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What is the last game you played and rate it!

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by EbeneezerAl, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Pokemon Black. 10/10

    Update on party:

    Simisage, Unfezant, Reshiram- Lv. 95
    Emboar, Stoutland, Sawk- Lv. 96
  2. Noir

    Noir â™”

    Pokemon Black. 10/10
    So your starter was Tepig.. then now it evolved into Emboar. I forgot it's 2nd evolution
  3. DoctorFibbles

    DoctorFibbles New Member

    The game I'm currently playing is SimCity 4 which I played a few years ago but lost it
    It's a fantastic game I must say and even if it's not great graphic wise, everything else is really good about it. SimCity Societies just pales in comparison

    10/10 pretty much the best city building game out there : P
  4. Roxas358

    Roxas358 New Member

    Last game I played?
    Majora's Mask on the N64.

    Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: 10/10 this game had a dark story to it, especially if you beat the side quests.. Operation Moonfall better be a success... <_< >_>
  5. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    Legend of dragoons:5 star game
  6. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2. 9/10
  7. Noir

    Noir â™”

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix.
    Almost complete.
  8. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    ^ I hate you lol

    Pokemon Black. 10/10. 90 Lv. 100s and counting
  9. Key King

    Key King Member

    Lord of The Rings, the two towers.
    This game didn't follow the movie as well as i had hoped (still worth the $2 I payed for it). It dissapointed me with a lack of Ents and Gimili and Legolas were awful characters, Aragorn being the only one who's really playable... Aragorn was a very powerful character and i feel like the game was focused on him, since the other two sucked horribly...
    8/10 :/
  10. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Black Ops. 6/10
  11. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    i think its spelled distrega i dont have my glasses i lost them, but i love ps1 games so 10/10
  12. Noir

    Noir â™”

    Flyff Fly For Hero (Private Server)

    Better than DemonFlyFF. I am now a Hero with 140+ level, I hatched 3 eggs, I currently have 2 cute pets and I have Ultimate weapons. So fast working.. I passed one of my friends.
    Also many girls say f*** and other curse words ._.'
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Pokemon Black. 6/10
  14. maskedXsoldier

    maskedXsoldier New Member

    Portal 2!!! 9/10 its a great game, but its not a very deep story.
  15. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2. 9/10. Shit tone better than CoD
  16. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    WILD ARMS 1 and 2. Best PS1 games. (besides legend of dragoons) Beat both games (the second one had TWO DISCS!!!!) took a while because i havent played in so long.
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Pokemon Black. 10/10
  18. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. 8/10 It's pretty fun, but I don't really like the story mode, it's alright.
  19. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    The World Ends With You 10/10
    I was fighting the coffee guy on Ultra or something like that with my health bar all the way down and my teammate on manual, GOT MY AZZ WOOPED :p
  20. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Mortal Kombat. 10/10

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