe. I doubt anything will come of Bill electioneering that day, though personally I think they should have shoved him in the back of a cop car and drove him out of the damn state.

    Related aside: does anyone else think Bill looks just fucking terrible? I wouldn't be surprised to find out he has AIDS or something. Or else Hillary drained his soul. I know presidents tend to age horribly from all the stress, but lately, he just looks really bad.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    If you had to apply a number, like 1 superdelegate = X delegates, how many delegates is one superdelegate worth? And does the GOP have a similar system in place?

    Fair enough. Though I'm not sure if the tea party consists of only nutcases. I never saw why people said they were crazy or extreme or anything. But then again I never really paid attention to them.

    At least you're prioritizing. I wonder what would happen if a candidate ran their platform on super-focusing on a few things and then admitting they plan on putting the other things on the back burner.

    Sometimes. This time though it left me physically exhausted.

    Pity. Skimming through that website though I saw them mention that there was potential voter fraud in at least 10 states. Damn. Way more than I thought it would be.

    Confirmed Hillary is a dementor.

    Since this thread is about voting and we're obviously focused on this election cycle (Can't wait till 2020 so we can talk about how much more of an ass Kanye makes of himself) I figured I should ask. What is your opinion on the protests at Trump rallies and the fact that Bernie hasn't openly condemned them? I would include Hillary's lack of condemnation, but let's be honest here.
    Kitty likes this.
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    They're equal to thousands of regular voters. A super delegate vote is weighted the same as a national pledged delegate's vote, so if you say there were 3.8 million democratic voters in California (as of this date according to Source, but they are still counting ballots last I heard, so there may be more voters) that are equivalent to 475 pledged delegates, then each delegate is worth 8000 votes if my math is right. So a CA pledged delegate represents 8000 voters, while a super delegate has the same amount of power behind their vote but represents no one but themselves. It should be relatively similar across that states, because states with smaller populations have smaller amounts of delegates. But in the small states, a super delegate vote can more easily overrule the will of the people. If you have a small state with 20 delegates, but with 5 supers, the supers are more easily able to sway the win of the state. Like, let's say Bernie won the state 60-40, so the pledged delegates are split Bernie 12-8, but if all of the supers endorse Hillary, it ends up more like Hillary 13-12. Technically Bernie still won the state, but the points don't add up that way. We saw a lot of that this primary.

    No, I think the GOP's system is different. But I bet they're sure wishing they had copied the dems, so they could put a stop to Trump. They're still capable of coming up with rule changes and shit at the convention to push forward their own candidates, though. I think that's what happened to Ron Paul- they pushed through some bullshit about having to win a certain number of states to be considered the nominee, because he was picking up delegates who were switching to him at county and state conventions, but hadn't actually won many states at the first vote. Or so I read somewhere. And since the parties are private parties, I don't think they even have to do primaries. Both sides could probably just say "fuck these elections" and put forward whoever they wanted.

    Perhaps it's just the more vocal members who are off.

    I think it's probably rampant on both the GOP and Dem sides, but perpetrators have probably gotten good at keeping the elections close, so you can't tell quite as much, plus whenever someone speaks up with suspicions, people are quick to call them out as conspiracy theorists. And I think people just don't care about elections. I think people probably figure on them being corrupt in some way or another, just like we all assume a politician will lie to us, and don't feel like there's anything we can do about it, so we just let them keep on with it.

    Ugh. I don't even want to think about that yet.

    Well, I think Bernie has made some comments about not approving of the use of violence at protests, but I don't know how specific they were. How I feel about the protests: I think people are stupid to go to a place where they're not wanted and cause trouble. I understand that people have the right to protest, but I don't think they should be shocked when they piss Trump fans off at a rally they're excited to be attending and end up getting punched. And if the protestors start the punching, that's even more disgusting. I'm so cynical these days that I half expect these protestors to be hired hands designed to make people like Bernie supporters look bad, but even if that's not the case, I don't think it would hurt for Bernie (or Hillary) to make a statement saying directly that he disapproves of such behavior and that he doesn't want his supporters to behave in that way the next time it comes up, if he hasn't yet. But it's not really something I care about. Like, I don't think less of him for not speaking up about it.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Interesting. And way too much power in somebody's hands.

