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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Kitty, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    It's not just oil companies, from what I understand. Any company can sue if they feel a government's regulations cause a loss of profits, and the court is some international panel of corporate stooges, so who do you think they'll favor? Hell, I think a company could sue the government because minimum wage laws cut into their profits. I really don't think we need that.

    Copyright in the US is already fucked, with copyright holders apparently not having any idea what "fair use" means (hence why so many Youtubers' videos are being taken down), and the system overwhelmingly favoring large corporate copyright holders over everyday citizens (using the material legally) when there are disputes. The TPP will make this worse, IMO.

    Of course, it's hard to tell what the damage will be, when almost all of it is still being kept secret from the public. I feel like it will be bad for jobs, because I feel like NAFTA was bad for jobs, particularly in areas like Ohio and Michigan. I think after that was signed, a lot of companies picked up and moved operations to Mexico, and I can see it happening with the TPP, too. I think it takes protections away from workers, gives a big screw you to fair use, and is probably going to come and bite us on the ass down the road. But who knows, maybe I'm totally wrong about it. I suppose we'll see.

    Yeah, I'm not sure either. There's a push going on to get Johnson into the debates. Maybe he'll make it and a moderator can ask him about this. I think we need him there anyway. Debates between Trump and Hillary (all three of them :rolleyes:) are going to be awful.
    Desert Warrior and NeRo like this.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    That makes it much worse. Though I don't know if they would necessarily do something like that with regards to minimum wage. Mostly because one of the arguments I've heard against an enforced minimum wage is that it screws up the market and forces people to take low-skilled work when they shouldn't and takes away those jobs from people who should be there (i.e. high school students). I can't think up a proper explanation for what I'm trying to say unfortunately. What I can think of though is one example people use against a federally mandated minimum wage. Denmark (Or one of the other Nordic countries) has a "minimum wage" that is equivalent to approximately $20 or so. Denmark does not have a federally mandated minimum wage though, so this argument is used to support free markets and less government interference in the economy. There's bound to be more to this argument though that I certainly can't think of right now.

    I have no idea what it could do to jobs, but all this "fair use" stuff really needs to get fixed up. Unfortunately in the case of YouTube though, YouTube's current system doesn't really recognize fair use without the person in question defending there claim. On top of that YouTube doesn't punish people who make false claims against fair use so there is no penalty for a company to flag every video that contains some copyrighted material regardless of fair use.

    I'm really hoping he gets into the debates. Do you know when the first one is scheduled?
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    September 26, according to Google. The other two are October 9 and October 19, with the VP debate on October 4. I'm not sure that I believe that they'll all actually happen, though. I've heard that both camps have been trying to wiggle out of them. Probably because they don't want the people to see that they're both shitbags.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Really? You'd think with the general opinion of Trump Hillary would be raring to go debate him. I mean, I can understand the Republican side of not wanting to do the debates since each time Trump opens his mouth is an attempt to top himself with saying stupid stuff.
    Kitty likes this.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Well, for one, I don't think Hillary is very healthy. There are pictures of her being helped up some steps, looking kind of frail, and just in general, in her latest appearances, she doesn't look well to me. So I think she's trying to avoid that stress. Also, at least if the primary is anything to go by, her numbers tended to drop after debates- it seems the more people see her, the less they like her. Plus, if she gets up in front of a camera, and the moderators actually do their damn jobs instead of coddling her, she might have to answer some tough questions she'd like to avoid, such as how she feels she can be president when the FBI called her extremely careless with national security, or about the Clinton Foundation taking donations from foreign governments and those governments getting weapon deals from her state department, etc. There's a reason she ducked the scheduled debate with Bernie before California's primary, and why she hasn't held press conferences much at all lately.

    As for Trump, well, it's hard to imagine what he could say that would be worse than what he already has. I don't think either of them would come out of a debate smelling like roses, but I actually think it could hurt Hillary worse. Unless of course, Trump takes a fall because he's a plant.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It certainly is hard to imagine Trump saying worse things than he already has, but dammit if it doesn't seem like he's treating the idea as a challenge. Interesting hearing what you're saying about Hillary's health though. I know she's old, but I feel as though I view her as younger than she actually is. Come to think about it I've been told Trump is in his 60s or something and to me he doesn't look that old.
    Kitty likes this.
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm too lazy to confirm, but I think Hillary is 69 and Trump is 68. Or possibly it's reversed, with Trump a year older. Regardless, I feel like he looks a lot healthier than she does. Hell, Bernie at 74 looks healthier and in better shape than she does. I don't know, to me Hillary just seems sick. There are videos on Youtube of her apparently having a seizure on camera (although she tries to pass it off as some absurd overreaction to a reporter's question, so who knows what it really was). I watch it every now and then because I'm a horrible person and it makes me laugh.

