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What are you currently listening to?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ichigo, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Headlights - Drake
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Mr. Curiosity~ Jason Mraz
  3. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    TWEWY soundtrack
  4. Luke

    Luke Member

    The bomb dot com by Sleeping with sirens
  5. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    6 foot 7 foot - lil wayne ft. cory gunz
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DX Eeeeeew to lil wayne... and who is Cory Gunz?

    For Your Glory-Bishop Paul Morton
  7. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    heyy i like my rap. and cory gunz is new upcoming. he really hasnt made a name for himself yet.

    touch it pt.3 - busta rhymes, mary j.blige, missy elliot, papoose, Lloyd
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    DX I haven't been listening to theoverrated artists and hip hop itself in almost 4 years now. I wouldn't even know what songs came out unless the song actually play randomly out of nowhere.

    FFX-2 Eternity-Memory of Lightwaves I don't give a care what people want to say about FFX-2, the game is still good regardless if the battle system is mediocre.
  9. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    Let Go- Red
  10. xDarknessAngelx

    xDarknessAngelx New Member

    Sakura Drops- Utada Hikaru <3
  11. Noir


    Take That - Love Love
    Saw this really good music from X-Men First Class.
  12. Luke

    Luke Member

    You aint no family by iwrestledabearonce
  13. Luke

    Luke Member

    You aint no family by iwrestledabearonce
  14. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Velonica- Aqua Timez
  15. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Scars of Yesterday by DragonForce
  16. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Elena Siegman - Pareidolia ( Black Ops Shangri-La Zombie Theme )
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    115 by Elena Siegman

    I put this song on before I came to the site. Ironic right? lol
  18. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Raion- Jinn
  19. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Fields of Despair by DrsgonForce
  20. Luke

    Luke Member

    Built to Fail by Trivium

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