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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Kitty, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    True, but nobody treats plagiarism the way academics does. With there being more important things to focus on, as Kitty pointed out, the criticism for this plagiarism is overblown.

    Could you do it? Could you support someone if it means going against your convictions?

    Pretty sure Russia would try to obtain any classified information they could from us, regardless of Trump imploring them to do so.

    That's why people have been turning to alternative sources lately. Mainstream media has failed to do its job.

    I doubt Trump would've lost. But at the very least it would have satisfied some voters. By denying the roll call vote, they only served to further alienate people. Also didn't the Sanders supporters loose their shit anyways? I head that hundreds of them left the convention after the roll call vote.

    Exactly. I brought up the Trump claiming that Cruz's father was involved with the JFK shooting to some family and they claimed that all Trump did was show a picture of Cruz's father with Lee Harvey Oswald. And they argued with me when I said Trump didn't need to openly say it; simply showing that picture would cause people to draw their own conclusions and decide. I mean, there are pictures of Roosevelt and Churchill with Stalin. If you only knew that Stalin was a bad guy and didn't know the context of the picture I'm quite certain people would draw conclusions claiming Roosevelt and Churchill were just as evil as Stalin.

    Pretty sure it did. My mom also told me that there were people out there with Hillary signs that had certain letters brightened and other letters faded to emphasize "Liar" out of Hillary.
    Kitty likes this.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Can't argue with that.

    Dude, I vote! Nuff said.

    I suppose.

    I'm going off on Trump again after reading an article. I'm sick of Trump and his legion of racist followers. We can undeniably call Trump, a racist, but in America, we don't use that word and overwhelming downplay such actions and remarks to words such as bigotry, avoiding the issue for the umpteenth. How can such a man become the Republican nominee spreading such prejudice and violence, you ask? It is because of racist America being his lifeblood. I'm not saying all Trump supporters are racist. They may well be, but they apparently are able to overlook and tolerate these racist / sexist tendency of his, which makes them guilty if not equally as guilty as Trump. Wait, I'll give some the benefit of the doubt. Maybe, a few are just ignorant (White Privileged Americans), but others just have no excuse.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Lol, yeah, judging by pictures, I think almost all of Sanders' delegates ended up walking out on Tuesday. The place sure looked awfully empty. At least until the DNC bused in interns (or, I heard rumors of actors) to fill seats and hold up Hillary signs. Maybe the protesting is childish, but it's not like all of our votes counted anyway, so we may as well voice our displeasure however we can. But anyhow, if they hadn't held the roll call, I think things would have escalated badly, and the situation would have turned out even worse than it did.

    Yeah, I saw pictures of those. I also saw that some of the delegates were wearing glow in the dark shirts, because the day before the DNC shut off the lights above some of the Sanders' delegates while they were protesting. Heard some people jumped over the fence blocking off the convention center, too. I also heard rumors that there were white noise machines put in CA's section to drown out chanting while Hillary was speaking, and that the DNC was trying to prevent another walk out during the acceptance speech by locking people into the convention center, which wouldn't surprise me, but I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere credible. In any case, the whole event was pretty disgraceful. It makes me both happy and sad.

    I agree, whether or not Trump said the words, the intention was clearly there. Now, from the little I've heard about old man Cruz, he sounds like even more of a religious nut than Cruz himself, but I think it's kind of shitty to drag the families into it like that. I've always found this aspect of campaigning distasteful. I wish everyone would just stick to the issues and campaign on what they do well, rather than sling mud at everyone else. And let's be real- I'm pretty sure Trump wouldn't have endorsed Cruz if the primary had been decided in his favor, either. I don't think Kasich has endorsed Trump, and neither has Jeb!, Carly Fiorina, or a lot of the establishment types who even refused to attend the convention, so I don't know why Cruz is getting more shit from this, besides the fact that he's just unlikable.

    I feel like they are being extremely short sighted. The people they are pandering to are going to die out, and I think this election has turned a lot of millennials away from the MSM. They're going to find themselves losing a lot of viewership in a few years as my generation turns to the internet, or so I hope. It would be a fitting end for all the damage they've done.

    Not all of the candidates are shitty! Go outside the Dems and Repubs and find a candidate that your conscience approves of and vote for that guy. We all need to do this- we're being taken advantage of because the major parties just assume they have our votes based on demographics and don't even try to appeal to what we actually need or want in this country. Fuck them!
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    While I really don't like Trump and am pretty sure he's a racist, can we please clarify what makes him a racist? Technically speaking, Mexican is not a race. Not only that, but somebody is not a racist simply because they are against illegal immigration. Additionally, Muslim is not a race either. Islam is an ideology and as such is susceptible to criticism.