    It's probably better that the GOP doesn't have that system. I wonder if both parties even realize they could just throw up whichever candidate they want.

    It usually is.

    Most likely. Which leads back to that whole "lesser of two evils" thing. And the spiral continues.

    Lately it is the protestors throwing the first punch. I think the protestors a mix of Bernie and Hillary supporters and people who were paid (By either the DNC or Hillary's campaign) to cause trouble. I do remember seeing one recording of these protests where some people were fighting and then one guy claimed to be a Bernie supporter and started chanting "Bernie" and then the other guy said something along the lines of "You're not a Bernie supporter. I'm a Bernie supporter."

    The furthest I'm aware of Bernie commenting against the violence is him saying that his campaign won't win on anger and hate. As far as I'm aware he hasn't ever gotten up and directly said "Don't be violent protestors at a Trump rally" or anything along those lines. I feel that the way people paint him Bernie would be the one candidate to actively speak out against the violence towards his opposition.
    Kitty likes this.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Here's a Bernie video I found from June 4 addressing this issue:

    I don't think the average citizen does. I'm still half expecting the republicans to try it at their convention, even though Trump actually has the delegates to clinch the nomination already. They'll piss off a lot of voters, but I don't think either party establishment gives a damn about the voters anyway, so I could see them trying to push someone else forward to replace Trump.

    I agree. But what's even more ridiculous is that some of them are lobbyists, and some are pretty loosely tied to the democratic party. I understand the idea of giving party leaders- governors, senators, people who have worked to promote the party- the honor, even though as a whole I think the institution is undemocratic, but some of these people are clearly only there because of who they're friends with, or how much money they can get their hands on. The DNC is a mess.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Thanks for finding that. I found it so strange that he didn't seem to talk about it at all before.

    I'm at a bit of a crossroads with that. On the one hand, I would much rather not have Trump running. But on the other hand, if the people want him...

    What's that saying? It's not what you know but who you know?
    Kitty likes this.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think it should be the people's choice, even if the people are morons. But I'd be happy if the GOP gave the nomination to someone else, if it pushed Trump to run independent. I'd still like to see that Bernie/Hillary/Trump/GOP Candidate four-way race. Bernie has said in the past that he wouldn't want to hand the election to the republicans by splitting the democratic vote, but if the republicans were splitting their votes too, maybe he'd consider it. I think a race like that would draw a lot of interest and, dare I hope, get people off their asses and into the voting booths.

    He may have addressed it before now, I don't know, but you'd think any candidate would want to distance themselves and their supporters from that sort of behavior.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    No kidding. I want that four-way race so bad.

    Exactly. Which is why I was surprised that it didn't seem like he would make some statement about it. Perfect opportunity to jump on.
    Kitty likes this.
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    im confused, is Bernie officially out of the race?
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    No. He has not conceded! Hillary does NOT have enough delegates to win outright until the convention in Philly, July 25. Super delegates must decide the race.

    I don't think he's thinking about winning now, but I do think he wants to try and influence the platform as much as possible. Personally, I wish he'd go to the convention and give Hillary and the DNC a big fuck you for all their shittiness, although I know that will never happen. I love Bernie, but he seems to be stuck in the same shitty lesser of two evils mindset that people really need to break away from.

    What I am hoping for: The RNC dumps Trump at their convention. Whether Trump runs independent or not, I don't care. But all Hillary has going for her is "We have to stop Trump." She's running on a fear platform against him, rather than on the issues or any of her merits (probably because her stance on the issues is whatever her bankrollers tell her it is, and she has no merits), and I would laugh so fucking hard to see her fall on her face because she has nothing to campaign with once he's gone. She's been courting republicans who dislike Trump and catering to the right instead of embracing Bernie supporters and working with the left like a democrat should be doing, and I would get so much satisfaction from seeing those republicans drop her for an establishment republican-type. Since she's pissed off so many Bernie supporters, with her own and her surrogates' negative attitudes ("Bernie Bros", "Special place in hell for women who don't support women", "Girls are just supporting Bernie because that's where the boys are", "Bernie supporters need to do their research", etc, etc), not to mention her record which a lot of people don't like much, and the Bernie-or-Bust group that is hopefully bigger and more stubborn than people expect, she'll be so screwed.

