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What are you currently listening to?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ichigo, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I got an MP3...YOUR LUCKY...
  2. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I like being lucky :)

    Paramore- Misery Business
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Valley of the Damned by DragonForce
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    KHII...Hey anyone know where to find Coded games?
  5. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    I got mine in my local Sainsbury's the day it came out.
    Have you tried ebay?

    Utada Hikaru-Apple and Cinnamon
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    nothing...we try to stay away from ebay in this house...
  7. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Aww, why?
    I mean, ebay literally have everything.

    Utada Hikaru-Apples and Cinnamon
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    yea but the last time I got something from ebay I gave them the mony and didn't get what I paid for...KHII still...
  9. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Oh, I see. You do realize if that happens you can sue?

    I'm listening to my KHII playlist.
  10. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    no I didn't...KHII of my PS2...
  11. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Paramore- Misery Business
  12. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...KHII still
  13. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    What part of the game are you on?

    Utada Hikaru-Apple and Cinnamon
  14. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Agrabah...Trying to meet that trio of girls in the game...
  15. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    yea themm...WAIT YUNA IS IN KHII!!!!
  16. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Yup :). Yuna is in KHII :).

    Utada Hikaru- Come Back To Me
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    well there gose my idea...
  18. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Oh yeah. But you could still get her with Tidus! Somehow...

    Utada Hikaru- Come Back To Me
  19. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    I am sure I could...Maby thats what the game needs!!!

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