    So while I believe Trump is a racist, those two points people love to use are not actual cases of racism.

    I heard the white noise machines were also there to make it seem like there were more people there than there actually were. I also heard that there were a bunch of paid actors to make it seem like there were more people there in attendance than there actually was. Although I suppose technically it still counts as attendance. But paid attendance is different than supportive attendance, if you know what I mean.

    Probably because he was the runner up and had a sizeable number of delegates compared to Kasich.

    All of mainstream media (News, general entertainment) has been dying a slow death for a while now. Thanks to things like YouTube people have other options. As such, these more "classic" entertainers have to try to keep their audience through various means including ridiculing internet entertainers. If you've ever watched Game Theory, the channel made a video on this subject that I found rather interesting.
    Kitty likes this.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with this. I don't know that I've ever seen anyone give good examples of him saying racist things, although, as he's certainly said things that are ableist (mocking that one reporter) and sexist (calling a breastfeeding mother disgusting), it wouldn't surprise me to see evidence that he's intolerant about race, too. I don't know what the hell he's thinking making these sorts of comments. He's going to need more than white male registered republicans to get into the White House.

    Eh, that too. I really think it's just that he's so unlikable that he makes an easy target.

    I saw somewhere that it is possible that the white noise machines were actually wi fi antennas. Although, white noise makers are right out of Hillary's playbook, as she used them to keep the press out of at least one fundraiser she held this year. The DNC was pushing hard to appear unified, and while I don't know how it appeared on MSM, from the periscope stream I was watching on the first two nights, the party looked anything but. Actors or interns, either way, it's sad that the party has angered so many people that they had to resort to that. But that's what happens when you get caught cheating and refuse to do anything about it.

    I'll have to look for that.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    All the crap he said about Mexicans is extremely racist.

    Who cares what is officially on the books as race! African American is just as incorrect as Mexican, but yet it's on the box! Asia is a freaking continent, but Asian is a race. White and Black are colors and encompasses just as broad categories of people. Yet, because of a technicality, he's not racist. Utter nonsense! The government just wants to put us into a box and tell us who/what we are.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The entire purpose of the technicality was because too many people misuse the term and there is a disturbing trend of people giving it an incorrect definition and believing their definition to be correct when it is not. Even if we were to expand the definition to be able to be racist towards Mexicans I would still argue that what Trump said isn't racist for the things he has said. Extremely bigoted, don't get me wrong, but not racist. Trump's comments aren't towards the Mexican people as a whole. His comments are towards immigrants who come here illegally.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I completely disagree with that. Words are more fluid than a single definition. That's why many dictionaries have different definitions for different words. To say those people are wrong because they don't uphold to your definition of racist is completely incorrect. Definitions don't dictate use. But moving on to Donald Trump and how his comments about not just immigrants are racist. Donald Trump had this tweet about Jeb Bush's wife:

    Sure. If you want a debate on what institutions have set as the standard and be rigid about it then everything he just said was incorrect. Mexican isn't a race nor a language at that. Nor is English our nation's official language. But that doesn't tell us squat. His use of denoting Spanish as "Mexican", specifically targets a subset of people (race). There are about 15 countries that officially recognized Spanish as its official language and Mexico isn't one of them. Then condescends "Mexican" as a sub-par language then English. For that, I call racist!
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    When people define racism in such a way that excludes people from being racist due to their own race, I am correct when I tell them their definition is incorrect. There is a big difference between those definitions of racism and different dictionaries having different definitions for the same word. In the case of dictionaries, they are different ways of describing the same thing and these definitions mean the same thing. My point about different people's definition of racism, on the other hand, is that these different definitions are attempts to change it to mean something it isn't.

    Your examination of Trump's tweet is off though. At least part of it is. He's not condescending "Mexican" as a sub-par language. He's voicing the idea that people who live in America should speak English since it is the language the majority of the population speak. While English isn't officially the language of America, unofficially it has been since the country was founded. Wanting English to be the official language of the country or thinking that it should be the official language is not racist.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Absolutely wrong! And if you mean comments like "black people can't be racist". That's just as valid as any other definition.