    At this point, I don't give much of a shit who is president as long as it isn't Hillary, who can't be trusted with security clearance, or a religious fanatic like Cruz.
    NeRo likes this.
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks for the clarification Kitty, i wasnt sure how things were going, i watch a lot of the Young Turks for my political news.
    Kitty likes this.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    After each of the conventions I figured the discussion on this thread would pick back up. It's been a month since the last post after all. Not like the campaign trail has been stagnant this entire time.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    DNC and RNC were both hilarious. in a way of, you're watching a trainwreck.
    Kitty and Desert Warrior like this.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    No kidding. And people still earnestly support each platform as though either of them are actually any good.
    Kitty likes this.
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The Dem convention is a fucking joke. I watched the first night and part of the second, but after the roll call vote, I gave up. I'm proud of my fellow Berners who said "fuck this shit" and walked out. The speakers were full of shit and the speeches were just constant pandering and identity politics. And "Trump", constantly- I think they said his name more than Hillary's (maybe because people kept booing when her name came up?). I am so tired of the fear mongering. Trump sucks, but at least he isn't a corrupt, incompetent ("extremely careless" according to the FBI), cheating sack of shit like Hillary and the rest of her cronies in the DNC. Wish WikiLeaks would release some new dirt on them already. There's more house cleaning that needs to be done in the dem party.

    The DNC made a huge fucking mistake backing Hillary instead of Bernie, and I can't wait to see their election rigging and favoritism blow up in their faces even more than it already is. It's a sad day when you're polling worse than Trump, even during your own convention.

    I didn't watch the Republican convention, but from what people have said, it seems like it was more democratic than the Dem one. It's pretty fucking sad when Trump will allow Cruz to speak and not endorse him, whereas Hillary (or her people), actually booted speakers because they refused to bend the knee to her (see: Nina Turner, or Bernie's endorsement before the convention (after apparently being told Hillary's people would vote down everything he got into the platform if he didn't, and would refuse to let him speak otherwise)). Shameful behavior.

    I like some of the things that made it into the dem platform, but I don't trust Hillary to do any of it, unless her corporate backers give her the okay. Just pointless words.

    Anyhow, there's no way I'm voting for either of these scumbags. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson ftw.
    NeRo and Desert Warrior like this.
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    So I just want to talk about the Republican Convention and Trump in general, because he's an idiot. We all know that Melania Trump speech was plagiarized and we know how the press had a field day with it, I could careless, but the way the Trump campaign handled it was embarrassing. Campaign members denied, denied, denied, saying these are "common words", stating "no plagiarism" then no more than 24 hours later the ghost writer for the Trumps acknowledge the plagiarism. I swear; this lady is just a "fall-guy(woman)" and those deniers were sent out to blatantly lie on Melania's behalf. It makes me sick. Couldn't they just apologize and move on. But no, lying to us, is much easier. If anything Melania should have apologize, according to the letter of the ghost writer, it was Melania who picked up Obama's speech for inspiration and passed it to the writer. She is just as faulty. After reading over Obama's speech and reading her own, she had to have known some of it sounded similar.

    Moving on, Cruz. Ole lying Ted Cruz! Had absolutely no loyalty to his party. I'm actually glad; he did it. I hope his actions completely damage his career in politics, so he doesn't stand a chance in any reelection.

    Finally, Trump. Trump says the dumbest things. It's hard to keep up with them all. Recently, he openly employs Russia ( a foreign government ) to continue in cyber espionage. Is he seriously, asking a foreign government to tamper with a US national election? Ugh, America, you've fallen.
    NeRo likes this.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm debating if I should consider one convention more democratic than the other or consider them to be kinda even about it. While Cruz was able to speak without endorsing Trump, the convention denied a roll call vote that many wanted. If they let it happen and then Trump still won, that would be okay. Kinda pissed that they didn't let it happen though.