    I feel like once I see how he performs at the debates, I'll finally be able to decide if he's a plant or not. It shouldn't be that hard for him to look better than Hillary if he actually wants to. So I'm somewhat looking forward to the first debate. Except the MSM has been in the bag for Hillary all election so far, so I feel like they'll probably go easy on her and not ask any actually important questions, and they'll probably go out of their way to make Trump look bad even if he tries to be a normal human. *shrugs*
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    All the stress Hillary has been going through has probably built up to the breaking point. I feel kinda bad. But it's understandable that Bernie wouldn't necessarily be in as bad a shape if he hasn't been under the same amount of stress. And with those clips of him sprinting places I can understand him being fit.

    Well we've got a month until that first debate. I suppose all we can really do is sit and wait. And maybe find some way to get Johnson polling above 15%.
    Kitty likes this.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't feel bad for her in the slightest. She's a criminal, or, if not exactly breaking the law, still corrupt as fuck and probably a horrible human being. Any decent person who cared about the country would step aside if they're as unhealthy as she looks, or can't handle the stress. Not to mention the fact that who knows what all countries hacked her private damn server and are holding onto her emails waiting for her to get into office so they can blackmail her. Which will probably be the only way people can get favors from her if the Clinton Foundation scam shuts down or quits taking donations from corporations and foreign govt.s as I heard reported.

    Ugh. It's disgraceful that she could be our first woman president. Her supporters are stupid as hell.

    If I end up getting polled, I'll say I'm voting for him to try and get that percentage up. But I kind of doubt I'll get polled- I doubt anyone gives a shit about KY. Only states that matter are those few swing states, unfortunately. But you're right, we just have to wait and see. Hopefully the train wreck will at least be entertaining.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Certainly. But usually when you have people who commit as many crimes as she does, they tend to not be crushed by the stress of it all. At least not that I've seen. I dunno. Maybe I'm just being too empathetic.

    I saw a video the other day where someone was going around asking people if they would rather vote for Jill Stein, Harambe the gorilla, or Deez Nuts. While I was watching it I kept thinking to myself "Why aren't they asking about Johnson. Especially since he's doing so much better in the polls than Stein is."
    Kitty likes this.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Maybe that's why? I mean, he's not polling well enough to really have a chance of winning yet, but he's a lot closer to the debate stage, and I feel like this election might be surprising in the number of people going third party. I think Stein is seen as a joke with no chance, and those other two choices are gags.

    I think things are starting to unravel. You have Wikileaks releasing the DNC emails, that certainly make the primary look shady even if they don't directly implicate her, and they're promising to release Clinton campaign data and other shit that probably will make her look even worse (or what would be the point of releasing it?). She got off without legal repercussions with the email thing, but it hasn't helped her image. And I read somewhere that the IRS and the FBI were both looking into the Clinton Foundation. This election was supposed to be a cake walk for her, and she (or people on her behalf) had to cheat her way through the primary just to beat a senator from a tiny state who hardly anyone had ever heard of before. Her poll numbers are not terrific, especially when you look at the fact that she's running against Trump, another polarizing candidate that people hate, and she still ranks low in trustworthiness and likability among potential voters (even in her own party). The queen's probably losing her shit because her coronation isn't going as smoothly as she planned. And the stress effects her health, which makes voters question whether she's healthy enough for the job, which makes her stress more, etc, etc. Couldn't happen to a more worthy candidate.
    Desert Warrior likes this.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I am voting and I am switching from Democrat to the Green Party to vote for Jill Stein. They talk about voting for Hillary Clinton to stop Trump but I cannot even vote for a liar and someone who can bring just as much harm as Trump. It just doesn't go with me. Jill Stein been knowing about a lot of these things and have been fighting to get into the debates and since she has a high percentage to be in the debates, she can talk about what she can do and tell it how it is.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2016
    Desert Warrior and Kitty like this.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Clinton to FBI: Didn't know parenthetical 'C' stood for classified

    I am sorry, but someone this damned stupid, that brain damaged, or that much of a fucking liar has no business even running for president. And the FBI is full of cowards for letting her get away with it. American people, I know a lot of you really suck, but please have some integrity and vote for someone who is not a piece of crap, thanks.

    Any bets on what Trump will pull this weekend to take the heat off of Hillary for this? 'Cause I'm guessing there will be something.