    Solving racism isn't an individual issue. It's a social one and in the US the power is predominant with white males (whites in general). Therefore, there's a system in which minorities are oppressed based on race. If all black people were to be devoid of race based decisions, would there still be a system of oppression based on race. Yes! If Mexicans were to be devoid of race based decisions, would there still be a system of oppression. Yes! If whites were to be devoid of race based decisions, would there still be a system of oppression based on race? No, there would not be! Because minorities would then be able to gain and distribute the power equally. Thus, racism is due to the people in power and those who are not cannot be racist.

    For this same reason, women can't be sexist! When complex issues such as racism and sexism is institutionalized and aren't individual issues such as prejudice and discrimination, these definitions are just as valid! There isn't a definition out there that can accurately describe such a complex issue as racism in the first place.

    You're so focus on the status quo and what's official!

    What you refer to is called semantic change. A small committee for a dictionary writes definitions based on how we use words. Thus, Definitions of words change all the time. Saying there is a right way to use something is utterly and completely wrong. Our "use" dictates the meaning, we aren't bound by a definition. Definitions are meant to give us a common understanding but aren't meant to be the "say all be all". If you are solely fixated on the meaning of a word and for others on molding it, then that's simply a personal problem, and you fail to understand anything legitimate.

    What are you talking about?! That's not the point. What part of that tweet makes you think this is about something so neutral as English as the official language. The point was to be condescending, and he most certainly was, toward Mexicans. Thus, racist. Don't make it a situation that it's not!
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    No it is not. That's like saying "white people can't be racist" is a valid definition.

    So I don't misunderstand you, please explain what you mean by groups of people being devoid of race based decisions would still keep a system of oppression. I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean and I know I'm going to misunderstand your intent if I just go off of what I think you're saying.

    As for the bolded part, that is suffering from a massive lack of logic. You are operating under the assumption that when whites pursue and gain power they keep it for themselves while when other non-white groups pursue and gain power they will share it equally among everyone. At the very least that is a strawman argument. People of any group, be them white or not, are capable of benevolence and cruelty. Minority groups gaining power does not mean they would share said power. They are equally as likely as white people to take that power for themselves and oppress others. Furthermore, racism and power are two separate things. Racism can very well occur in situations devoid of power. Not only that but your argument is getting dangerously close to the very incorrect claim that all white people are racist.

    Women can too be sexist. Racism and sexism are very much individual issues. There are definitions that accurately describe these terms. The problem becomes when people start tacking on more things to them and making them more complex.

    If you're going to go that way, then why do we even have definitions in the first place? The entire point of definitions is so we have an understanding of what the other person is talking about when we get into social interactions. So when people have two very different definitions of the same thing, different to the point that each definition means something entirely different, conversations and debates start to fall apart. The only thing I'm failing to understand here is how certain viewpoints are viewed with any sort of seriousness to them.

    What am I talking about? You brought up talk about English not being our official language and then claimed that Trump condescends Spanish as being sub-par to English. I explained the viewpoint of those who claim stuff like "This is America, we speak English." I offered an opposing viewpoint to your claim; a viewpoint that is more likely to be Trump's intent with his tweet. In fact, the entire focus of Trump's tweet is to insult Jeb Bush. If Jeb Bush didn't speak Spanish, Trump would have come up with a different tweet to insult him with.
    Kitty likes this.
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I have no idea of what definition that you are referring to if you say that. If we were to use the definition above as an example, and whites were minorities. Then of course.

    Basically and simplistically, if white people weren't oppressing minorities, there would not exist a system of oppression up to the point of a power shift.

    Like I said, I'm not speaking in terms of individuals. Not saying, individuals share power within their own race, but collectively as a whole. For example, the top 1% who owns most of the wealth in this country are white. Of course, they aren't distributing their wealth, but that's not the point. The point is, white people as a whole have the majority of this country's wealth. Whether they distribute it among other whites isn't the point. If minorities were given a fair opportunity, the wealth wouldn't be so disproportionate. That's all. Sharing and caring are a completely different issue.

    If such a situation were to exist, that's called prejudice, which is an individual thing. Racism has always been a concept of oppression and discrimination. It has never been tied to one person. If it was, we would have solved racism by now! You can't oppress a race without power, without sway. Slavery and segregation are perfect examples of racism. No one doubts that. And power clearly played a role in it. Now in this day in age, "Racism" can't be 'proven' (if that) without debate. Additionally, no one in their right mind would admit to it. That's why there's no point in solving it individually because it doesn't exist individually.

    Just to add to my point.

