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What is the most frustrating challenges you faced?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by RoxasxKairi, Jan 3, 2009.

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  1. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    xaldin ^^'
    too many whirlwind lances he bet me many times T.T
  2. JohnyBoySly

    JohnyBoySly New Member

    it would so cool if there was a Kingdom Hearts Galaxy
  3. RoxasxKairi

    RoxasxKairi New Member


    also another difficult challenge when you know before you have to fight Demyx, Sora comes to Leon and the others and Sora has to fight all the nobodys ya know, like when you kill all of the nobodies, there were more and stuff, like I got so mad cause the nobodies keep on like swinging me ya know, and knocking me up the air and stuff. I wanted to use reflect but I didn't know what buttons to push! D:
  4. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    It's dancing nobodies. yeah, it's hard to dodge. But if you use magnet, it will be simple. And use shortcuts in the menu, then click L1+any buttons do you want
  5. JohnyBoySly

    JohnyBoySly New Member

    Sypher was waaaaaay easy
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    he was pretty easy. even on proud sypher was still easy.
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