    No way Jill gets into the debates. The mainstream media is too busy kissing Hillary's ass, and if Jill gains popularity, she'll be pulling votes from Hillary, not Trump. See, you have to actually be included in the polls be to be able to get 15% of the votes, so they just conveniently forget to include her or Johnson. However, I can almost see Johnson managing to get into the debates- for one, he's polling higher (when they include him), and two, I think they figure he'll pull votes from Trump, so pushing him might help Hillary. But then again, with Jill Stein and Gary Johnson in the debates, there might actually be, I dunno, rational discussion about policy, and we can't have that. What America really needs is more Trump talking about dick size and Hillary's legalese gibberish to avoid actually giving an answer.

    Desert Warrior likes this.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Hillary and Trump is already hated so I want Hillary to lose support to Jill. As for mainstream media, I can agree about them praising Hillary. They censored a lot of stuff as well and during the primaries between Bernie and Hillary, a video surfaced in one of the states with the voting being rigged in Hillary's favor (Need to find that video again). They will do anything but 78% of America (Asked that is) wanted Jill and Gary to be in the debates. PBS just censored Jill word's of what she was saying.

    Other than that, I just RSVP to be at a rally in Chicago Jill Stein is starting. And as far as the polls, I remember a couple months ago, Jill was between 12-14% of the votes.
  15. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    A lot of states were rigged in Hillary's favor. This is partly the reason why I want her to lose more than I dislike Trump- I don't think we should reward cheating democracy. There are multiple lawsuits, but I doubt anything will end up coming of them, unfortunately.

    As far as Jill's polling, the numbers I've seen on the national polls were closer to 5% than 12%. I just can't see her being allowed to debate. The establishment obviously doesn't give a crap about what the people want, or they wouldn't be shoving an embarrassingly incompetent Hillary down our throats.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I don't know. I must've read the 12% somewhere else then. I would rather that once Hillary or Trump wins that there will be a revolt Hunger Games style. That is all I am predicting and asking. If Hillary gets in, she better keep her word because we all have the videos and we can all pull up stuff where she promise to do this and that. Still disgusted of Obama supporting Hillary and he knows she's a liar.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Americans are too lazy and politically ignorant to revolt. How many who are legally able even manage to vote? People will rant on the internet for a little after the election, and again whenever Congress/the President have major fuck ups, but then go back to ignoring politics like always.

    If you think Hillary will keep her word on anything besides what she's secretly promised to her donors, the joke's on you. If she wins, I don't expect her to make it even a full term before the House tries to impeach her.
    Desert Warrior and Nova like this.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    It just bugged me since I felt that it was subtle manipulation to prevent people from being informed about him.

    I've been hearing a bit more about her deteriorating health after you spoke about it.

    Good lord I thought that was just a meme. Holy crap I didn't realize she actually said that. Sadly it still won't changer her supporter's minds. Someone I know on Facebook posted a meme saying "Trump is (Insert X number of negative things) but I'm gonna vote for him cuz Hillary managed some emails poorly." I commented that there are other reasons to oppose Hillary, but nobody ever replied to me :(

    Something something commit war crimes against ISIS? Something something ban illegal immigrants? That, or he'll actually use it against her (Which I unfortunately am too paranoid that he is just doing it as an attempt to make it appear like he's not working with her).

    You're not the only one to read about the 12%. I've heard other people talk about her being higher in the polls than she actually is.
    EtherealSummoner and Kitty like this.
  19. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    No, sadly it's not just a meme. There's a whole bunch of shit in the FBI reports recently released- this post on reddit lists some of the insanity (such as the fact that Hillary lost both a laptop and a thumb drive containing confidential emails).

    It's also a lie. In this video of Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange, at around the 4 minute mark, he actually shows an example of Hillary using the (C) and signing the document. So this "I didn't know that meant confidential; I thought it was organizing paragraphs" spiel isn't even incompetence, it's just her inability to be truthful popping up yet again.

    And yes, Hillary supporters are too enamored with their queen to care about her lies and about how unqualified she is

    But since you mentioned memes, this one tickled me earlier today, I suppose because I'm around preschool children all day:

    This is what we have to look forward to.

    I suppose depending on the methodology, some of the polls may show her higher than in the ones I've seen. I personally think she is being purposely underrepresented (for example, in some of the polls, including, I think, the most recent CNN poll, if you read through it, you'll notice that they don't bother to poll 18-34 year olds, or weigh their results very little. Given this was Bernie's prime demographic, I think this group would skew more towards Jill). But I also think so many people just see the two party race that they may not even realize anyone else is running. v_v

    Also, for anyone interested, Gary Johnson and Bill Weld had an AMA the other day. Link.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    This is just depressing. I mean, I don't expect truth from her. I really don't. But I would hope that everybody would realize just how often she lies and why her being in a position of power is a bad thing.

    Love it. At least there's one positive thing to look forward to if she wins the election.

    Does anybody know who is in charge of whatever polls are used to determine if third parties can join the debate stage?
    Kitty likes this.

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