    Courts Strike Down Voter Restriction Laws That Target African Americans with "Surgical Precision"

    This is what I'm talking about. Racism is institutionalized. It exist within our systems and oppresses minorities. This type of oppression does not happen to white people in our government, because racism only exist because of the majority in charge. It's to keep the power for the Powerful!

    All white people aren't racist because all don't contribute to the already established system of racism against minorities. But of course many do, or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    You and your definitions. If these were not complex issues, then we wouldn't have constant debates about them. There wouldn't be such a controversy. Laws wouldn't oppress minorities. Minorities would have better opportunities. You're just misinformed on what's going on. You believe these issues can be solved with a clear cut definition. That we as constantly evolving humans write these definitions and eventually change them, but you can't accept that as fact. Definitions aren't the issue and defining arguments to a matter of definition in itself doesn't address the issue.

    Whether you like it or not. We use words different from their definitions all the time! And guess what? We haven't fallen into anarchy. Debates haven't fallen apart. You know why? Because different definitions that we use. Don't catch on and sometimes don't change. What you just stated is completely wrong and despite the evidence that we change meaning of words all the time, nothing you've said has actually happened. Proves that you still don't get it. So I thought it pointless for me to continue, but rather I found a TED's Talk video that emphasizes everything I've said and proves that definitions are just human and questioning them is okay.

    Excuses to distract from the fact that he was condescending to Mexicans. You can't claim to know his intent, so you don't have a point. That's why I'm saying why does it even matter. Is this tweet not condescending to Mexicans? Because apparently who cares if he speaks Mexican! I don't know how you can blatantly overlook something that starts off so condescending then the bit about America and English was just fuel to the fire! I'm not talking about Jeb, or this other nonsense that you try to claim on Trump's behalf. The man is always condescending. That isn't debatable. Whether it's females, religion, or race. He's clearly racist, sexist and religious intolerant because of such condescension.

    Furthermore, Donald Trump targets only specific kinds of immigrants. Two of his wives were immigrants. No problem. If you're Mexican or Muslim then he definitely has a problem.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    He has a problem with illegal immigrants (who, contrary to what some people think, are in fact criminals who are breaking the law by being in our country illegally, despite people trying to soften it by calling them "undocumented" instead), and he has a problem with people coming from areas where there are groups of people who want to actively harm us not being properly vetted. In my opinion, I don't feel like being able to immigrate to the US is a right for everyone. We're not a small, fledgling country anymore, struggling to compete with the other world powers. I feel like taking in other people while we have veterans sleeping on the streets and millions of people living in poverty shouldn't really be a priority. That said, as far as the bullshit wall on the Mexican border, anyone who believes that will happen is an idiot. Congress is not going to release funding for that, and even if they did, the government can't even finish repaving crumbling highways we drive on everyday; a wall of this magnitude would never be completed. Worrying about immigration from Mexico is stupid anyhow, and I think just an attempt to pander to the working class Republican base that is worried about immigrants taking their jobs, because I've seen reports that there are currently more people leaving the US to go to Mexico than there are Mexicans crossing the border into the US. As far as Trump wanting to ban Muslim immigration temporarily, well, he wouldn't be the first president to enact anti-immigration policies, although I don't think any of them specifically targeted religion. If you want my probably unpopular opinion, some of these refugees wanting to flee to other countries should probably pick up a gun and fight to take their countries back from the religious nuts controlling them, instead of expecting everyone else to fight for them while they sit safe and sound away from it all.

    As far as this Jeb-related tweet goes, to me, the tweet sounds more nationalistic than it does racist. Racist gets thrown around so much, I think it's starting to lose its meaning. Same with sexist, although that's not related to anything here. I think this tweet was condescending and ill-thought, but since apparently nothing he says offends his supporters, I don't think he really cares.

    Personally, shit like this is why I am becoming more and more convinced that Trump is a Clinton plant in the race only to make her look better by comparison. Protestors boo at the DNC, so Trump insults a fallen soldier's family. It seems to me that every time there is something negative going around about Clinton, Trump steps it up with something offensive for people to focus on instead. Same thing when the FBI discussed the email case and called Clinton "extremely careless." Suddenly Trump tweets a picture with an "anti-Semitic" star the news claimed was stolen from some white supremacy website. What a fucking shame that American politics have fallen so low that these are the people we have running. Washington, Lincoln, FDR: presidents like these must be rolling in their graves, imagining either of these two holding the same office as them.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the rather late reply. Although I suppose you're more upset to see the notification of me quoting your post and continuing this argument.