    I'm with you all the way. Though sadly I've been fighting against more of the same arguments against third parties. I've been criticized by members of my own damn family because I'm going third party. Apparently I should still vote for one of the two main parties, even though being in California means that Hillary has already won the state regardless of who I vote for.

    Honestly, I don't think her plagiarizing a speech really matters all that much. Especially with all the stuff WikiLeaks released, there are bigger fish to fry. It is politics, not academics. Hell, President Obama plagiarized a speech some years back. He apologized for it and Melania's ghost write apologized for it.

    Is he lying because of not endorsing Trump? Or because he pledged to way back when and has decided not to? With something like this, I'm at a split. I know all the criticism Cruz has gotten for not endorsing Trump but he's stuck in a situation where he either stands by his convictions or he does what he said he would do in defiance of all his convictions. Honestly I'm not sure which one he should have done.

    Employs Russia or encourages Russia? Those are two vastly different things. Employs implies that he asked them to do it and even paid for it. Encourage is simply encouragement.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Well, plagiarism doesn't just exist in the realm of academics; furthermore plagiarism has damaged campaigns of politicians so it's not like it doesn't matter.

    Partly, because Trump calls him "Lyin' Ted Cruz", and Cruz signed a pledge to support the Republican Nominee then reneged.

    Actually, meant "implore".
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This was the stupidest fucking thing for people to be up in arms about; I swear Americans (or American "journalists" pandering to the lowest of the low) are dumb as hell. For people to even complain about this, when all these speeches are written by someone else anyhow, and when there were so much more important things the media should have been focusing on like, I dunno, the DNC's blatant rigging of the primary against Sanders, is absurd. I've never been more ashamed of our media than I am since this election cycle starting. Journalists actually used to investigate corruption, dig deep to find and corroborate stories. Now apparently they just take their marching orders from their corporate owners.

    I forgot about that. I don't think there would have been a chance to unseat Trump whether the roll call went through or not. Trump had way more delegates than any of the rest of the candidates. Even if they all pooled them together, I'm not sure if they would have beaten Trump. I don't think enough Trump delegates, if any, would have switched to someone else. But, for the hell of it, they probably should have just done the roll call. That's kind of why delegates were there- to vote. Sanders supporters would have totally lost their shit if the DNC cut out the roll call.

    I can't stand Ted Cruz, both his policies and the persona he presents to the public, but I admire him for sticking to his convictions and not endorsing someone who he felt was unqualified just because the party bigwigs wanted him to. I wish Bernie had taken the same path. I think it's unfair to hold someone to something they agreed to after the situation changes. For Cruz, hell, Trump called his father a killer and insulted his wife, did he not? Why would any reasonable person heap praises on the person who said those things?

    I'm hoping we see a record number of people voting third party, since so many people find the major party nominees so distasteful. If we can get at least one of them up on the debate stage, I think we could see them getting even more votes. People just need to realize that it is an option.

    I think Trump said later he was being sarcastic, or something? In any case, this whole Russia thing is a crock of shit. Is this the '50s? The red scaring is ridiculous. Plus, the idiot media are focusing on the hacking, and completely ignoring all of the corruption the hacking uncovered. Russia didn't make DNC officials email each other a plan to ask Sanders about his religion to try and turn voters against him before the Bible thumpers in West Virginia and KY voted. Russians didn't make the DNC collude with the media to run negative stories about Sanders, or pull negative ones about Hillary. And so on. This is just smoke and mirrors to turn our attention away from the real problems. Also, I love how they're pointing the finger at Russia for hacking the DNC servers, but when Hillary's defenseless server was under fire, it was all "Oh, the Russians couldn't have gotten into that."

    I don't have any doubt that foreign govt.s try to get intel on us in various ways, just like I'm sure our govt is doing to them. I doubt the DNC servers were a high priority, though.

    I just got home, so I haven't had time to catch up on the latest from the Dem convention, but I'm hoping like hell that when Hillary takes/took the stage that she gets/got booed like crazy. Please tell me this happened.
    Desert Warrior likes this.

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