    It was an example I made up.

    Ok. So basically a minority being devoid of any race based decision is a form of oppression. Yet were this to happen to whites it wouldn't be racist? Wouldn't whites then be the ones oppressed because they are being devoid of any race based decision?

    Here is how I interpreted your comment. From what you said, it sounds like you assume minorities would distribute power among everybody equally while whites keep it for themselves. Whether you meant that or not, I don't know. It is what it sounded like to me. Assuming that is what you meant, it is an incredibly wrong statement and incorrectly assumes each minority would do the right thing and not simply take power for themselves. I do believe it is possible but I'm also accounting for power corrupting them and as such I do not claim either as the guaranteed outcome.

    Perhaps I've misspoken in my argument about what racism is. For that, I apologize. Racism is an individual issue. It is also an issue with society. Your example above, of targeting African Americans with voting laws, is an example of racism. I do not disagree with that. My point is that there is more to racism than that.

    Well fortunately here's something we can agree on.

    Where have I said anything about these issues being solved with a clear cut definition? My entire point about having definitions is so that we're all on the same page and then we can start to work towards solving these problems. I can accept that definitions change. I haven't argued about that fact once.

    You aren't getting it. Which I suppose is my fault for not getting my intent across. I'll admit that I was wrong to say that debates fall apart. My intent was that it becomes a debate about that definition, y'know that thing we're doing right now.

    You say I can't claim to know his intent and yet you claim that he intended to denote Spanish as a sub-par language to English. I'm not overlooking his comment. I am not giving a knee-jerk reaction to what he said. I'm considering that idiot's though process and what other possible reasons he may have for saying the stupid shit he says. As such, it is a very real possibility he was voicing the idea that people should speak English if they live in America.

    Kitty explained why. He has a problem with illegal Mexican immigrants, not all Mexican immigrants. Despite what people want to claim they are not the same thing. He has a problem with Muslim immigrants because ISIS has threatened to have terrorists come in with the immigrants and attack us. Since ISIS has threatened to attack us it is not wrong to prevent people from that region coming here if it means that we can prevent potential attacks from happening on U.S. soil. Trump banning Muslims from entering the country would not be the first time something like that has happened before. FDR rounded up all Japanese American citizens and put them in internment camps because we were at war with Japan. Jimmy Carter banned Muslim immigrants during the Iran hostage crisis. What FDR did was much worse than what Trump says he's going to do and Carter did the same thing Trump says he'll do.

    It's funny how nobody seems to believe this idea. I know people who believe that Clinton had set up winning the Democrat nomination for 5 years now. Fun theory to look at. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was one of Clinton's campaign managers back in 08. Clinton's VP pick Tim Kaine was the previous head of the DNC who stepped down for this woman. And since Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down she got a nice job from Clinton. People readily accept the idea that Clinton rigged her side based on this evidence but ignore the evidence that points towards her rigging the election on the opposing side as well.
    Kitty likes this.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    A lot of this talk is probably more appropriately discussed in the "Are Black People Racist?" thread. Just sayin'.

    Yeah. There was a brief period after Trump had the delegates to win but before the convention when he had started acting almost normal and I thought, 'maybe he really is in it to win it,' but ever since the conventions he's been back to insane again, and I just can't see another reason for it. Even if we believe that he honestly believes all the crazy shit he's spouting, any advisor, or any person with sense, would see that he'd have a hell of an easy time making it to the White House if he'd just shut up and act normal. Hillary is hated by a lot of voters, and I think a lot of Sanders' voters could have been won over to his side if he stayed center and showed he had a brain. But just when he should have been really pulling for those disaffected voters, nope, he decides to insult veteran's families and what, the other day, seriously implied that people should assassinate Hillary?! Can't say I'd cry if I found out she'd died, but saying shit like that is not presidential material at all. I don't know. To be honest, I don't feel like there really are even separate parties anymore. Aside from some token social issues, all of the democratic establishment are basically moderate republicans anyhow. I think it's really the elites versus the rest of us. They distract us with arguing over shit like gay marriage and abortion, while both party elites are secretly screwing us with crappy trade deals, massive income inequality, and a standard of living worse off than our parents' and grandparents', all so they can make themselves and their corporate donors richer. We're probably fucked no matter who wins this election.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I just saw a tweet from the Secret Service saying they're aware of what Trump said. Holy crap.

    I'm tempted to argue that those token social issues are simply tricks to make people think they're different. I mean, I know I would (At the very least) get weird looks if I told people that the Democratic Party didn't actually care for minorities at all and simply used them to stay in power. But let's be honest here. While individuals in the party may actually care about minorities, I cannot believe that the entire party actually cares in any way..

    No kidding. To add to the disappointment, I keep on hearing talk of how Johnson's not a good Libertarian candidate. Which I suppose doesn't matter to some, but it is still disappointing. Especially because with all my talk of not choosing the lesser of two evils it starts to feel as though voting for him is picking the lesser of three evils.
    Kitty likes this.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I think I heard Trump tried to walk it back again by saying he was being sarcastic? Or maybe that was the excuse for the other shit he's just been spewing, something about how Obama and Hillary are the founders of ISIS. Which, definitely the US has their fingerprints all over all of that mess, but I'm pretty sure Bush deserves plenty of the blame, too.

    Funny how the excuse always seems to be that he was being sarcastic. I'm not sure he knows what that word means, honestly.

    The secret service is probably hoping she gets whacked. There have been former agents who've come out and said she's the shit detail and people can't stand dealing with her. I can see it being true, just by how she appears on camera.

    It's true though. Emails released in the DNC hack show exactly what they think of their usual voting demographics and what I read wasn't pretty.

    I'm not happy that Johnson changed track and said he'd sign the TPP, which I think is disastrous. But then again, I was never fond of his economic policies, anyway. I've seen the Libertarian party described as "love weed, but fuck poor people," and I don't know that that is entirely inaccurate. Still, compared to Hillary and Trump, Johnson and Stein both come out looking pretty rosy.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Certainly. In all honesty I'm pretty sure there's a way to blame Bill Clinton for ISIS as well.

    There's a meme for that somewhere.

    I've heard the stories. Though even if they're hoping somebody tries, they know they've gotta try to prevent it whether they want to or not.

    Unfortunately people will deny it tooth and nail. Also did you read more than the "Taco Bowl" engagement? That's most of what I heard and I never got around to looking at more.

    Yeah, Johnson's support of the TPP is probably my biggest complaint towards him. Due to some (Probably really petty) personal reasons, I've basically unofficially vowed to be forever against the TPP.
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, probably. I know some people blame him for 9/11, saying his administration ignored warnings about the situation over in the middle east.

    I honestly can't remember what all I've read of it. There was a thread on reddit that had a long running list of interesting emails with links and summaries, which is how I found most of it. I haven't had the time to sit and search through them all myself. Mostly what I saw was more along the lines of negative Sanders bullshit, or the DNC working with the media to promote Hillary. What I did see was enough to let me know the establishment doesn't give a shit about me except when they need my vote, and with all of the vote rigging going on, they probably don't even need it.

    I think the TPP is disastrous for US jobs, and there's some nasty shit in there about net neutrality and copyright, from what I understand, that people should be concerned about. I have no idea why Obama is pushing this so hard. I guess once he leaves office, he figures he'll be well rewarded on the speech circuit by the corporations pushing for it. I had thought Johnson was against this, so I was relatively cool with him (especially if he had a more left-leaning Congress), but since he's apparently changed his mind, I just don't know. Jill Stein is still against it, as far as I know, Trump has always claimed to be, but I don't know that I trust him, and of course Hillary is currently pandering to the left and claiming to be against it too, but she was in favor of it before and her VP recently voted to fast track it, so I don't trust her a damn bit.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I think Johnson supports it because some people believe it goes towards free trade, which is supposed to be good for a capitalistic market. And since the Libertarian party is much more pro-capitalism than other parties, it would make sense for them to support it. To be honest though, I'm not sure if other Libertarians support it or just Johnson.

    I'm not sure about it being disastrous for jobs, but you are right about the net neutrality and copyright parts. If I recall correctly, the TPP would almost shut down stuff like YouTube because of changes in copyright. If you're someone like me who uses the internet to watch anime and read manga and do those sorts of (Technically already illegal) things, the TPP would shut that down. In fact, that probably really petty reason why I'm against it is because the author of my favorite manga ever had to prematurely end my favorite manga in order to protect him having the rights to it (The TPP would give the rights of manga series to the publisher instead of the author) and to fight against Japan adopting the TPP.

    One other aspect of the TPP that I read would be that it would allow oil companies to sue governments for loss of profits if a government decided to enact laws to fight climate change. Personally I feel that whether you support the idea of climate change or not, companies should not be allowed to sue governments like that.

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